All things Fox News

Now there is a big fight over what will happen to NewsCorp

… Murdoch was concerned that interference from his other three children – who are more politically moderate than Lachlan and their father – could influence the companies’ editorial stance. By granting control to only Lachlan, Murdoch is arguing in court, he is protecting the companies’ value – which then benefits all his heirs …

In response, the other three siblings have joined together to mount a legal challenge, arguing that their father is not acting in good faith and violating the spirit that the trust was created in

The other 3 are "more moderate" than Rupert and Lachlan – there is a vast amount of room between those 2 and actual moderate. There could be real changes in how Fox is run if the other kids prevail, but it will not be real soon.
Now there is a big fight over what will happen to NewsCorp

… Murdoch was concerned that interference from his other three children – who are more politically moderate than Lachlan and their father – could influence the companies’ editorial stance. By granting control to only Lachlan, Murdoch is arguing in court, he is protecting the companies’ value – which then benefits all his heirs …
In response, the other three siblings have joined together to mount a legal challenge, arguing that their father is not acting in good faith and violating the spirit that the trust was created in

The other 3 are "more moderate" than Rupert and Lachlan – there is a vast amount of room between those 2 and actual moderate. There could be real changes in how Fox is run if the other kids prevail, but it will not be real soon.
The Pivot podcast covered this story today and one person suggested that this is all about politics for RM, which I’m sure is true to a point, but the notion that Fox News would drop in value if it becomes more moderate rings true to me. Fox is a very specific kind of golden goose, and the more psychotic viewers would certainly bail if conspiracy theories were displaced with (shudder) accuracy.
Didn’t want to start a new thread about this and I consider it related because Jon Voight’s brain has been seized by right wing propaganda, much like my father’s before he passed. Fox and Tucker both get mentions. Good article.

He’s a great actor, but 🖕🏼him just the same.

Suing Fox News like Dominion. One depressing thing he comments on US elections:

“We’ve participated in elections in, I think, 37 countries, many of them in the developing world — immature democracies, or whatever you want to call them,” he said. “Like Venezuela, which is not a democracy anymore. Or the Philippines or Kenya, places that are definitely at a different stage in their democracies and in their socioeconomic development. And I think what’s been happening in the U.S. recently, and more specifically with the last election, was kind of a regression into that stage. So the U.S. has basically behaved as if it was any other developing country on the political front.”