Abortion is illegal in Texas

When the Republicans got into power in 2017, they promised “repeal and replace” and they didn’t do squat. They left it in place except for the penalty for people that don’t buy coverage (and that change was in the one and only substantial legislation they actually passed - a tax cut for the rich). They block when they are in the minority, and they do nothing when they are in the majority. Then they go out on the campaign trail saying “See, Washington doesn’t work! Government bad!” Yeah, they refuse to do anything, and blame ”Washington” for their own failings.

They tried. I blame McCain for that one.
Oh hell to the YES.

Screen Shot 2021-09-09 at 12.50.19 PM.png
It's getting interesting.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1436043461589880834/

As good as this is, I feel like this is going to be Republicans’ modus operandi going forward - pass all kinds of insane legislation and then gum up the courts fighting it. And a good reason for that, like a lot of things Republican these days, is there is absolutely no price to pay for attempting to do so. So something gets reversed, boo hoo, just call it some kind of Democrat power grab or witch hunt and they’ve maintained their supporters. It becomes less about the abhorrent details of what they tried to pull off and more about Democrats preventing them from pulling it off.
As good as this is, I feel like this is going to be Republicans’ modus operandi going forward - pass all kinds of insane legislation and then gum up the courts fighting it. And a good reason for that, like a lot of things Republican these days, is there is absolutely no price to pay for attempting to do so. So something gets reversed, boo hoo, just call it some kind of Democrat power grab or witch hunt and they’ve maintained their supporters. It becomes less about the abhorrent details of what they tried to pull off and more about Democrats preventing them from pulling it off.
It might be nice if there was some kind of penalty for intentionally passing unconstitutional laws.
It might be nice if there was some kind of penalty for intentionally passing unconstitutional laws.
The only penalty these politicians understand is being thrown out of office through the electoral process, which is why they spend so much time working to make it difficult for constituents to vote for their opponents. Nothing will change until the people who vote for them realize that all they care about is staying in power. This is the agenda of the Republican party, which has no substantive platform to address any of the problems facing society.
The only penalty these politicians understand is being thrown out of office through the electoral process, which is why they spend so much time working to make it difficult for constituents to vote for their opponents. Nothing will change until the people who vote for them realize that all they care about is staying in power. This is the agenda of the Republican party, which has no substantive platform to address any of the problems facing society.
…and you have to ask yourself why are these ass holes still being elected? And the answer is not encouraging as you look to your left and right and get the answer. Sheep ready for shearing.. :oops:
I’m just glad Abbott has somehow discovered the best way to eradicate rape.

I don’t understand the right’s obsession with abortion. I DO understand why some don’t think it’s a good option, and even though I disagree, I can understand why some think life starts at conception. What I don’t get, is a party who can’t even collectively admit the cops are wrong when they kneel on a black guy’s neck for twelve minutes and kill him, or bust into the wrong house and murder the tenants are so obsessed with the word “life”.

Seems to me to be more of a way to grandstand and talk about how holy they are. I’m pro-choice, not “pro-abortion”. The party whining about wearing a mask during a pandemic or getting a vaccine wants to tell a woman THEY have decided she must go through with her pregnancy, her decision or that of a doctor be damned. Just what we need, neighbors calling the police on their female neighbor who miscarried. Or someone who terminates a rape pregnancy and now has to deal with lawsuits or the cops on top of it.

We need to seriously wake up and realize that regardless of what we think of abortion, the only person who should be making any decisions is the woman who’s body were talking about.