COVID Stupid

Standup comedian Patton Ozwalt on the haters giving him shit cancelling shows at venues where they won’t make people show proof they were vaccinated.

“And by the way, if that is your philosophy, don’t die for me, go die seeing Lizzo. That’s a good last concert to see,” he cracked. “You shouldn’t die for any entertainer. But if you are, make it count. Don’t be in the hospital, (saying) ‘I’m so glad I got to see that fat nerd whine about ‘The Mandalorian.’”

Standup comedian Patton Ozwalt on the haters giving him shit cancelling shows at venues where they won’t make people show proof they were vaccinated.

“And by the way, if that is your philosophy, don’t die for me, go die seeing Lizzo. That’s a good last concert to see,” he cracked. “You shouldn’t die for any entertainer. But if you are, make it count. Don’t be in the hospital, (saying) ‘I’m so glad I got to see that fat nerd whine about ‘The Mandalorian.’”

On the flip side of that...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1437552287396896768/
In case you weren't aware or didn't get my Tucker Carlson / Nicki Minaj post, here's the recap that had Twitter clowning all day


https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1437994778344312834/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1437827548247887876/

Quite a few on Black Twitter were more mad that Minaj basically offered herself up to the likes of Carlson & MTGreene to help further their anti vax ways. People that normally would give her the time of day if she was lying on the street bleeding, and instead step over her and say "Chicago".
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I have a friend named josh and is a antivaxxer so I had to send this to him. in the end all those antivaxx memes did not save him​

Josh Wasn't Afraid Of COVID

Josh Britt, 36, of Greenville, TN filled his Facebook page with anti-vax, anti-mask memes for months. On 9/11, Josh died from COVID.

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Nothing seems to deter the clueless still digging a bottomless pit in search of the next great alternative to common sense.

Too bad we can't unplug them from the internet for a week or so of detox. But then we'd have billions of people experiencing withdrawal symptoms, and all loose on the streets instead of just whaling on their keyboards at home.
Nothing seems to deter the clueless still digging a bottomless pit in search of the next great alternative to common sense.

Too bad we can't unplug them from the internet for a week or so of detox. But then we'd have billions of people experiencing withdrawal symptoms, and all loose on the streets instead of just whaling on their keyboards at home.
I’m willing to start a GoFundMe for all these halfwits so that they can take an intro to research class.
The AP has a summary of state legislation that has impeded health officials' powers, and it goes past just overrides of mask mandates or vaccination requirements.... down to more dangerous levels of impeding quarantine or isolation rules -- and not necessarily limited to this covid pandemic. No wonder the Biden administration is considering something past federal guidelines.

Where were these don't-tread-on-me guys when suddenly you couldn't even take embroidery scissors on an airplane. Oh well ten they were all in on restraining potential terrorists. Today's terrorist is some moron with asymptomatic covid deciding to pop into a diner on his coffee break and doing it defiantly maskless because some right wing talk show hands out attaboys for that stuff.
The AP has a summary of state legislation that has impeded health officials' powers, and it goes past just overrides of mask mandates or vaccination requirements.... down to more dangerous levels of impeding quarantine or isolation rules -- and not necessarily limited to this covid pandemic. No wonder the Biden administration is considering something past federal guidelines.

Where were these don't-tread-on-me guys when suddenly you couldn't even take embroidery scissors on an airplane. Oh well ten they were all in on restraining potential terrorists. Today's terrorist is some moron with asymptomatic covid deciding to pop into a diner on his coffee break and doing it defiantly maskless because some right wing talk show hands out attaboys for that stuff.
Yeah, that's true here in Ohio too. Remember when Grover Norquist said he wanted to shrink government until it was small enough to drown in a bathtub? They've done it with regulators. They've done it with the IRS. Here it is again. Scary stuff.

Meanwhile, I know you've all been waiting for this week's Anti-Vax Right Wing Radio Host Who Died of Covid. Here he is.

"Bob Enyart was one of the smartest, and without question the wisest person I've known," said Williams.
Yeah, well, about that...
I’m willing to start a GoFundMe for all these halfwits so that they can take an intro to research class.
Reminds me of high school, there was an elective, Astronomy, and a bunch of students thoroughly disappointed when they were informed that learning to write horoscopes wasn’t part of the curriculum.

Your halfwits are going to get equally disappointed when the class isn't about how to find Karen on Facebook and stuff.
"Bob Enyart was one of the smartest, and without question the wisest person I've known," said Williams.

Yeah, well, about that...

That same line stood out to me last night. If that's the smartest and wisest person you know, that's pretty damn scary. It's like saying Hitler was one of the kindest people you know. That might be absolutely true, but holy shit, who are your other friends???

My second favorite part is that his show seems to have been called Real Science Radio. :ROFLMAO:
...And a followup, because this "swollen testicles" story still makes me giggle...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1438183898358366208/

This is where we are people, officials having to debunk a celebrity's anecdote about a "friend of her cousin".

To think people didn't get why I hated when people use anecdotes in discussions in forums over actual documented instances.

Also... "swollen testicles", he's impotent, and his woman left him before they were supposed to get married.



https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1438194219269689352/
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