COVID Stupid

For all those saying losing patience with the unvaccinated is the wrong approach...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1436369564342816784/
Kali Cook was 4 years old. She hated bows and liked to play with worms.

She lived in Bacliff with her mother, father and older siblings. She attended pre-kindergarten classes in the Dickinson Independent School District.

On Tuesday, she died of COVID-19, according to the Galveston County Health District.

The death came quickly and underscores warnings from local physicians that although children tend to fare well against COVID, when they do become ill they can become very ill and illness can progress rapidly.

What the hell happened to all those types who used to eagerly cite "tough love" for others?

We lose patience, because we are losing lives!

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1436411293490159628/

Entitlement is a f'n addictive thing it seems.

Is there proof of this actual walk out? Can't find it. Only an article saying "allegedly", based on this video.


https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1436424645486465029/

For a group who believes they've been lied to often, they aren't shy with the use of misinformation themselves.
For all those saying losing patience with the unvaccinated is the wrong approach...

I think it is absolutely the wrong approach. That's not how you change minds. With that said, my job is programming computers, not changing people's minds about the vaccine. So I say screw them. The quicker all the dumb people are gone, the quicker we stop hearing about tragedies like that. I'm not losing my patience. It's long gone by now.

You thought you were smarter than those who know better.
You had nothing but distrust for those who did their best to tell you otherwise and help you.
You ignored similar stories from others who have suffered loss from this.
You gambled your family's very lives on your intelligence.
You were wrong and lost big time.
You're now stuck with a loss that can never be fully healed.

Take your sad story elsewhere. I was smart enough to get my vaccine. I don't need to hear your tale of stupidity. I do hope her message changes at least one other person's mind about the vaccine, so I don't begrudge her getting her tale out there. Though I highly suspect it's getting far more attention from the side that doesn't need to hear it than the side that does need to hear it. So I doubt much good will come from it. Just another pointless loss.
The idiocy of this statement is infuriating
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1436365999960432644/

You are definitely not getting my vote in November. 🖕
Take about up trying to have it both ways. I heard the man's spine snap trying to contort as he typed that.

He recognizes that the vaccine is the best option, but it should be up to people if they want it.

SOME people have already shown if there's a choice between their feelings, and what's best for their fellow countrymen & women feelings ALWAYS win now. It's for those people we need mandates at all, since suddenly this ONE vaccine as opposed to the others they already took somehow infringes on their mythical rights. As if maintaining a pandemic isn't an infringement on the rights of others.
Take about up trying to have it both ways.
You literally took the words out of my mouth. That was my reaction even before I scrolled down and saw that you'd beaten me to it.

As far as Biden's mandates, I have no problem with them. The real problem is that whether we are talking about diseases or racism (or am I being redundant?), we are allowing a minority of obnoxious, angry bullies to push around the rest of us. High time we push back, I say.
Really good article from the former science reporter of the NY Times (it is a month old):

There are indications that Biden's poll numbers are going back up after the vaccine mandate. That makes sense; a majority have been vaccinated and they're sick of the troglodytes that refuse to be functioning members of society.
I think the biggest cause for such numbers, is the reasoning that some people are trying to use. It's one thing if you are uncertain, yes the vaccine was made at record speed, but it was based on work done years before up until today. What doesn't work is that SOME of those same people uncertain don't think something can be done so fast, but cheer leaded when their president of choice got the ball rolling with "Operation Warp Speed". What the 'f' did those people think that title meant? That the unvaccinated in the former president's world would be forced to wear 'red shirts'? The other excuse of it not being approved, got shut down, and STILL some moved on to yet another excuse. Which makes it clear what the problem is. It's all about feelings & trying to 'stick it' to others because SOME want to imagine their side of the aisle can claim credit for getting the work done to get us this far. All the while, being unwilling to do the work it will take to get us across the finish line. All because of this minority group's feeling, who ironically want to cite themselves as minorities they couldn't give a crap about any other time. Most realize it isn't reasoning, but just temper tantrum feelings carried over from the last election.

That's why I say "who give a 'f' if this crowd learns anything", if they get shamed. Stupid weak @$$ excuses for NOT doing the responsible thing, when they didn't have an issue with it BEFORE the pandemic. Such intentional bad behavior invites being shamed back into their homes where they can get each other sick safely away from others.

If you're part of the crowd who cried the loudest about things getting back to normal when this started, over masks & stay @ home orders. You deserve biggest cup of 'STFU' filled with the vaccine.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1436499794772611074/

43. Think about that. 43 hospitals filled with many Covid patients, with odds that they are the unvaccinated.
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I think the biggest cause for such numbers, is the reasoning that some people are trying to use. It's one thing if you are uncertain, yes the vaccine was made at record speed, but it was based on work done years before up until today. What doesn't work is that SOME of those same people uncertain don't think something can be done so fast, but cheer leaded when their president of choice got the ball rolling with "Operation Warp Speed". What the 'f' did those people think that title meant? That the unvaccinated in the former president's world would be forced to wear 'red shirts'? The other excuse of it not being approved, got shut down, and STILL some moved on to yet another excuse. Which makes it clear what the problem is. It's all about feelings & trying to 'stick it' to others because SOME want to imagine their side of the aisle can claim credit for getting the work done to get us this far. All the while, being unwilling to do the work it will take to get us across the finish line. All because of this minority group's feeling, who ironically want to cite themselves as minorities they couldn't give a crap about any other time. Most realize it isn't reasoning, but just temper tantrum feelings carried over from the last election.

That's why I say "who give a 'f' if this crowd learns anything", if they get shamed. Stupid weak @$$ excuses for NOT doing the responsible thing, when they didn't have an issue with it BEFORE the pandemic. Such intentional bad behavior invites being shamed back into their homes where they can get each other sick safely away from others.

If you're part of the crowd who cried the loudest about things getting back to normal when this started, over masks & stay @ home orders. You deserve biggest cup of 'STFU' filled with the vaccine.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1436499794772611074/

43. Think about that. 43 hospitals filled with many Covid patients, with odds that they are the unvaccinated.
That is incredibly sad… what a nightmare. They are literally killing others through not getting the vaccine, and they still don’t care. These are not patriots. I guess we already knew that because real patriots tend NOT to label themselves as such.
...and finally what makes you want to just give up.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1435650634703904770/
Uhhm. We should dial back on the propaganda and listen to the whole thing.

He is elaborating and sorta makes sense superficially, but actually he is so full of shit.

1. So he starts up with complaining about being misquoted, then follows it up with - by the same standard - misquoting Fauci:D
2. He argues that herd immunity isn't happening and Fauci was wrong about 50% vaccination stops surges. The thing is, and I mentioned it here before, the concept of herd immunity assumes a relatively random distribution of immunized people in the population. Since the vaccines are available to all, the distribution of unimmunized isn't random anymore.
3. He's touting the push for early treatments and tries to sell it as a success story. Without diving into Florida's data I can tell on a global scale that we've not improved the hospitalization-to-fatality ratios, meaning that the treatments aren't way better than a year ago. Depending how you count it, but people with COVID-like symptoms are ≥8x less likely to need hospitalization. Vaccinated breakthrough cases can still get "early treatment" so the comparison is horseshit on another level.
4. I would argue that masking works better on a scale than "early treatment", even if I use a risk reduction of 10%.
5. His claims of increasing discharges I don't even have to validate, because I know that Florida's unvaxxers are younger people so they are expected to have shorter hospitalizations.

So. The conclusion is similarly bad to your Twitter post, just more complex. DeSantis is not dumb, which means he's a liar. Shocking.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1435800376515743749/
TIL that Donald Trump Jr does not know the meaning of caste.... Ivy league education isn't the same as it used to be, LOL.
Even facing death, there are some who still cling to their delusions.

"Don't tell me I have COVID. I don't believe in COVID," patients have told McFarlane, who teared up as she recounted combative patients….
"They stick to their guns," Luciani explained, and even on their death bed she's had to listen to people deny that they have the virus, while maintaining their fervent anti-vaccine sentiment. "In my mind, that life is essentially over as we know it. ... Some people just refuse. And it's kind of like a slap in the face."

I don’t blame medical caretakers for mentally writing off people like that. There is really nothing left there to save.

Even facing death, there are some who still cling to their delusions.

I don’t blame medical caretakers for mentally writing off people like that. There is really nothing left there to save.

even the threat of death cant always fix stupid.
This thread will help remind you why some have an issue with police that have a "rules for thee, but not for me" attitude.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1436867562499887104/
This thread will help remind you why some have an issue with police that have a "rules for thee, but not for me" attitude.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1436867562499887104/
This is a dangerous gang member waiting to take out a citizen. Involved in two lawsuits that cost the city tens of thousands. And three of six complaints substantiated against him.
Uh... WTF?!

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1436890806736936961/


It's like some people have decided that if they can't have the right to make you sick, they'd rather just attack you instead.