COVID Stupid

It's not just people in the USA that are rebelling against more stringent measures:

We are our own worst enemy. When humans cease to exist it's entirely possible it will be from something we could've completely prevented.

Saw this posted on the Moronville thing. Note how the big headline says the opposite of the callout quote below it (outdoors vs indoors). Faux always tryna put a "D" after misbehaving Republicans, and the shit like that.

Michael "fuckwit" Flynn's brother Joseph got yelled at by twitter for perpetuating the bullshit about using ivermectin for preventing/treating COVID-19 infections.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1421829783374254082/
Saw this posted on the Moronville thing. Note how the big headline says the opposite of the callout quote below it (outdoors vs indoors). Faux always tryna put a "D" after misbehaving Republicans, and the shit like that.

View attachment 7648
Wow. They literally lie in the headline and don’t even try to hide the contradiction in the quote below.
It's not just people in the USA that are rebelling against more stringent measures:

Some people are in denial, they just want things to go back to normal despite the solution being right under there noses.

Holy cow! A tale of herd immunity and COVID-19​

When Sen. Gary Stubblefield, the Republican dairy farmer, touted a cattle dewormer as a guard against COVID-19, it raised some eyebrows. Then it was raised again at the crazy Siloam Springs town hall Friday along with another dubious “therapeutic” treatment for COVID-19 in what seemed to be an anti-vaccination argument.

I now find myself getting angry that despite getting vaccinated I now have to continue masking to protect the unvaccinated. Bullshit. They can and should protect themselves.
I'd almost agree, but you also have to consider the people who can't get vaccinated, though with the anti-maskers also being anti-vaxers, I doubt it'll make much of a difference for them whether we wear our masks or not.
Michael "fuckwit" Flynn's brother Joseph got yelled at by twitter for perpetuating the bullshit about using ivermectin for preventing/treating COVID-19 infections.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1421829783374254082/
My FIL pointed out a FB group covering ivermectin, and I got into an argument with the source, who called himself "Dr" and gave medical advice to people but turned out to be a PhD biologist without any clinical research under his belt. There are now """real-time""" meta-analyses on HCQ and Ivermectin online and it just blows my mind how shitty they are. Ivermectin may have some severity reducing effect, however, the current data is skewed by a few very low quality studies whereas the better few showed no significant benefit. Most of the ivermectin studies used HCQ as standard of care and one of these showed advantage in a group where ivermectin was used instead of HCQ...It really pissed them off when I pointed out that I could also conclude that maybe the difference is due to not using HCQ and not ivermectin, LOL. The effect size is at best 2 orders of magnitude lower than that of the vaccine.

I honestly like the idea of drug repurposing but when politicians are trying to skew evidence and perpetuate disinformation and people want to draw conclusions based on shitty trials, or they try to use it as an excuse not to get vaccinated, I sharply draw the line.
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I'd almost agree, but you also have to consider the people who can't get vaccinated, though with the anti-maskers also being anti-vaxers, I doubt it'll make much of a difference for them whether we wear our masks or not.
We do.

We all agree & have said so many times in the past that we consider those who can't wear masks or get the vaccinations. We also agree that they are NOT the subject of anyone's anger or frustration.

The only time it matters to the group that we are considering care about whether or not you wear a mask or get a vaccine, is in a hoped for "AHA" gotcha moment to justify their NOT getting the vaccine or wearing a mask.

Holy cow! A tale of herd immunity and COVID-19​

When Sen. Gary Stubblefield, the Republican dairy farmer, touted a cattle dewormer as a guard against COVID-19, it raised some eyebrows. Then it was raised again at the crazy Siloam Springs town hall Friday along with another dubious “therapeutic” treatment for COVID-19 in what seemed to be an anti-vaccination argument.

I’m rooting for some Darwin Awards. 👀
Indoor mask mandate back in effect in my area starting tonight. Luckily we don’t have a lot of knuckle draggers in the Bay Area so it should be no big deal. From what I’ve seen many people never stopped wearing masks indoors.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1422230220640243715/

And then this had to happen...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1422283447347859460/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1422305117949337605/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1422304965343670296/

Masks people. I know some didn't like 'em before, but a portion of the country has decided feeling take precedence over all else.

So masks are going to make a come back, after we just put them away. 🤦‍♀️
Indoor mask mandate back in effect in my area starting tonight. Luckily we don’t have a lot of knuckle draggers in the Bay Area so it should be no big deal. From what I’ve seen many people never stopped wearing masks indoors.
Every time I come down there from the central valley where many refuse to wear them it's like day and night, they are so good about it in the bay area that I even see them wearing one in their cars when driving alone. I'm the most paranoid person around this thing and even I'm like damn dude, take a breather in your own car lol. Anyway, I always feel really safe down there.
Every time I come down there from the central valley where many refuse to wear them it's like day and night, they are so good about it in the bay area that I even see them wearing one in their cars when driving alone. I'm the most paranoid person around this thing and even I'm like damn dude, take a breather in your own car lol. Anyway, I always feel really safe down there.

Honestly I almost feel like the mandate is a relief so I no longer have to wonder "ok, what are people doing here." whenever I went into a place. Even just putting a mask on to be on the safe side and when I went in I was the only one wearing a mask. This was more common in small stores. It will be nice for things to be consistent again.
I'd almost agree, but you also have to consider the people who can't get vaccinated, though with the anti-maskers also being anti-vaxers, I doubt it'll make much of a difference for them whether we wear our masks or not.
See below. Jay gave my response for me.
We do.

We all agree & have said so many times in the past that we consider those who can't wear masks or get the vaccinations. We also agree that they are NOT the subject of anyone's anger or frustration.

The only time it matters to the group that we are considering care about whether or not you wear a mask or get a vaccine, is in a hoped for "AHA" gotcha moment to justify their NOT getting the vaccine or wearing a mask.
I don't know if I'll get in trouble for this but I've had it with the anti-vaxxers at my work. Up to this point I've mostly remained silent and respected their decision, but starting today our area reinstituted the indoor mask mandate. One of our anti-vaxxer employees walks in this morning and snarkily says "Guess we have to wear these again" with the other anti-vaxxer saying "And I wonder how long this time?" I somewhat snapped and said "Until everybody gets vaccinated. Just go get vaccinated."

The first anti-vaxxer thinks it's all about freedom. He also said it's all the vaccinated people who are still getting the virus. BULLSHIT. The second anti-vaxxer is a nice guy but really simple, easily roped into conspiracies. He thinks we just don't know enough about the vaccines. Honestly, I can't debate him because I would probably be overbearing and unable to win him over as a result.

I just cut things off with both of them by saying I don't have time for this and said "no more conspiracy theories" and ended it there. My main point is if you aren't going to get vaccinated then don't you fucking dare complain about mandates to help reduce transmission or wondering how long until we return to somewhat normal. You are the problem. Keep your mouth shut.


Marjorie Taylor Greene compares House mask mandates to the Holocaust​

The face of stupid 1 who thinks they are clever
and would like to shoot someone​


Oklahoma GOP leader was rebuked for doubling down on his comparison of vaccine mandates to gold stars worn by Jewish people during the Holocaust​

The face of stupid 2 who makes idiotic comparisons
and probably would like to shoot someone too.
Bennett’s Facebook post: "Those who don't KNOW history, are DOOMED to repeat it," the photo read, which was posted to the official Facebook account of the Oklahoma Republican Party on Friday.
The post called on Oklahoma Lt. Gov. Matt Pinnell to call a special session to prohibit private employers from imposing vaccine mandates for employees.

Of note Conniving Texas Gov Abbott has already mandated no mask mandates via Executive Order although I have no idea if that can be enforced if businesses require masks for entry.

In this latest case, the Oklahoma Republican party chairman John Bennett was rebuked by other Oklahoma Republican politicians. The irony is they spoke of “Trump’s vaccine”, but note the HEAD STUPID spent months denying there was a looming crisis, downplaying it, blaming Democrats, refused to wear a mask, pushed inconsistent messaging and badgered a reporter to remove his mask.

It’s not that hard to be cognizant of the caliber of who the people elect in “conservative” areas of the US when they strut their STUPID and are either unaware of how self revealing they are or just think their audience is even stupider and will swallow their Koolaid. :unsure:
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