COVID Stupid

It's ironic that intranasal zinc given as a spray or gel has been associated with long-lasting or permanent anosmia (loss of sense of smell), which is a symptom of COVID-19.
Spraying a metallic solution into one’s nose is OK, but the vaccine is dangerous, LOL. What usually comes up on neuro boards is someone drinking denture paste by the gallon coming in with subacute sensory ataxia, with lower limb hyperreflexia and mild spasticity on exam. Because apparently denture paste is full of zink.

Posted this on another site in response to some (a very few unfortunately) who are trying to promote science over people making claims about, well, everything you'd expect from a Covidiot ...

It's a car site, for a make/model I no longer own, just hanging around since it's like 80% halfwits, I should cross post some of the really special contributions :D

FWIW, this one guy was so incoherent, I ran a long rant of his through a Grammarly plugin, his Flesch-Kincaid score came back as a 3.6 (it's on a scale to 100 ...)
This is what i told my wife yesterday, that one of the more shocking things I’ve learned about humanity is that the average person only has a concept of probability estimation on an intuitive level. You provide concrete examples they are fine, but the moment you start throwing percentages around there emerges a huge risk that they’ll misinterpret risks. Since COVID this has been happening on a huge scale.

I was a rocker and then a goth in high school. My parents took no issue with that (as teachers they knew not to judge the more "artsey" kids). This kid is coming near to blows with his parents over wanting to get vaccinated. I guess times have changed.
Stealing this!

After Delta Airlines announced a $200/mo surcharge for unvaccinated employees, 4,000 of them got vaccinated and zero quit
So these anti-vax idiots are selling out for $200? Yeah maybe they really don’t believe their own bullshit. 🤔
Looks like the person’s response to that was to delete their original tweet. It doesn’t seem to have stopped them from spamming other anti-vax tweets though.

So this person was embarrassed to be ignorant, but not embarrassed enough to stop posting things they clearly must know are lies now. A semi-functional adult?
Looks like the person’s response to that was to delete their original tweet. It doesn’t seem to have stopped them from spamming other anti-vax tweets though.

So this person was embarrassed to be ignorant, but not embarrassed enough to stop posting things they clearly must know are lies now. A semi-functional adult?
We know certain people who do this...:D

I think this is an old one. Antimaskers gave up on the hypercapnia (high CO2), hypoxia bullshit last year.
As the anti mask / vaccine people continue to pass away, I wonder when are we going to start calling Covid = Karma for some

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1437537633157074950/

I was wondering why "Another one bites the dust" was trending on Twitter, but not for entertainment.
Finally, I find myself slowly joining the ranks sadly of "just let them kill themselves"

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1437463857874841608/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1437465235703705601/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1437468380148244483/

At what point are we going to find ourselves throwing our hands up because some people would rather swallow bullshit instead of the cure for their freedoms? Not take medicine that their highest leaders took long ago secretly. We're going to have to accept that we & gov't will be blamed for NOT helping a group of people who didn't want help because of their "freedom" & some kind of ideological spite. :brickwall:
And to wrap up all the fucking stupidity I can already take in one day...



Wha? Wha? What is going on?!!

Yes, that was unfortunately real.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1437652234402091015/
As the anti mask / vaccine people continue to pass away, I wonder when are we going to start calling Covid = Karma for some

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1437537633157074950/

I was wondering why "Another one bites the dust" was trending on Twitter, but not for entertainment.
you beat me to it I was just going to post about this scum bag.
My husband is the blue sheep of the family. He has one niece who is also a free thinker. The rest of the family, unfortunately, are why Alabamians maintain the reputation they have. So my brother-in-law has been dating his 2nd ex-wife again for about the last 10 years. She is as right-wing redneck as they come. I couldn’t even maintain a relationship with her on Facebook. They made a pact that neither of them would take the vaccine cause it just wasn’t worth it. (?!) She is now suffering from Covid. From what I understand it’s a bad case and she’s been sent home from the hospital after getting oxygen. Nobody mentioned Regeneron. I’m assuming she did not get it. And all I can think is “thoughts and prayers.” But mostly I wonder if she dies, will my idiot brother-in-law get the vaccine?