COVID Stupid

Direct to you from Stupid Land
Starring Holier Than Thow Blessed Sara

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…in a former life, cream of the <cough> crop 👀

Circa 2019:

Now in 2021: From the Book of We’ve just got to help the dumbstruck Trump Koolaid drinkers on board with getting vaccinated:

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a Republican gubernatorial candidate in Arkansas, revealed Sunday she received a “Trump vaccine” months ago.

Sanders, who served as former President Donald Trump’s press secretary from 2017 to 2019, lauded her erstwhile boss for his work to make vaccinations widely available at breakneck speeds in an editorial published in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

In the piece, the 38-year-old politician condemned the “misinformation thrown at me by politicians and the media,” all of which made it more difficult, she said, to make a decision on whether to get vaccinated.

You know, I actually don't mind this one. If she goes against Trump, she loses the support of his supporters, who don't care about here any more than I do. With this line, she might actually encourage a few people to get vaccinated.
You know, I actually don't mind this one. If she goes against Trump, she loses the support of his supporters, who don't care about here any more than I do. With this line, she might actually encourage a few people to get vaccinated.
I admit the stupid need all the help they can get even if it is from a manipulative, back pedaler, attempting to cling to power with a mostly corrupt message regarding politics in general.
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Wait. What the BLOODY FUCK?! 👀

Does ARKANSAS imagine this is THEIR target audience for the vaccine resistant in their state?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1423027044212830209/



There are tons of these stories. Not all of them are guaranteed to die from it. A lot of these guys also don't understand statistics. When talking about the chance of contracting or dying from COVID in the US, this is referring to the total population. It does not condition on the risk of ignoring safety recommendations or living in a community with a high number of infections. I don't have those numbers myself, but it's possible that some of them greatly under-estimate their risk of infection or permanent health conditions (including death) coinciding with the infection.
And this morning Dr. Death, aka Ron DeSantis, remains defiant in defending every Floridian’s right to be a spreader, and no one’s right to be safe.

Is he, like, getting paid by the coronavirus somehow? Maybe he’s getting a cut from the funeral industry. Heck, I’m waiting for him to announce a pro-Delta-variant superPAC.

People are dying around him due to his policies, and they’re talking about impeaching Cuomo for getting too handsy. Not minimizing what Cuomo did, but that’s wildly inconsistent. DeSantis should be impeached and tried.
In the face of a deadly pandemic that has strangled the ability of our economies to function around the world for over a year, this business of Republican led anti-mask mandates is freaking mind boggling, unbelievable, and in the US the failure, the kind of horrendous judgement based on either denial, or seeking political advantage by manipulating stupid. So the question must be at least in the US do we have too much stupid to succeed? :unsure:

For those of you living in Europe is there any of this anti-mask hysteria happening where you live? I’ve not heard about it if it is happening.
For those of you living in Europe is there any of this anti-mask hysteria happening where you live? I’ve not heard about it if it is happening.
Not so much in Sweden, but we have mostly been without mask requirements.

Like the Finns, we’re eagerly waiting for the pandemic to be over so that we can resume proper social distancing, rather than being recommended to stand as close to each other as 2 meters.

The Public Health Agency (supposedly professionals, not politicians) early on focused on the lack of evidence for benefits of general mask requirements in combination with the risk of people getting a false sense of being protected, thus disregarding social distancing mandates and other measures.

Tried to find some articles in english to link but oh man so much bullshit. Seems like everyone writing about it is framing it like a defense for their respective countries’ ways of handling things. It’s pretty much like asking Fox & Friends about the Biden administration.
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My time for caring about the stupid is over. I'm done feeling bad for these people. If his death causes a minimum of 2 others to change their mind about a vaccine, then Yay! 🎉 , he went out as a public servant. If not, that's one less idiot using social media to spread lies to others. Either way, I really don't give a damn. If you're not going to get vaccinated, at least hurry up and catch this thing so the rest of us can move on. You're holding back the entire world.

I'm not normally a cold, hard, calloused person, but I also have little patience for stupidity. Especially when their stupidity effects those around them. This behavior is beyond stupid. Earn your Darwin Award already and let us be done with you.

FYI, I originally quoted the wrong story. I fixed that, but it was posted by Eric, not Thomas. I can't seem to fix that, so in case anyone notices that, that's what happened.
This may be ignorant to think, but I feel like I really need to question the behavior of vaccinated people who are still getting covid. I was never 100% with the precautions before the vaccine came out, especially around people I know. I realize “knowing people” doesn’t equate to safety in this situation. But even if I wasn’t 100%, I was still keenly aware of the environment around me. I feel like vaccinated people who still get covid are completely throwing caution to the wind…rarely if ever wearing a mask, gathering in large numbers in cramped conditions, making close physical contact with people they know regardless of if those people have been vaccinated or not, etc.

So I think simply saying “vaccinated people are still getting covid” is painting an incomplete picture. But on the other hand, people who were vaccine hesitant but then decide to get it would most likely engage in this zero precautions lifestyle. So it probably wouldn’t matter what you tell them or they would go “So then what’s the point of getting vaccinated?”
Uh wha?

But it could happen. Biden proposed $30 billion to address the issue, which advocates say could permanently mitigate the risks of future outbreaks. The investment would replenish medical stockpiles, proactively develop vaccines for major types of viruses, and ensure that the United States has a permanent production base of face masks and respirators. In effect, it would amount to an Apollo program–like push to guarantee that a global pandemic could never shut down the country again.

Yet those funds have been slashed in the current negotiations over the $3.5 trillion reconciliation package as part of a push to slim it down, according to a source familiar with the situation. (I agreed not to name this person because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the negotiations.) While the exact amount is still in flux, it is significantly less than requested.

In the past week, public-health advocates and nonprofits have mobilized against the reduction, which Tom Frieden, a former CDC director who now runs the nonprofit Resolve to Save Lives, first revealed earlier this month. But as the White House and Democrats in Congress discuss the package’s details, they may be locking in an outdated approach to tackling pandemics, quietly and out of public view.

“Public health has been chronically underfunded. But prevention is always better than treatment, and the fact that, after an event as significant as COVID, we have to fight for this $30 billion defies belief,” Gabriel Bankman-Fried, the executive director of the nonprofit Guarding Against Pandemics, told me. (The White House and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer did not respond to requests for comment.)

My time for caring about the stupid is over. I'm done feeling bad for these people. If his death causes a minimum of 2 others to change their mind about a vaccine, then Yay! 🎉 , he went out as a public servant. If not, that's one less idiot using social media to spread lies to others. Either way, I really don't give a damn. If you're not going to get vaccinated, at least hurry up and catch this thing so the rest of us can move on. You're holding back the entire world.

I'm not normally a cold, hard, calloused person, but I also have little patience for stupidity. Especially when their stupidity effects those around them. This behavior is beyond stupid. Earn your Darwin Award already and let us be done with you.

FYI, I originally quoted the wrong story. I fixed that, but it was posted by Eric, not Thomas. I can't seem to fix that, so in case anyone notices that, that's what happened.

The behavior isn’t just stupid. It’s obstructing the goal they want to achieve. They should be punching themselves in the face for prolonging this thing.
From a Salon article about people mistakenly thinking Fox has finally seen the light.

As I and reporters who cover right wing media for Media Matters and Vox pointed out at the time, Hannity's show that night was not only bookmarked by two other shows — Laura Ingraham's and Tucker Carlson's — that openly discouraged vaccination, but his supposedly "pro-vaccine" comments came in the middle of a segment that overall portrayed vaccines as dangerous and a threat to freedom. Even in the edited clip, Hannity instructed his viewers to "research like crazy," which is a common anti-vaxx rhetorical trick. As with creationists claiming they want to "teach the controversy," it's a way to seem reasonable while slyly directing people to engage conspiracy theories and suggesting those conspiracy theories are on equal footing, credibility-wise, as scientific fact. As Michael Hiltzik of the Los Angeles Times wrote, Hannity was basically "encouraging listeners to expose themselves to the wide variety of anti-vax conspiracy mongering accessible on social media via 'research.'"
This may be ignorant to think, but I feel like I really need to question the behavior of vaccinated people who are still getting covid. I was never 100% with the precautions before the vaccine came out, especially around people I know. I realize “knowing people” doesn’t equate to safety in this situation. But even if I wasn’t 100%, I was still keenly aware of the environment around me. I feel like vaccinated people who still get covid are completely throwing caution to the wind…rarely if ever wearing a mask, gathering in large numbers in cramped conditions, making close physical contact with people they know regardless of if those people have been vaccinated or not, etc.

So I think simply saying “vaccinated people are still getting covid” is painting an incomplete picture. But on the other hand, people who were vaccine hesitant but then decide to get it would most likely engage in this zero precautions lifestyle. So it probably wouldn’t matter what you tell them or they would go “So then what’s the point of getting vaccinated?”

Re the last bit there, you're probably right. It all has to do with how everything gets crunched down to a sound bite any more. There's no room for nuance, which is unfortunate since very few things in life are as simple as a tweet or some congresscritter's scripted remark to a press gaggle.

Anyway in the case of the ongoing evolution of this coronavirus and the scientific research and guidelines related to that evolution, way too many people finally settle on "ok the vaccine, now i'm good" and that's the soundbite. Or "people are still getting sick so forget it" and that's their soundbite. No one hears "however" or "more recently..." or "as experience has shown"... and so forth.

People have heard what they've decided sounds good to them and they went with it and it's history already and they're moving on.

But so is the virus "moving on" --because it naturally mutates and must find fortuitous adaptations as vaccines take hold. Also moving along is research on the mutating virus, efficacy of vaccines, gathering and analysis of experiential data on health of post-vaccinated people in a milieu where so many still remain unvaccinated, etc.

Still Americans at least tend to look for a quick answer to any question so they can move on, like glancing at the weather forecast... who cares what it's going to be like at 10:30am if you figure to be in an office all day, what matters is this: is it gonna rain during the morning rush? You're only gonna care about the weather again at lunchtime or maybe not until going home.

The thing with taking that tack on covid issues is that not caring until you or your family or friends get sick is rolling the dice on not having (or providing to someone else) a serious or fatal encounter with the virus. It really behooves everyone to try to stay up to speed on official guidance and local mandates, even though it's frustrating to be reminded of the occasional confusion over all the back and forth on masking v not masking etc.

Bottom line with the "forecast" for this particular coronavirus these days is "yeah, assume it's going to be raining"...
Leslie Lawrenson died at his home in Bournemouth, South England, on July 2 after insisting that he does not need to take the vaccination to protect himself against the virus.

Lawrenson had posted videos on social media claiming that he would rather get infected with COVID in order to build "natural immunity" rather than take the shot.

His partner Amanda Mitchell, 56, who also became seriously ill with COVID at the same time, told BBC Radio 5 Live on Thursday that Lawrenson considered the vaccines too "experimental," meaning he died "unnecessarily."


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