COVID Stupid

Well, he does have the ultimate indicator of multimillion dollar clients: a gmail account for contact.
Based on which it doesn't take genius to dig this masterpiece up:

And then you know that by more robustly designed [whatever] he meant hydroxychloroquine.

Figures. All the other signs of being in the Trump death cult were already present.
Figures. All the other signs of being in the Trump death cult were already present.
A dive into his twitter completes the experience.:D

Honestly though, nothing indicates the insanity better than COVID disinformation being embraced along party lines.
Is it my imagination or are we seeing more and more stupidity at the other place? Not just around COVID-19 and vaccinations, or Trump, etc., but other topics as well. I saw one post today where someone was apparently running a major OS update on his machine, a laptop, and with only a few minutes left in the updating process, for whatever mindless, idiotic reason he pulled the power plug, thinking that things would just continue on using battery power. Well, DUH, the whole process stopped and he was surprised when afterward all he gets now is the infamous question mark and slash rather than an OS screen......

Another example that I saw today is from someone I already have long suspected is seriously lacking in the IQ department, so not a big surprise when he started yet another new thread in the Digital Photography subforum, claiming that he couldn't find the POTD "forum....." He was eager to share a photo he'd taken with "Mr Powershot."

Yet another example is from some guy who frequently asks a lot of questions and who also rants about incompetent people at AppleCare / Support or even other places -- he seems surprised when people aren't responsive in the way he thinks they should be and accuses them of giving him wrong answers or no answers at all, fobbing him off, etc., etc. It's very clear just reading his posts that he needs to do some personal self-evaluation and undergo an attitude adjustment. He's every retailer's and customer service person's nightmare......
Another example that I saw today is from someone I already have long suspected is seriously lacking in the IQ department, so not a big surprise when he started yet another new thread in the Digital Photography subforum, claiming that he couldn't find the POTD "forum....." He was eager to share a photo he'd taken with "Mr Powershot."

Out of curiosity, I hopped over to MR to see if I could find this guy.'s JWolf, yall.
Is it my imagination or are we seeing more and more stupidity at the other place?
Possibly. I for one have mostly written it off as selection bias; I rarely browse that forum unless something’s been mentioned here.

On the other hand, letting a certain selection of trolls troll and liars lie while penalizing other posters for just about anything can’t be good in the long run.
Yeah, but hajime is the support complainer, and at least one of those sounds like iHorsehead. Yeah, @Clix Pix, more than the usual stupid running around.

Yep, Hajime is the incessant questioner and complainer and JWolf is the irritating nuisance who has been plaguing the Digital Photography subforum with his stupid threads and inane questions for a while now.... Asking questions is perfectly fine, of course, but then neither of these characters seems to know how to appropriately deal with answers that are offered. I didn't pay attention to the user name of the OP of the thread/post whining about his OS update having abruptly aborted (thanks to his own stupidity). I've seen that iHorsehead chap in a couple of threads, and I quite agree -- he's no prize, either!
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Is this guy really a doctor?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1464697497042006024/

So, what’s the theory here? Democrats created the Omicron variant in a lab and then flew to South Africa and infected people there with it?

And elections are a year away… so maybe this guy needs a calendar? Or maybe he just needs to lay off the bottle. I remember his nomination to be head of the VA was held up because of reports of excessive drinking on the job. Only the best people embrace the MAGA movement.
Lrrr's had it...

Good, another anti-vaxxer bites the dust...... COVID-19 is doing a good job so far of cleaning up/purging the population, eh?
Good, another anti-vaxxer bites the dust...... COVID-19 is doing a good job so far of cleaning up/purging the population, eh?
That's my wife's take too but I personally find it sad and completely unnecessary that anyone should die now that there is a vaccine. Dying for your political view just to stick it to the libs is hardly worth it.
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If this were back just over a year ago, when we had no vaccine options yet available and people were falling ill and dying -- well, that was different, wasn't it? No options, no choices for the general public to make. Once the vaccines became available, especially when they were accessible to most of the population and it clearly became an individual's choice to be vaccinated or not, well, that paints a different picture, shines a different light on things, doesn't it? If someone refuses vaccination, well, he or she is going to have to deal with the consequences, and if those consequences include illness and dying, too bad, too sad, because that could have been prevented or the impact of falling ill at least ameliorated and lessened. As we are seeing time and time again, you can't fix "stupid," and it sure looks as though a lot of stupid people are dying unnecessarily......
If this were back just over a year ago, when we had no vaccine options yet available and people were falling ill and dying -- well, that was different, wasn't it? No options, no choices for the general public to make. Once the vaccines became available, especially when they were accessible to most of the population and it clearly became an individual's choice to be vaccinated or not, well, that paints a different picture, shines a different light on things, doesn't it? If someone refuses vaccination, well, he or she is going to have to deal with the consequences, and if those consequences include illness and dying, too bad, too sad, because that could have been prevented or the impact of falling ill at least ameliorated and lessened. As we are seeing time and time again, you can't fix "stupid," and it sure looks as though a lot of stupid people are dying unnecessarily......
My empathy for antivaxxers beyond the ethical minimum, is long gone and I generally agree. But i want to point out that there are people on immunosuppressive therapies who can't produce antibodies against SARS-CoV2 even after multiple shots. So this might be a choice for most, but it is not for many.
Yes, people who for whatever good medical reasons cannot be vaccinated are in a different category, as they don' t really have the choice that the rest of the population does. My lack of empathy and frank disgust is aimed strictly at those who refuse to be vaccinated and they have no good reasons for this.
My empathy for antivaxxers beyond the ethical minimum, is long gone and I generally agree. But i want to point out that there are people on immunosuppressive therapies who can't produce antibodies against SARS-CoV2 even after multiple shots. So this might be a choice for most, but it is not for many.

That's a valid point. All the same, they're not the "COVID Stupid" using their power to spread misinformation, causing scenes at grocery stores and school board meetings, and generally being asses about not taking the vaccine. The people you speak of are unlikely (my guess) to show up in the types of stories we see posted here.

When I went to get my booster a few weeks back, it was a drive-thru for both testing and vaccination. It was tough seeing people drive up and get a swab instead of a needle. As easy and fun as it might be at times to blow off steam here over some stupid people, it was much harder seeing it on an individual level. They might have been anti-vax fools who's luck ran out, or an innocent person who came in contact with a fool. Regardless, it's easy to not care about "all those people" who won't get a free shot. But in my experience, it's much harder not to care when it's an actual person in front of you. I found it to be a good reminder that it's hitting people and not just generating amusing news stories for us to laugh at. Whether what's coming is deserved or not, it sounds like a horrible experience for anyone to have to go through if things don't go well.

That said, I am happy that preacher-man won't be able to spread his nonsense to the gullible. Hopefully that saves a few more lives in the long run.
Here’s a sad story of a British guy who refused the vaccine ‘until more was learned about it’ and effectively died very young due to his own stupidity.

So sad for his family that are left behind and so unnecessary when we are all being offered protection. I bet his last thoughts were absolutely full of regret.