COVID Stupid

Robert F Kennedy is not a left-wing speaker. He’s a long time anti-vax nutbag. He’s been on that crazy train for more than a decade, claiming vaccines cause autism.

Come on, man…
Robert Kennedy made the news today:

He knows the vaccine saves lives, and requires people to get it before coming to his house. But he gets out there and tells people not to get it so he can get attention and money. He is truly appalling.

This revelation along with the Fox News text messages about Jan 6 are proof that the right-wing talking heads and the anti-vaxxers are lying to their followers, just as we’ve been saying all along.

Will this clear and obvious proof change minds? I surely hope so, but people that follow end-of-the-world cults tend to stick with it even after the “doomsday” passes with no armageddon, and the cult leaders make up some new date for the “real” end of the world.
Robert Kennedy made the news today:

He knows the vaccine saves lives, and requires people to get it before coming to his house. But he gets out there and tells people not to get it so he can get attention and money. He is truly appalling.

This revelation along with the Fox News text messages about Jan 6 are proof that the right-wing talking heads and the anti-vaxxers are lying to their followers, just as we’ve been saying all along.

Will this clear and obvious proof change minds? I surely hope so, but people that follow end-of-the-world cults tend to stick with it even after the “doomsday” passes with no armageddon, and the cult leaders make up some new date for the “real” end of the world.
This is what I'm referring to. These people know the stats and use this knowledge to achieve their goals.
Information is power, and even common knowledge can empower if you reduce the number of informed through disinformation.
Yeah that was a hot topic between March 2020 and July 2020 wasn’t it?

I’d be interested to see the daily stats on people dying from inhaling their own carbon dioxide as I haven’t heard anything about it for over a year now.
Duh, they’re obviously hiding those deaths by registering them as fake covid deaths, just like they are doing with all the vaccine deaths! :poop:

Yikes, that hurt to write.
Thank goodness that we make doctors go to medical school...
Unfortunately, we don't test them for qualities (empathy, compassion, ability to think critically, to name just three) that are just as important to delivery of health care. Too many doctors are contributing to the problem, whether through ignorance or greed.
Just found out my sister, who has long covid from march 2020, and who got two shots and a booster, just got covid again. Omicron is not going to be pleasant, looks like.
Yeah, I've cancelled all of my holiday plans, just not worth the risk. Hope the best for your sister.
This Omicron thing is scary. It is moving way too fast. I'm still feeling sad about having missed out on a concert which normally I would have attended, but I did was what I felt was right for me and canceled out. Now I am worrying about the artist who performed and also the friends who DID attend that concert......
This Omicron thing is scary. It is moving way too fast. I'm still feeling sad about having missed out on a concert which normally I would have attended, but I did was what I felt was right for me and canceled out. Now I am worrying about the artist who performed and also the friends who DID attend that concert......
The one thing that most experts seem to agree on about the Omicron variant is that it spreads more rapidly than the wild type or other previous variants, including Delta. My best guess is that case counts in the U.S. will rise quickly and Omicron will be the dominant strain in less than a week. Beyond that, it's hard to say because there are so many variables, including protection from prior infection and/or vaccination, as well as how intrinsically severe is COVID-19 infection from Omicron. But there are oddities — for example, the wave in Gauteng, South Africa seems to be cresting.

I don't think panic is warranted, but people should:
  • Get fully vaccinated (that's three doses of an mRNA vaccine — we shouldn't call the 3rd dose a booster)
  • Limit indoor interactions with unmasked people outside your immediate household
  • Do a rapid antigen test if you must get together with others over the holidays
  • Have a low threshold for self-testing and quarantining
Key point: The likelihood of becoming severely ill or dying from COVID-19 is much less than it was in 2020, and we have many tools that weren't available then. For example, Pfizer's anti-viral drug nirmatrelvir, given along with ritonavir (they're available in combination or separately) is very effective if given within a few days of symptom onset. The European Medicines Agency is recommending it for “adults with COVID-19 who do not require supplemental oxygen and who are at increased risk of progressing to severe disease.” I suspect the FDA will follow suit and provide EUA very soon.

If there were ever a good reason to invoke the Defense Production Act to enable widespread manufacturing and dissemination of these drugs, this is it. And this should happen worldwide.
Please make the stupid stop

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1471907601491365891/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1471915625496731648/
What these people are trying to elude to in the dumbest possible way is Years of Life Lost. Which is estimated to be about a decade for the US population. But interpreting those numbers takes some effort.
Chap2: Overheard at the gym
  • Ind A: Mandates! (teeth gnashing, 50-60ish white man appears worse for wear, with long hair, a substantial red handkerchief hanging out rear pocket of his dungarees (there for, appearances), works on an oil rig.)
  • Ind A: When they can mandate what you stick in your arm, IT’S ALL OVER man!!
  • Ind B: (slight disagreement, unintelligible) but if I was younger I might feel that way. (70-80ish white man)
  • Ind A: Do you believe in the Bible?
  • Ind B: Yes (hesitant).
  • Ind A: Are you familiar with the Old Testament story about (unintelligible)?
  • Ind B: I don’t really read the Bible.
  • Ind A: Oh, that’s ok….I Huntn walked out of eves-dropping range.
The perfect storm, COVID STUPID, the Old Testament, and the same guy whose “ready to take it back, just waiting for the call”. I did not catch the name of the Old Testament story or I might have hung around to try to hear it’s pearls of wisdom. :unsure: I really need to find some noise cancelling ear pieces for when in the gym. .:oops:
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Well-p, I've been exposed by proxy. My dad went to his eye doctor 5 days ago, and today, he got a call from their office saying that said doctor has now tested positive for covid, and was showing his first symptoms during the visit. Since my dad has no sense of table manners whatsoever, always coughing and sneezing with only the most minute effort made to block it, and I go over there every other day for random reasons, there's a very slight chance I may have come in contact with it.

In the meanwhile, I'm getting tested tomorrow, likely too early, and plan on stuffing my face in case my sense of taste goes.
Well-p, I've been exposed by proxy. My dad went to his eye doctor 5 days ago
I'd say it's a significant exposure given the proximity necessary with the ophtho equipment.
The recent week has been the first time I've been happy about wearing a faceshield and an N95 at clinic.
In the meanwhile, I'm getting tested tomorrow, likely too early, and plan on stuffing my face in case my sense of taste goes.
Haha. This made me chuckle. Best of luck! Don't convert COVID into food poisoning tho.
Founder of the GOP stupidity caucus has surfaced again. With newer members like Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor-Green getting all the Press these days, Sarah Palin wants to remind everybody she started the moron movement…

Palin appeared at Turning Point USA’s “AmericaFest 2021” conference in Phoenix, AZ — where she spoke on stage with the organization’s founder, Charlie Kirk. During this conversation, Kirk and the crowd cheered when Palin established her anti-vaccine stance and said “it’ll be over my dead body that I’ll have to get a shot. I will not do that. I won’t do it, and they better not touch my kids either.”
We’ve got nearly a million dead bodies from COVID-19 already…