COVID Stupid

I still don't understand what it hurts to give it ( the real one for humans, not the horse dewormer paste) to them. They are most likely going to die anyway, so why not. The side effects are mild so if they recover, there likely won't be any long-term issues from having taken it.
I still don't understand what it hurts to give it ( the real one for humans, not the horse dewormer paste) to them. They are most likely going to die anyway, so why not. The side effects are mild so if they recover, there likely won't be any long-term issues from having taken it.
Hippocratic oath. It can’t help them, and it can only hurt them. So you are asking doctors, who swear to do no harm, to prescribe medicines in contradiction to FDA-authorized use, where the use can, at best, do no good, and at worst can make the patient sick.

All so that a bunch of politicians who have invested in the stock of the companies who make this garbage can make more money.
They just get better and better. In this case I think the judge should be charged with accomplice to murder.

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The few cases I've looked at the judgement happened far beyond the acute phase of COVID. The patients were already in multi-organ failure, etc.
I still don't understand what it hurts to give it ( the real one for humans, not the horse dewormer paste) to them. They are most likely going to die anyway, so why not. The side effects are mild so if they recover, there likely won't be any long-term issues from having taken it.
This statement couldn't be more wrong. You think twice about giving any drug to someone in multi-organ failure. Direct drug-induced toxicity is complicated by drug-drug interactions in critically ill patients who are usually on a million drugs and sprinkle the dysfunction of the detoxing organs (kidney and liver) and a failing circulation on that mix.

Judges who order physicians to prescribe ivermectin should either share medical malpractice liability, or exempt providers from it.
The few cases I've looked at the judgement happened far beyond the acute phase of COVID. The patients were already in multi-organ failure, etc.

This statement couldn't be more wrong. You think twice about giving any drug to someone in multi-organ failure. Direct drug-induced toxicity is complicated by drug-drug interactions in critically ill patients who are usually on a million drugs and sprinkle the dysfunction of the detoxing organs (kidney and liver) and a failing circulation on that mix.

Judges who order physicians to prescribe ivermectin should either share medical malpractice liability, or exempt providers from it.
Thank goodness that we make doctors go to medical school...
poor little gullible covid lovers

TGA issues warning about counterfeit ivermectin products and using them to treat COVID-19​

Wait, so,
linked story said:
It found that, of the products tested, three had less than the active ingredient amount advertised on the label.
But one of the problems was that people were taking horse dosages (at least 5 times too much): if there is less in the product, would that not be better? (ignoring that the extra non-ivermectin part might be whoknowswhat)
A lad who works on the shop floor at my work is off with Covid and has not been vaccinated. I was talking to him just a couple of weeks ago about it and he’d read ‘loads of stuff’ about how the vaccine was rushed out and not tested properly. It also doesn’t cover you fully as the survival rate is 99.2% anyway he said. It’s all a power grab by the governments of the world and once they’ve forgotten about covid, the restrictions will remain to control us indefinitely. It was interesting to listen to someone who had read and absorbed a monumental amount of unfounded shite and reminded me of my cousin who spends all day everyday retweeting anti-vax bollocks on twitter.

The lad at work is in hospital at the moment with covid and thankfully he’s ok with a bit of help from our fantastic NHS. He’s 32 years old and is occupying a bed unnecessarily at the moment due to his choices, bless him.
Belongs here. Southwest CEO says masks are not necessary for Southwest flights, because of how good HEPA filters they have on the plane.

The day after Southwest CEO Gary Kelly suggested at a Senate hearing that wearing masks on a plane was not necessary, Bastian said he doesn't agree. He said masks would be necessary for the foreseeable future.
"I don't know that I agree with Gary's remarks, particularly as we see Omicron continue to enter into our country," Bastian said in an interview on CNBC. "Masks are going to be important as a safeguard for a while yet."
Kelly and two other airline CEOs -- Doug Parker of American Airlines and Scott Kirby of United -- testified Wednesday about the financial support that the federal government provided to the US airline industry in 2020 and 2021. But Kelly was asked by the ranking Republican on the committee, Roger Wicker, if he thought that masks were still needed on planes.

"I think the case is very strong that masks don't add much, if anything, in the air cabin environment. It is very safe and very high quality compared to any other indoor setting," said Kelly.
Parker appeared at the hearing to agree with Kelly, saying, "I concur. An aircraft is the safest place you can be. It's true of all of our aircraft — they all have the same HEPA filters and air flow." But after the hearing American Airlines walked back Parker's remarks, saying that his concurrence with Kelly was on the point about the quality of the air in the aircraft cabin, not mask requirements.

Well, I flew Southwest in March and those assholes ignored COVID precautions so blatantly even then that I will never ever fly SW again. Because of their seating policy (first come first serve), it's Mortal Kombat and packed lines and then packed seating. It was a WTF moment when me and my fully vaccinated wife got seated between some assholes who couldn't even wear their objectively useless gaiters right.

So SW can't even meet droplet precautions (people coughing in your face) but this asshole is trying to sell airborne precautions as a replacement for masks? * COVID spreading on flights is a well documented phenomenon, and I know physicians who got COVID on flights personally (I.e. they know how to wear a mask) , so this is horseshit.
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How do we not get to call this sort of person the real "woke" asshole?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1471586976893652997/

These asshats are always comparing themselves to the Jewish people who actually suffered under nazis or like POC they wouldn't be caught dead living 60 seconds of their actual lives. You are NOT a human being going thru some things. You're an asshole who seems racist, trivializing the suffering of others because you're being inconvenienced for a short bit of time.

When your state isn't big on mandates or vaccines, and you have to take matters into your own hands

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1471573837959544842/

You better discover patience.
When your state isn't big on mandates or vaccines, and you have to take matters into your own hands

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1471573837959544842/

You better discover patience.
Meanwhile, there is no line at the vaccine tent. Just shows you how stupid people can be. Sit in line for hours for a test, when you could just get the vaccine for free and be back home before those other people even get to the end of the line.

We’re all kind of stupid to begin with, but the tribal nature of politics paired with misanthropic Republican politicians makes them dumber. The “great” America has more COVID deaths than any other country in the world.
Judge: No, you can't stop your ex-wife from vaccinating your children. Oh, and since your entire lawsuit is based on bullshiat, you're not allowed to talk to them about COVID either
Judge: No, you can't stop your ex-wife from vaccinating your children. Oh, and since your entire lawsuit is based on bullshiat, you're not allowed to talk to them about COVID either
Meanwhile in America, we have Supreme Court justices who actually believe the “vaccines are abortion” nonsense.