COVID Stupid


If there was an honesty issue about people claiming their were vaccinated so they could ditch the masks, then how in the hell does he think he can trust them to be honest about NOT being vaccinated?

How do you even prove to someone you haven't been vaccinated?

I mean, I haven't ever gotten ovarian cancer, but if someone asked me to provide verifiable evidence of such from a trustworthy source, I wouldn't be able to do so. Sure, I could say that I don't have ovaries, ergo, but is that statement alone proof enough? I could be lying. Should I have to present my testicles as evidence? Are my testicles, by themselves, proof enough? Is there such a thing as low ovaries? How do you prove, beyond any reasonable doubt, that you know what you know because you know it?

If there was an honesty issue about people claiming their were vaccinated so they could ditch the masks, then how in the hell does he think he can trust them to be honest about NOT being vaccinated?

My guess is it's a moot point. Who is going to lie about their vaccination status to catch a ride with Dr. Death?
Found this online. Kudos to whoever created it.

So while Floridians are descending into Covid hell, there’s this trend we’re seeing now that is a new adventure in whataboutism. “What about our borders? Biden is doing nothing to stop millions of infected immigrants from coming into the US!”

It started with DeathSantis and is spreading to the comments sections of sites.

There’s a word to describe something like this. Like when you’re the cause of death and are ignoring it and instead trying to bring in relative irrelevancies like Biden and immigration. What’s the word I’m looking for here…?

Oh yeah. Obscene.
I'm all for this...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1424179814290894854/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1424160740928376838/

Note: I'm not a big Twitter user, but I saw / got a notice for the first time just now, that Twitter is over capacity. Is that really a thing? 👀
So while Floridians are descending into Covid hell, there’s this trend we’re seeing now that is a new adventure in whataboutism. “What about our borders? Biden is doing nothing to stop millions of infected immigrants from coming into the US!”

It started with DeathSantis and is spreading to the comments sections of sites.

There’s a word to describe something like this. Like when you’re the cause of death and are ignoring it and instead trying to bring in relative irrelevancies like Biden and immigration. What’s the word I’m looking for here…?

Oh yeah. Obscene.
My favorite example of this was a post somebody made here about the governor of Iowa blaming increased COVID cases on immigrants crossing the border…. …. into Iowa? Somebody failed geography…
I'm all for this...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1424179814290894854/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1424160740928376838/

Note: I'm not a big Twitter user, but I saw / got a notice for the first time just now, that Twitter is over capacity. Is that really a thing? 👀
I don’t have a Twitter account. Lately I’ve noticed that if I open an embedded tweet, it works fine. But if I try to click on other things in Twitter at that point, it pops up a message telling me to make an account.

Likewise, some organizations have basically no website and their only “web presence” is Facebook. I am running into similar problems there, trying to access “public” Facebook pages and instead seeing a FB “signup” message. And Instagram has been highly aggressive ever since the FB acquisition in preventing any usage if you’re not a registered user. Even trying to setup a website that has the latest Instagram posts embedded in it is a pain in the neck. You need to get a special token and manually renew that token every 30 days?

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let these walled gardens go the way of AOL very soon…
My wife was showing me a guy from our town on Facebook last night who died a few days ago of Covid. He was a vocal anti-vaxer and his entire feed is memes and quotes spreading misinformation about Covid. His daughter who my wife knows posted that he said a couple of days before he died that he regretted his choice not to have the vaccine.

Hearing so many of these types of stories too and people can be so bloody stupid. Now the restrictions have been lifted here, it’s like we are going to be forgetting the virus even exists too unless we know someone who dies from it.
Note: I'm not a big Twitter user, but I saw / got a notice for the first time just now, that Twitter is over capacity. Is that really a thing? 👀
I’m not seeing anything like that, although I’ve been using Twitter less these days. I’m sure if it were actually a thing my mother would have complained about it. She is a total Twitter addict.

To support Gov. Ron DeSantis’ July 30th executive order, the State Board of Education announced members adopted emergency measures on Friday to “protect” the children whose parents believe would be “harmed” by face mask mandates or stay-home directives.

During the 18 months of the coronavirus pandemic, infectious disease experts have consistently recommended the two public health measures. The State Board of Education approved an emergency rule to allow private school vouchers for parents who feel their children are being harassed by a school district’s safety rules....
The Florida Department of Education also threatened to withhold “state funds, discretionary grant funds, discretionary lottery funds, or any other funds” from school districts with face mask mandates designed to protect the health of teachers and students during the new surge of COVID cases.

The priority during the state board’s meeting wasn’t to find ways to implement the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations. It was to protect “parents’ freedom to choose” through the state’s Hope Scholarship program, which offers victims of bullying in public schools access to private education.

My bold.

This is the purest snowflaky insanity. Being told to wear a mask is bullying now? And Florida's going to give money to people so these snowflake parents can avoid (gasp!) having to send their kids to such schools?

Is anybody here from Florida? 'Cause what's going on there now is definitely grounds for impeaching DeathSantis, and the only reason I'm guessing that isn't happening is because Florida's such a red state. Hospitals are so full they're turning auditoriums into extra ward space and DeathSantis is acting like he's on a mission to spread the disease far and wide. I'm just flabbergasted. Even if the state is red, somebody please explain to me how impeachment is not even being talked about?

My bold.

This is the purest snowflaky insanity. Being told to wear a mask is bullying now? And Florida's going to give money to people so these snowflake parents can avoid (gasp!) having to send their kids to such schools?

Is anybody here from Florida? 'Cause what's going on there now is definitely grounds for impeaching DeathSantis, and the only reason I'm guessing that isn't happening is because Florida's such a red state. Hospitals are so full they're turning auditoriums into extra ward space and DeathSantis is acting like he's on a mission to spread the disease far and wide. I'm just flabbergasted. Even if the state is red, somebody please explain to me how impeachment is not even being talked about?
The huge bloc of retirees in the state don’t have kids in school there. They go full red no matter what. The cubans are anti-Democrat because they associate them with communism. Average people who want to raise kids in a safe environment are the “odd man out” in that state.
The huge bloc of retirees in the state don’t have kids in school there. They go full red no matter what. The cubans are anti-Democrat because they associate them with communism. Average people who want to raise kids in a safe environment are the “odd man out” in that state.
I find the population dynamics of FL morbidly hilarious. To me they seem to have a near-infinite supply of conservative retirees that consistently replace the conservative retirees who, switching parties or not, aren't too likely to last more than a few election cycles.

My bold.

This is the purest snowflaky insanity. Being told to wear a mask is bullying now? And Florida's going to give money to people so these snowflake parents can avoid (gasp!) having to send their kids to such schools?

Is anybody here from Florida? 'Cause what's going on there now is definitely grounds for impeaching DeathSantis, and the only reason I'm guessing that isn't happening is because Florida's such a red state. Hospitals are so full they're turning auditoriums into extra ward space and DeathSantis is acting like he's on a mission to spread the disease far and wide. I'm just flabbergasted. Even if the state is red, somebody please explain to me how impeachment is not even being talked about?

His antimasker BS isn't popular:
by a 2-to-1 margin – 62% to 31.9% – Floridians believe schoolchildren should be required to wear masks when they return to the classroom in two weeks, a strong rebuke to DeSantis and his recent executive order banning school districts from imposing mask mandates.

I'm personally sick of this nazi shit of advocating for the wrong thing and then blame the adverse effects of ill advocacy on a scapegoat group.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1424443346383212550/

Well, when her husband dies a totally unnecessary death this woman can just decide that, oh, God wanted to Take Him Home......or whatever. She'll have to deal with the reality of being a widow and raising however many children they may have on her own now, and isn't that too bad, when simply accepting the vaccination could've made all the difference?