COVID Stupid

Unvaccinated, getting the original 2020 edition of Covid-19, purposely remaining unvaccinated, and then getting infected by the Omicron variant and dying is no way to go through life. Also, Texas is now home to the first U.S. Omicron death
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1473133185068371972/
Quite the read from a doc, assuming it’s true.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1472847303518171136/
I cannot verify, but I believe this 100% because my daughter became a nurse August 2019. She has told me a lot of stories of patients that she has taken care of that is very similar to this story. Every single one of her patients who were unvaccinated say the same thing. "I wish I had gotten the vaccine."
I cannot verify, but I believe this 100% because my daughter became a nurse August 2019. She has told me a lot of stories of patients that she has taken care of that is very similar to this story. Every single one of her patients who were unvaccinated say the same thing. "I wish I had gotten the vaccine."
I, too, can't verify this particular account, but it's typical of what I'm hearing from HCWs across the nation, especially in ICUs. Often, it's the relatives that scream for the care team to give their family member a vaccine or some unproven therapy like ivermectin — the patient is usually too far gone to speak for themselves. I'd think Kool Aid would be a better choice, since that's what they've been drinking all along. The damage to our healthcare system is horrendous, and will be with us for decades to come.
This f-wit
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1473039073535213570/
Threatening a government official, which Dr. Fauci is as head of the NIAID, is a Federal offense. I'm not an attorney, but I would think Mr. Watters should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. And, if that's not possible, he should be sued in a civil action.
I, too, can't verify this particular account, but it's typical of what I'm hearing from HCWs across the nation, especially in ICUs. Often, it's the relatives that scream for the care team to give their family member a vaccine or some unproven therapy like ivermectin — the patient is usually too far gone to speak for themselves. I'd think Kool Aid would be a better choice, since that's what they've been drinking all along. The damage to our healthcare system is horrendous, and will be with us for decades to come.
This story sounds partially made up, though it could easily happen in a particular hospital I worked at even pre-COVID.
The NDs from Trump University, Dunning-Kruger School of Medicine are pretty hard to reason with.
Threatening a government official, which Dr. Fauci is as head of the NIAID, is a Federal offense. I'm not an attorney, but I would think Mr. Watters should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. And, if that's not possible, he should be sued in a civil action.
This rhetoric is very concerning. I wonder why these people made it their mission to be on the wrong side of every major issue of my lifetime. So the evidence to support Climate Change is insufficient, but the lacking evidence to support the lab leak hypothesis is more than sufficient to justify advocating for murdering public servants over.
Even I hope this is an actress and this is an act. If not, it's proof that there maybe no bottom to the rabbit hole these people have thrown themselves down.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1473307884314402818/

Threatening a government official, which Dr. Fauci is as head of the NIAID, is a Federal offense. I'm not an attorney, but I would think Mr. Watters should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. And, if that's not possible, he should be sued in a civil action.

He's a faux news employee, he's going to hide behind magic context. He'll claim he was just using "colorful" language to help make his point because he's so emotional about the topic, for when one confronts Dr. Fauci with some supposed list of "facts" from reddit. It's a continuation of the stupid every since we had Palin and her targets all those years ago. Yes the f-wit full well knows what he is saying is incendiary, but of course doesn't want to deal the consequences if some nut ( that he is fully aware is out there ) does get motivated by his words.
This story sounds partially made up, though it could easily happen in a particular hospital I worked at even pre-COVID.
The NDs from Trump University, Dunning-Kruger School of Medicine are pretty hard to reason with.

This rhetoric is very concerning. I wonder why these people made it their mission to be on the wrong side of every major issue of my lifetime. So the evidence to support Climate Change is insufficient, but the lacking evidence to support the lab leak hypothesis is more than sufficient to justify advocating for murdering public servants over.

Not taking away from your experience, but my daughter has been screamed at and threatened to the point where she reported it to the police, by family members of dying Covid patients. They accused her of not taking care of their family members, told to "just give them X and it will cure them", and in one instance she was threatened that if she mentioned the Covid hoax one more time they would come down and "beat her ass."

In another incident that I personally witnessed. During the height of last winter, I was in my car waiting to get tested, but thankfully I only had a cold. I don't know the back story, but a gentleman was trying to get into the hospital that was closed to the public, and was charging from across the parking lot with balled fists. The hospital security and police staff were telling him to stand down, but he kept on coming. Then all hell broke loose, and he was saying something about a loved one and just need to tell the doctor something, as they over powered him and hauled him away.

People have absolutely lost their minds in the last nearly two years of dealing with this. I don't doubt the story at all, especially after seeing all the "Karen" examples out on social media. Hell if you told me it was MTG or the other nut job in congress, I wouldn't have questioned the story any less.
Not taking away from your experience, but my daughter has been screamed at and threatened to the point where she reported it to the police, by family members of dying Covid patients. They accused her of not taking care of their family members, told to "just give them X and it will cure them", and in one instance she was threatened that if she mentioned the Covid hoax one more time they would come down and "beat her ass."

In another incident that I personally witnessed. During the height of last winter, I was in my car waiting to get tested, but thankfully I only had a cold. I don't know the back story, but a gentleman was trying to get into the hospital that was closed to the public, and was charging from across the parking lot with balled fists. The hospital security and police staff were telling him to stand down, but he kept on coming. Then all hell broke loose, and he was saying something about a loved one and just need to tell the doctor something, as they over powered him and hauled him away.

People have absolutely lost their minds in the last nearly two years of dealing with this. I don't doubt the story at all, especially after seeing all the "Karen" examples out on social media. Hell if you told me it was MTG or the other nut job in congress, I wouldn't have questioned the story any less.
The be clear, my skepticism is about the response to a broken nose, potential concussion and immediate resignation as a physician, not about being punched. The hospital I worked at, half the patients were honestly convinced they knew more about medicine than I do and I've had family members who wanted to beat me up too. My wife is regularly called a "bitch" by patients.
The be clear, my skepticism is about the response to a broken nose, potential concussion and immediate resignation as a physician, not about being punched. The hospital I worked at, half the patients were honestly convinced they knew more about medicine than I do and I've had family members who wanted to beat me up too. My wife is regularly called a "bitch" by patients.
Ah gotcha, no worries. I am usually skeptical myself, but as of late... the constant crazy coming from the right has made me believe just about anything.

Today's HC awardee...

Holy shit this lung.

Normal Chest Xray for comparison:
He's a faux news employee, he's going to hide behind magic context. He'll claim he was just using "colorful" language to help make his point because he's so emotional about the topic, for when one confronts Dr. Fauci with some supposed list of "facts" from reddit. It's a continuation of the stupid every since we had Palin and her targets all those years ago. Yes the f-wit full well knows what he is saying is incendiary, but of course doesn't want to deal the consequences if some nut ( that he is fully aware is out there ) does get motivated by his words.
The DOJ should make it clear that anyone who issues threats like this will be prosecuted no matter what their claims. At some point, these Fox "News" people will have to be held accountable.