COVID Stupid

Or some part thereof. RIP but hope his death teaches someone still able to avoid covid by getting vaxxed instead of dissing its power and then trying to offset that by taking something not meant to deter covid.
The cultists are more likely to sprout some conspiracy ultimately laying blame on some uninvolved entity like "demoncraps" or such other BS.
Great. Europe is going through another huge outbreak, can't wait for it to mutate and spread amongst the selfish assoles here again so the responsible ones have to get another booster.
What still fascinates me is the crowd primarily behind this behavior. Something that's considered life saving on a massive scale like masks & vaccines are too much for them. It's encroaching on... a way of life. Meanwhile fatal encounters ending life, ...meh.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1457110921235550210/

Yet when there were BLM protests demanding not to be killed by the police, THAT was a bridge too far for others to gather in civil obedience. Now I know the tired reach will be about "riots", but lets consider the life, societal, and economic cost. From those supposed "riots" a few businesses were lost, covered by insurance. Businesses have been wiped out now in greater numbers, never to return. Lives were lost if you use the most generous accounting method during the height of BLM, but NOTHING in comparison to the lives lost to Covid.

Wanting to protest the number of lives lost by interactions with police ( the irony of course being what's taken the place of killing the most police & the police's new stand on whether someone should comply with a lawful order ) that result in death is unacceptable. Wanting to protest against measures intended to save hundreds of thousands of lives, protect the economy, etc... LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

The priorities afforded because of the privilege of some is astounding.

CHICAGO — The city is “cooperating” with a federal investigation into Loretto Hospital on the West Side, Mayor Lori Lightfoot said Friday.

Block Club Chicago and the Better Government Association revealed Tuesday the FBI is investigating the hospital’s vaccination program.

Reporters found two federal grand jury subpoenas were issued to the Illinois Department of Public Health in May and September after Block Club Chicago revealed the hospital vaccinated ineligible people at Chicago’s Trump Tower, where Loretto’s chief financial officer, Dr. Anosh Ahmed, lived, as well as a luxury jewelry shop and a high-end Gold Coast steakhouse where Ahmed hung out.

At a Friday news conference, Mayor Lori Lightfoot said the city is cooperating with the probe, though she does not think any city agencies have been subpoenaed.

“Yes, we are cooperating. … They’ve asked individuals questions about things related to Loretto,” Lightfoot said. “I don’t want to go any further because this is an ongoing federal investigation. But of course we’ve cooperated.”

Lightfoot would not say what agency has questioned “individuals” at the city.

Earlier this week, Gov. JB Pritzker said the Illinois Department of Public Health is also cooperating.

“If there was wrongdoing, we need to find those people out and they need to be held accountable,” he said at a news conference.

The subpoenas to the state health department, issued “pursuant to an official criminal investigation,” seek patient records and other documents over a two-day period in March when Chicagoans were scrambling to secure scarce vaccination appointments.

Loretto administrators have not responded to requests for comment.
The subpoenas to the state health department, issued “pursuant to an official criminal investigation,” seek patient records and other documents over a two-day period in March when Chicagoans were scrambling to secure scarce vaccination appointments.

Loretto administrators have not responded to requests for comment.

The subpoenas represent demands for records and information and made no allegations of wrongdoing against any Loretto official. They also do not spell out the scope of the grand jury investigation or its targets.

Still, those documents signal a new depth to the turmoil swirling around the small safety-net hospital on the West Side. The Illinois Attorney General’s Office is already investigating the hospital following reports from Block Club and the Better Government Association that revealed one of Ahmed’s friends won contracts worth $4 million from the nonprofit hospital while Loretto board members took hospital-funded Caribbean trips, among other benefits.

“This is not a fishing expedition,” said Chicago attorney Stephen Lee, who formerly served as a senior counsel to the Chicago U.S. attorney’s health care fraud unit and who reviewed the subpoenas at the request of reporters. “Sometimes these investigations don’t really go anywhere, but there’s something they’re looking into, and it’s something more than just what’s unethical.”

Ahmed resigned in March amid the Block Club disclosures, saying he didn’t want to become a “distraction.” He did not respond to requests for comment Monday.
As the pandemic tore through low-income communities of color, officials administered Illinois’ first vaccinations at Loretto in December, in large part to assure Black and Latino citizens they would be prioritized and protected.

On May 11, Block Club and the BGA published an internal Loretto audit that showed more than half of the hospital’s early on-site coronavirus vaccine doses went to white and Asian people, while the neighborhood Loretto serves is 79 percent Black. Loretto had tried to keep that audit from the public.

About two weeks later, on May 27, the FBI issued its first subpoena to the state health department, demanding information on the vaccination status of 70 people inoculated through Loretto on March 10 and 47 people vaccinated by Loretto the next day, March 11. The second subpoena, sent four months later, on Sept. 15, asked health officials more broadly for all records on any COVID-19 vaccinations administered by Loretto at any location on those two days in March.

The subpoenas were released following a public records request by Block Club and the BGA, but much of the 14 pages — including the names of people who received vaccines on those two days — were blacked out because of medical privacy concerns.

At the time, inoculations were limited to health care staff, essential frontline workers and people 65 and older, but doses proved scarce even for members of those groups. Many people scoured websites for appointments, dialed endlessly into overwhelmed phone banks and responded to text alerts for slots that were quickly snatched up.

"On May 11, Block Club and the BGA published an internal Loretto audit that showed more than half of the hospital’s early on-site coronavirus vaccine doses went to white and Asian people, while the neighborhood Loretto serves is 79 percent Black. Loretto had tried to keep that audit from the public."


Systemic? Nah.
The "Hey, let's film ourselves harassing a shop owner" quickly turns into "Hey, let's film ourselves getting arrested"
man the stupid in this is amazing. but not that you expect much from antivaxxers and anti maskers.