COVID Stupid

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1455553003713220613/

"We have seen the enemy, and..."
An update on the author of that tweet...

Big Bird got 'vaccinated' against COVID-19, drawing outrage from Republicans

Yo Texas WTF
Unvaccinated Texans make up vast majority of COVID-19 cases and deaths this year, new state data shows
Jordan Klepper once again showing all that needs to be said
New thing. Covid causing short term memory loss
As I have said before, the past is what we understand it to be. It is not a solid thing, carved in stone, and because that understanding is subject to revision, the past is as dynamic and uncertain as the future. Thus, if you can convince enough people of a thing, that thing literally becomes part of history, as the past, again, is entirely what we know of it. This is the goal of these people: to form an image of prior events firmly enough that the bullshit is impossible to surmount. They are on the verge of succeeding.

Six days ago, a TikTok creator named Anjelo Tavera posted a video of a blond woman in a blue sweater having a meltdown on what appears to be a commercial passenger jet. In the video, the woman speaks in stilted, almost mid-Atlantic tones as she delineates to an extremely patient flight attendant why she refuses to take her seat on the plane.

“I work hard. I paid for my seat. Which is clearly going to put my life in danger,” she intones in the video, which appears to be recorded from the vantage point of another passenger. As a baby cries in the background and music dramatically swells, the woman explains that she asked her seat-mate to provide his vaccination card, he did not, leading her to believe he wasn’t vaccinated. “I cannot be made to breathe his oxygen. That’s not fair!” she screams before the handsome, broad-shouldered captain emerges to deliver a rousing speech.

“Vaccinated or unvaccinated, we should respect each other,” he says, adding that he will not tolerate “discrimination” against the unvaccinated on his flight before rousting her from the airplane, to a round of applause from the other passengers.
The video appears to have been engineered in a lab to achieve mass virality, particularly for an audience inclined to side with the airline crew. It has everything: a dramatic soundtrack; a buzzy social issue (in this case, vaccination requirements on international flights); a high-strung white woman, or “Karen” in internet parlance, publicly berating harried airline employees, and a stoic, barrel-chested authority figure to serve as the voice of reason during chaotic times. And go viral it did, with Tavera’s video on TikTok racking up more than 34 million views; it has also been reposted and retweeted thousands of times on Twitter, as well as the YouTube channel for the conservative outlet Turning Point USA, where it has more than 150,000 views.
But if the video seemed like it was designed to go viral, that’s because it basically was. The clip appears to have been produced by content creator Prince Ea, aka Richard Williams, also responsible for such staged clickbait as “Racist Lady Gets Covid — What Happens Next Will Shock You,” “This Virus Spreads Faster than Covid” and “‘Woke’ bully shames comedian, instantly regrets it.” Williams, who has 5.6 million YouTube subscribers, also posted the video for “Covid Flight” on Nov. 1 on Facebook, where it got 23 million views. His post was captioned, “She must have been having a bad day,” but did not disclose that the video was staged in the post.
According to an IMDB page for “Covid Flight” posted by the Twitter account @HoaxEye, the role of the irate Karen was played by Diana Winter, an English actor from Bournemouth, United Kingdom who is registered with UK Equity and has appeared in a smattering of short films. The role of the flight attendant appears to have been played by an actor named Jordan Holland, who is represented by the agency Aston Management and wrote a now-deleted post on her Facebook about her experience working on the film. “Great fun filming today with a fun crew! Got to play the part of an airline hostess dealing with a not-so-happy Karen,” she wrote in the caption of the post, which featured a photo of the cast and crew, including Winter, on the airplane seen in the viral video. (Holland and Aston Management did not immediately respond to requests for comment, nor did Williams.)

The director credited on IMDB as helming the video, Jamie Hull-Greenwood, also posted photos from the set on Instagram, including a selfie also dated Oct. 27 of the airplane interior that shows Holland in her flight attendant costume in the frame. “Filming on a plane for Prince Ea, directing a micro short is normally fun but with a fear of flying it’s pretty scary,” he wrote in the caption of a selfie showing him in the cockpit, followed by the “joy” emoji.
He's not stupid. He just knows how to work up his crazy base.
Oh, i know. This is why I’m saying that he just does it for attention which he then converts into campaign donations. If we stop getting upset or offended, he could not cash in on his trolling.
I guess so but imagine going through the trouble of getting a law degree and ultimately just conducting yourself like a 19 year old Infowars commenter. He’s beholden to zero standards of professionalism, he just talks shit all day.

He saw that it worked with Trump.