COVID Stupid

You know, I’d always heard that a lot of Republicans don't give a shit because they’re expecting the End Times. I’d always put that down to a gross exaggeration.

And then…

My favorite response
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1431737441304682497/

The problem? He isn't speaking for just 'R's. He's elected to run a state filled with a variety of people. So for anyone not republican, or republican who's taken the vaccine, wears a mask, and wants to live... Evidently 'F' 'em?

God will sort it out?

That's NOT the sentiments I want from the guy in charge of running things in a state that is worried about taking on anymore patients.
Tate Reeves is about to lose half his state to Ida. Maybe between Ida and Covid there will be one less R state by next week.
The list of famous anti-vaxxers dying from COVID grows. This prick took up an ICU bed for 3 weeks before he bought it. I can find no sympathy. Fuck him.

First Rush Limbaugh died, now a few more right-wing radio “personalities” have died of coronavirus. Seems like there’s a bit of a vacuum there. Could be an opening for somebody who’s always wanted to host their own show...
Those aren't "portable morgues" heading to Florida amid "unprecedented deaths", they're "freedom fridges" heading to Florida amid "unprecedented patriotism"

14 Portable Morgues Heading To Central Florida Hospitals Amid ‘Unprecedented Deaths’​

First Rush Limbaugh died, now a few more right-wing radio “personalities” have died of coronavirus. Seems like there’s a bit of a vacuum there. Could be an opening for somebody who’s always wanted to host their own show...
Oh, I’m sure. The line of people with big mouths and empty heads is a long one.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1431697246911877122/

If your reaction to mask requirements where they've been clearly in place for more than a year involve the 'n' word, I'm thinking wearing a mask isn't your real issue.

Yet, these people lose their shit when they hear a military leader use the term "white rage".
Some follow up on this incident. Still, it's highly concerting that he wasn't taken into custody much sooner. Heck, try to walk through airport security with a large tube of toothpaste and you'll be wrestled to the ground by TSA agents in seconds...
From that follow up link:

A Local 10 viewer said just before this confrontation, the man entered the women’s restroom near gate D23 and got into a physical altercation with his girlfriend. The viewer said the man was then denied boarding on the flight due to his aggressive and possibly Intoxicated behavior.
Good call there.
A little history that some of Covid stupidity is based on...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1432060194276659203/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1432060201511837710/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1432060205001478144/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1432061615084539910/


Good article from The Atlantic which states exactly how I feel about anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers. We are done catering to your irrational whims. Time’s up.

…the specific feelings and concerns of vaccine refusers should be largely irrelevant to vaccinated people who are eager to move on with their lives. Americans are entitled to make their own decisions, but their employers, health insurers, and fellow citizens are not required to accommodate them.
When a ship is going down, passengers aren’t given the luxury of quibbling with the color or design of the life vest, and they can’t dither forever about whether to put one on or not. Emergencies invariably force people to make some choices that they might not consider ideal, but asking everyone to get vaccinated against a potentially lethal virus is not a big imposition.

There is no reason why in a pandemic that affects everybody we should be dictated to by a recalcitrant minority.
Good article from The Atlantic which states exactly how I feel about anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers. We are done catering to your irrational whims. Time’s up.

There is no reason why in a pandemic that affects everybody we should be dictated to by a recalcitrant minority.
Remember the allegations that the ACA incorporated "death panels?" Those claims were false. But, although we in healthcare are duty bound to treat patients regardless of their track record, political beliefs, religion, or any other non-medical considerations, vaccination status will have to factor into triage if resources remain as scarce as they are now in many places. For example, many hospitals are running low on oxygen. Layered on top of skilled staffing shortages, this will mean providing care to the people most likely to benefit from it.

I'm strongly in favor of strict vaccine mandates across the board. If people claim an exemption, especially on so-called religious grounds, they should be required to be tested regularly and follow non pharmaceutical interventions like masking.
Ol' Ron catches a legal backhand thanks to both common f'n sense about "rights", and HIS own doing

Also if the anti vaxxers want to keep pushing, organizations will finally push back

Key point
Employees that are fired for not receiving a vaccine will not be eligible to be rehired, according to Duke officials.

Vaccines are currently required for Duke students and faculty. Duke is one of the only major universities in the area to mandate vaccines.

NOT eligible to be rehired, they aren't fooling around. How are you going to require students to vaccinate for the safety of themselves & others, and the employees NOT expect to vaccinate for the same reasons?

This needs to keep happening.

If people want to keep on with their "freedumbs", go on. Do it in the comfort of your own bubble where you won't risk infecting others. Meanwhile the rest who've decided to actually get on with their lives & get things back to normal, like the anti vaxxers used to claim, will be free to exercise THEIR rights to do so at reduced risk.
If people want to keep on with their "freedumbs", go on. Do it in the comfort of your own bubble where you won't risk infecting others. Meanwhile the rest who've decided to actually get on with their lives & get things back to normal, like the anti vaxxers used to claim, will be free to exercise THEIR rights to do so at reduced risk.
The GOP can’t really complain about this either. They were such champions of Hobby Lobby refusing to cover contraception or bigoted bakers refusing to bake cakes for gay people. They also have fought hard to make almost every state an “at-will employment” state. So the things companies are doing now to require vaccines were enabled by their own policy choices of the last few decades.
First Rush Limbaugh died, now a few more right-wing radio “personalities” have died of coronavirus. Seems like there’s a bit of a vacuum there. Could be an opening for somebody who’s always wanted to host their own show...
And in the 5 o’clock hour, it’s “Conspiracy Theories” with your host of hosts, Donnie J!
Remember the allegations that the ACA incorporated "death panels?" Those claims were false. But, although we in healthcare are duty bound to treat patients regardless of their track record, political beliefs, religion, or any other non-medical considerations, vaccination status will have to factor into triage if resources remain as scarce as they are now in many places. For example, many hospitals are running low on oxygen. Layered on top of skilled staffing shortages, this will mean providing care to the people most likely to benefit from it.

I'm strongly in favor of strict vaccine mandates across the board. If people claim an exemption, especially on so-called religious grounds, they should be required to be tested regularly and follow non pharmaceutical interventions like masking.
What pisses me off is that the same people who legitimately criticize socialism for rewarding people who are half-assing, do the very thing when it comes to COVID: leaching off the efforts of others to contain the pandemic. They've now successfully turned this into a social darwinistic shit show. In the meantime, I have cancer patients who still didn't mount a humoral immune response despite a booster.