COVID Stupid

Direct to you from Stupid Land
Starring Holier Than Thow Blessed Sara

…in a former life, cream of the <cough> crop 👀

Circa 2019:

Now in 2021: From the Book of We’ve just got to help the dumbstruck Trump Koolaid drinkers on board with getting vaccinated:

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a Republican gubernatorial candidate in Arkansas, revealed Sunday she received a “Trump vaccine” months ago.

Sanders, who served as former President Donald Trump’s press secretary from 2017 to 2019, lauded her erstwhile boss for his work to make vaccinations widely available at breakneck speeds in an editorial published in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

In the piece, the 38-year-old politician condemned the “misinformation thrown at me by politicians and the media,” all of which made it more difficult, she said, to make a decision on whether to get vaccinated.
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… scares them so they don’t read further (or is it farther?)
From your local grammar nawtzee:
"Farther" means more distance (some ways yonder).
"Further" means more time (some while later).
In this case, either one works (words mark out distance over their lines, but it takes time to read through them).
From your local grammar nawtzee:
"Farther" means more distance (some ways yonder).
"Further" means more time (some while later).
In this case, either one works (words mark out distance over their lines, but it takes time to read through them).

Neither Oxford nor Merriam Webster agree quite with that.

either are applicable for distance, with farther more common in American English and further more common in real English.

further is applicable to the extent or degree of something and can also mean “more” or “additional”.
Sure so long as it’s effective and not a significant risk/massive unknown.
As usual, we rely on medical experts for this info and based on the technology and the results as far as we ever know, we are good to go. If you look at the established history of vaccines, it’s an absolute slam dunk.

And as I said before this is a team player situation. Sure if someone doesn’t want to get vaccinated, then please remove themselves from the herd.
As usual you’re looking at it from your perspective.

Not every vaccine offered is equivalent, and the data available for each is not equal.

Just a reminder: Americans are only about 5% of the earths population.
As usual you’re looking at it from your perspective.

Not every vaccine offered is equivalent, and the data available for each is not equal.

Just a reminder: Americans are only about 5% of the earths population.
I’m looking at it through the sources I have available to evaluate any information. I don’t know if I can say Pfizer is the best, but at this point with 3 of us vaccinated with it, I have high confidence based mostly on news and govt reporting. What else is there? (The conspiracy theory grapevine, no thanks. ;))
I’m looking at it through the sources I have available to evaluate any information. I don’t know if I can say Pfizer is the best, but at this point with 3 of us vaccinated with it, I have high confidence based mostly on news and govt reporting. What else is there? (The conspiracy theory grapevine, no thanks. ;))
So as I said, from your point of view.

If you don’t want to educate yourself about what the situation is like for the other 95% of humanity that’s your choice but don’t expect people to just go along with your little fantasy that getting vaccinated or not is a choice right now.
... don’t expect people to just go along with your little fantasy that getting vaccinated or not is a choice …

You know very well that Americans are clearly the most important people in the world. Universe. Those other folks, their sole purpose is to make the lives of Americans better. I mean, look how many Iraqis died in the cause of entertainment. If they cannot get the vaccine, you know, oh well. They chose to not live in the good old US and speak God's proper English.
So as I said, from your point of view.

If you don’t want to educate yourself about what the situation is like for the other 95% of humanity that’s your choice but don’t expect people to just go along with your little fantasy that getting vaccinated or not is a choice right now.
What is going on here? You are making assumptions. What fantasies do I have? What did I say to make you feel justified to make these claims?

You are making sound like it’s a sin to express one’s perspective. And btw that does not preclude accepting other people’s perspectives or understanding the world. You really sound like your number one goal here is to have a fight and I don’t feel the need to oblige you.
What is going on here? You are making assumptions. What fantasies do I have? What did I say to make you feel justified to make these claims?

You are making sound like it’s a sin to express one’s perspective. And btw that does not preclude accepting other people’s perspectives or understanding the world. You really sound like your number one goal here is to have a fight and I don’t feel the need to oblige you.
No, not at all. I welcome other view points.

What I don't welcome is someone making blanket statements about "we know vaccines are effective, we're good to go", ignoring that the COVID19 vaccines available to the vast, vast majority of humanity are no where near as effective, nor as well studied, as those that a few shit head Americans are shitting in their own beds about.

What I don't welcome is someone making claims to suggest that anyone who isn't vaccinated at this point, is in that situation by choice, and they should instead choose to "leave the heard".

You want to talk about fucking assumptions, try reading your own posts through the eyes of anyone outside the US, UK or EU.

I’m looking at it through the sources I have available to evaluate any information

You're literally using the most expansive technology in the history of mankind for information sharing, and you want to talk about "the sources I have available".

I'm not looking for a fight, I was hoping that somewhere along the way you'd realise the world outside America exists, and it's not all sunshine and lollipops.

Americans, and to a lesser extent brits and europeans, have a choice of multiple, high efficacy vaccines, with a broad body of trial data, overseen by organisations you can trust. I've repeatedly said that someone in that environment who continues to refuse a vaccine is a fucking idiot.

But you're somehow not able to see or acknowledge the reality affecting much of the rest of the world: A lot of the rest of us are stuck between a really shitty vaccine that was being administered before any trials had even started, with the bonus that we have zero actual clue now about the side effects due to the source of said vaccine, and that's on top of incompetent and corrupt government responses in general to the pandemic.

Oh sorry, technically I guess I do have an 'option' for a more trustworthy/effective vaccine with less risks: at this stage I could be waiting as long as NEXT MARCH before I'm able to get my first shot of Moderna.

Am I looking for a fight? No, not at all. I'm looking for just the slightest little acknowledgement for fucking once that the world does not in fact revolve around America. Ignorance of the outside world is not an excuse to make blanket statements about people's intent.

I'm done with this thread. You can discuss how doctors should be punishing stupid people on your own.

Unvaccinated SoCal resident still not convinced about vaccine safety, nearly dies from COVID-19​

At Providence Saint Joseph in Orange, one unvaccinated COVID patient says he's still not convinced that the vaccines are safe.

Well, fine......let him die of it, then, and his family can mourn and whine about the whole situation.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1420849819996786696/

I realize these hypocrites probably got the vaccine before any of us, but if they didn't & go sick...

You better believe I will "thoughts & prayers" these MFers like they do everyone else that has ever suffered & they don't give a shit about.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1420879600708726789/
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