COVID Stupid

Take about up trying to have it both ways. I heard the man's spine snap trying to contort as he typed that.

He recognizes that the vaccine is the best option, but it should be up to people if they want it.

SOME people have already shown if there's a choice between their feelings, and what's best for their fellow countrymen & women feelings ALWAYS win now. It's for those people we need mandates at all, since suddenly this ONE vaccine as opposed to the others they already took somehow infringes on their mythical rights. As if maintaining a pandemic isn't an infringement on the rights of others.
What cracks me up is him saying people AND BUSINESS OWNERS.:D hahaha. So businesses should have more power than the feds?!
A brief detour into TFG territory, as we are reminded why so many are assholes during this trying time

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1436731361335861258/

It's pretty clear that the right wants the pandemic to continue because they hope to use COVID-19 as a way to attack Biden and Congressional Democrats next year.

They'll argue that Biden promised to end the pandemic, and if there's a smattering of cases next year, that means he failed and thus, people should vote for the GOP.

It's fucking transparent.

What the Bloody F?!

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1437136126582603782/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1437136139283046403/

Florida will lead the way!!

The state's medical board should rescind his credentials.
It's pretty clear that the right wants the pandemic to continue because they hope to use COVID-19 as a way to attack Biden and Congressional Democrats next year.

They'll argue that Biden promised to end the pandemic, and if there's a smattering of cases next year, that means he failed and thus, people should vote for the GOP.

It's fucking transparent.
It's not a bad strategy, except for the unvaxxer distribution and the resulting deaths may be significant enough to start affecting toss up races. There's probably a multiplier too: a dead antivaxxer is one less vote, but the shocked family members may also rethink their value system. So while coming elections will overlap with the COVID season, at one point this pandemic will tame into a flu-like illness once everyone is exposed one way (thru vaccination) or another (natural infection). This is inevitable, but dying in the process isn't, which is about 8x more likely for antivaxxers.

The state's medical board should rescind his credentials.
You mean the credentials that should not render him eligible to give out mask exemption paperwork. It's a statewide policy problem.
It's not a bad strategy, except for the unvaxxer distribution and the resulting deaths may be significant enough to start affecting toss up races. There's probably a multiplier too: a dead antivaxxer is one less vote, but the shocked family members may also rethink their value system. So while coming elections will overlap with the COVID season, at one point this pandemic will tame into a flu-like illness once everyone is exposed one way (thru vaccination) or another (natural infection). This is inevitable, but dying in the process isn't, which is about 8x more likely for antivaxxers.

You mean the credentials that should not render him eligible to give out mask exemption paperwork. It's a statewide policy problem.

The attrition is a problem, but I suspect that the GOP doesn't care, and figures that most of those who die from COVID-19 weren't active voters. I do think that strategically, they're creating a bigger issue for themselves as vaccines are popular and so too are mask mandates. Meanwhile, GOP governors fighting against public health officials are losing ground.

Right, the state board should remove his credentials because he's clearly not following his ethical guidelines. Giving people a medical exemption where medical records are "helpful, but not mandatory" is a clear sign.
The attrition is a problem, but I suspect that the GOP doesn't care, and figures that most of those who die from COVID-19 weren't active voters. I do think that strategically, they're creating a bigger issue for themselves as vaccines are popular and so too are mask mandates. Meanwhile, GOP governors fighting against public health officials are losing ground.
Agree. They are digging themselves into a hole that will be quite difficult to get out of unscathed. Plus as I detailed at the TFG thread, as much as I'm up to date with the data, even conservative measurements on the effect of universal masking seems to have a greater impact on reducing COVID deaths than "early treatments" DeSantis is bullshitting about. He's trying to cover ivermectin which is popular among conspiracy nuts, without having to say ivermectin.

Right, the state board should remove his credentials because he's clearly not following his ethical guidelines. Giving people a medical exemption where medical records are "helpful, but not mandatory" is a clear sign.
Being a chiropractic "doctor" is the clear sign.
Agree. They are digging themselves into a hole that will be quite difficult to get out of unscathed. Plus as I detailed at the TFG thread, as much as I'm up to date with the data, even conservative measurements on the effect of universal masking seems to have a greater impact on reducing COVID deaths than "early treatments" DeSantis is bullshitting about. He's trying to cover ivermectin which is popular among conspiracy nuts, without having to say ivermectin.

Being a chiropractic "doctor" is the clear sign.

Yep. I still think it's bizarre that antivaxers, who mumble something about how they're worried about taking the vaccine for COVID-19 are in the midst of taking some cocktail of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, with additions of everything from a "urine protocol" to viper venom.

One idiot that I know rather well—and did not know that she was an anti-vax idiot [her husband works with viruses to cure cancer, FFS]—is currently taking some "nutraceutical/herbal" mix, "Vira Con"—capsules of Elderberry and Zinc—an IV of vitamins, and nebulized hydrogen peroxide after she got COVID.

How in the hell is this recipe of "who-the-fuck-knows" somehow better than just taking the vaccine six months ago?

I hope she's okay, but sweet baby Jesus, she'll be insufferable if she comes out of this unscathed.
Yep. I still think it's bizarre that antivaxers, who mumble something about how they're worried about taking the vaccine for COVID-19 are in the midst of taking some cocktail of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, with additions of everything from a "urine protocol" to viper venom.

One idiot that I know rather well—and did not know that she was an anti-vax idiot [her husband works with viruses to cure cancer, FFS]—is currently taking some "nutraceutical/herbal" mix, "Vira Con"—capsules of Elderberry and Zinc—an IV of vitamins, and nebulized hydrogen peroxide after she got COVID.

How in the hell is this recipe of "who-the-fuck-knows" somehow better than just taking the vaccine six months ago?

I hope she's okay, but sweet baby Jesus, she'll be insufferable if she comes out of this unscathed.
I've seen this on reddit. Someone (engineer) dives into data they don't understand quoting some pseudonymous internet blog that rails on the inaccuracies of public health officials' statements, so they review the "truth" by analyzing papers they spend 20 pages analyzing just to make a mistake that invalidates the whole argument. The cognitive biases are incredible but also stereotypical:
1. Vaccine has poorly known side-effects - for COVID only deaths count, morbidity (i.e. side-effects of the disease) doesn't
2. Vaccine is dangerous - prolonged prophylaxis with ivermectin/HCQ on the same scale is safe
3. Vaccination is a choice that only impacts self - people favoring adherence to public health measures are selfish

Same shit, every single fucking time.

Zinc has some evidence for shortening the duration of colds. The rest is bullshit. I'll add that zinc overdosing can cause B12 deficiency-like toxic myelopathies (bad shit).
Since we don't have the other place, I don't have access to the other point ( Technically there is the thread about working from home, but... ) I harped on a lot about the pandemic.

That we learned a lot the things we took for granted as true, were actually just bullshit that heavily benefitted employers.

Zinc has some evidence for shortening the duration of colds. The rest is bullshit. I'll add that zinc overdosing can cause B12 deficiency-like toxic myelopathies (bad shit).
It's ironic that intranasal zinc given as a spray or gel has been associated with long-lasting or permanent anosmia (loss of sense of smell), which is a symptom of COVID-19.
Posted this on another site in response to some (a very few unfortunately) who are trying to promote science over people making claims about, well, everything you'd expect from a Covidiot ...

Here's what I find equal parts baffling and hysterical: when did all these people suddenly get so engaged with the specifics of vaccinations, pharmaceuticals, infectious disease protocols - at what point did they decide they had any subject matter expertise in these areas?

(I mean, we all know when and why ...)

Seriously, you'd think some of these people would keel over with chest pains, wind up in the ER, and before the cardio doctor performs any tests or procedures, they'd chime in with:

"Oh, wait Doc, I need to check Facebook to verify what you're doing. What's my profession? I work in the plumbing department at Lowes ... but I do the research ..."

I looked at the last few pages and there are some people posting who clearly have zero understanding of basic statistics, no rudimentary comprehension of epidemiology - who are taking hard stances, while being unbelievably uninformed.

It's a car site, for a make/model I no longer own, just hanging around since it's like 80% halfwits, I should cross post some of the really special contributions :D

FWIW, this one guy was so incoherent, I ran a long rant of his through a Grammarly plugin, his Flesch-Kincaid score came back as a 3.6 (it's on a scale to 100 ...)
I feel like I'm missing a business opportunity ...

Covidaway™ Deluxe Family Kit

Kit includes rectal delivery tube, a four person supply of Covidaway™ solution*, and tube of our special lubricant**

* Covidaway™ contains kerosene, rat poison, Sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce and Rain-X
** Lubricant contains no lubricant