Biden is out

Well, it’ll either go really well or really bad. I still contend Biden could have defeated Trump again, but now we will never know for sure. The hard work is still ahead. I’ve seen some say this will be the shot in the arm dems needed, though I’m skeptical because it’s not like I’ve seen a lot of the general public clamoring for Harris or any other dem.

Hopefully, the support and enthusiasm will materialize. It would be much better for Harris to win an election than for Biden to win and hand the reigns over (not that there’s anything wrong with that, but the republicans would accuse her of being “installed”)

We’ll see how it goes, but dems have got to get their shit together and fast.

I still think Trump loses and I’ll admit I was wrong when and if that happens. He’s too toxic.
I left on a 2 week business trip on the morning Trump was shot. Still have 6 days to go. Wonder what other crazy things will happen before I get home.

Harris/Buttigieg ?
I would take that ticket. The timing feels right all considering, feels like Trump is peaking too soon.
The only 2 presidents renouncing a second term in modern times were Truman and Johnson, and the dems lost both elections.
Let's hope the electorate is wiser this time. Not holding my breath.
The only 2 presidents renouncing a second term in modern times were Truman and Johnson, and the dems lost both elections.
Let's hope the electorate is wiser this time. Not holding my breath.
Precedent is not on our side. Let's hope that the fact that the challenger is a convicted felon sex offender plays a role.
I left on a 2 week business trip on the morning Trump was shot. Still have 6 days to go. Wonder what other crazy things will happen before I get home.

Harris/Buttigieg ?

That would be my choice. Though I'd really would have preferred and enjoyed watching Buttigieg tear trump apart in the debate(s) (assuming there will be another debate).
I see two ways to go. Harris/Buttigieg would probably activate the democrats to actually turn up at the polls. But something like Whitmer/Shapiro likely wins you two important swing states.
Just saw this. Regardless of what I’ve said about my feelings about his continued candidacy, it makes me feel sad to see his career end this way.

Me too, but he has nothing to be ashamed about. He’s been one of the most effective presidents of my lifetime, more so than Obama, and he did it during a time of intense division and disarray - and open criminality among the other party who tried and failed to paint him as a criminal when their own guy is literally that.

I wish he hadn’t been forced out and been given a bit more grace, but just like the R’s say Trump was the candidate they needed at the time (🙄), I think it’s actually true of Biden.

No time for sulking, he did a damn good job and he’ll be effective in rallying support for Harris and whoever she runs with.
No matter what, if I’m Biden, I resign from office just before the end of the term and make sure, one way or another, we get a female president for at least a day.