Apple Intelligence impressions?


Site Champ
Oct 18, 2021
Is anyone else here using a .1 beta with enabled Apple intelligence? If so, what are your thoughts and impressions so far?

I really like the automatic email summaries; they work really well! Also, writing tools are a good replacement for Grammarly in a lot of cases, but the UI needs some improvements. The tool to transform text into tables is amazing. Reply suggestions are okay, very situational though. Overall, I really like how Apple is focusing on small, practical things that genuinely have the potential to be useful for the users.
I have it, but have yet to find a case where I could use it. The quick reply suggestions, as leman said, are situation. I haven't found myself in a situation where any of the suggestions would work. So far it's all just getting in my way.
Text into tables? I’m using .1 but haven’t run into that. Is that in notes or something?
Is anyone else here using a .1 beta with enabled Apple intelligence? If so, what are your thoughts and impressions so far?

I really like the automatic email summaries; they work really well! Also, writing tools are a good replacement for Grammarly in a lot of cases, but the UI needs some improvements. The tool to transform text into tables is amazing. Reply suggestions are okay, very situational though. Overall, I really like how Apple is focusing on small, practical things that genuinely have the potential to be useful for the users.
I haven’t had the chance to use it yet. I am happy to hear it’s working well so far. I am most curious how well voice transcriptions work. I always found Apple’s dictation and transcription accuracy are a little behind the state of the art, so I am hoping for big improvements there.

Overall I think their approach of targeted tools for practical day to day use much more appealing than an all powerful bot.
Text into tables? I’m using .1 but haven’t run into that. Is that in notes or something?

It's part of the writing tools interface, along with making lists and summaries. Right now, it seems a bit unstable and often fails with a message "tools not available", but when it works, it works really well.

How about a good spell check and corrections while typing? That's what I need realll bad.

The proofread feature seems to work well for me. I have been using it to write all kinds of content, and it generally does a god job fixing mistakes without changing the tone or content. Maybe you noticed how my posts have fewer typos lately :D The interface needs some improvements — the tool currently does not show the changes made when used outside of notes.
I was going crazy the last week or so because on my iPad Pro (which is running 18.1 beta), swiping up from the bottom was working only very intermittently. I found that I could only reliably get it to work by holding my finger for a beat on the bottom edge before swiping up. Swiping right/left between open apps had the same problem.

This morning I accidentally triggered “type to siri” (which happens when you double-tap on the white bar at the bottom of the screen). It occurred to me that what might be happening is that the OS is waiting to see if I am going to tap a second time when I try to swipe, and is getting confused (hopefully a temporary bug). Going into setting and disabling “type to siri” in the “apple intelligence & siri” settings resolved my swiping issue.

So now I’m happy.
Maybe a bit off-topic.
I would love to have a better Spam-filter for my emails. This would be a field where i really could enjoy the benefits of so called AI.
yeah, but you want that on the server-side, no?

I use Fastmail, and find that the spam filter is pretty good. I added a few rules of my own, and now I see maybe one spam a week,
Spam filters are some of the earlier uses of machine learning (now called AI). Especially if you have a good source of legit e-mails, along with a bunch of reported spam e-mails, it’s not too difficult to train a model to do detection. This is basic classification work which ML models are pretty good at.

The main issue when I was spending more time on the model training side of things, is that a trained classification model can be measured in terms of precision and recall. However, at the time, it was clear that getting to 100% precision and recall was basically folly, and that as you trained for precision, you tended to lose recall, and vice versa. There’s bound to be new tricks, but I’m pretty confident that using ML to get even a 99% effective spam filter is not an easy task even today. And spammers are actively trying to alter their e-mails to get around the classification these models do. A bit like how juggalo makeup can fool some facial recognition models.

I’d be surprised if spam filters today didn’t use some sort of ML unless it’s an ISP filter where they simply don’t care. Especially since things like ‘report as spam’ are used to flag e-mails to include in the training set.
Maybe a bit off-topic.
I would love to have a better Spam-filter for my emails. This would be a field where i really could enjoy the benefits of so called AI.
I get more spam in my iCloud account than my main account and two Gmail accounts combined. Apple really does need to address this.
I get more spam in my iCloud account than my main account and two Gmail accounts combined. Apple really does need to address this.

Google also gets quite a bit more spam to use as training data. Something that is a bit hard to overcome without working with other smaller players in e-mail (or a service) to build and train the detection models.

That said, I’ve had good luck with Zoho’s filters. They tend to pull up false positives, but since it’s marketing mails from things like Uber and DoorDash, I’m fine with that.

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