Donald Trump 2024 Presidential Campaign Announcement Nov. 15


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
I think the blood is all the pain and suffering he has went through because he chose himself over America. chose to break the law over holding it up. Such a true warrior.

Yes, the self pity over predicaments Trump has created for himself comes rolling out of him sometimes, projected as blame cast onto perceived enemies or onto anyone else handy.

His aides prepare speeches for him but he just can't stick to them, and the stuff he riffs into is rage-filled or just pathetic (and long: he was supposed to speak 35 minutes at his announcement yesterday and it ran to 65... imagine being his captive audience),

Trump is just a straight up liar 24/7 about anything, everything, whatever pops into his head.

Even as he blathered on yesterday, one of his trusted (and corrupted) employees was on the stand between a rock and hard place having to tell the truth (or serve a 15 year term) about whatever the prosecutors felt like asking him regarding the Trump Organization's internal bookkeeping practices.​

Basically he talks to himself all the time to keep from hearing anything rattling around in the zillion compartmentalized rooms of his crimin' mind. Aren't the rest of us lucky he needs adulation and so comes out to some rally now and then to share some of those wacky dialogues... /S

shadow puppet

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4th padded cell on the right
I just realized that I thought Trump’s speech was much shorter - I didn’t realize Fox had cut into it and it hadn’t ended.
CNN, Fox News and MSNBC all cut away.

Glad I wasn't one of the patrons being prevented from escaping. I quit after two minutes. Like @Eric shared earlier, I cannot handle the sound of TFG's voice.


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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
I just realized that I thought Trump’s speech was much shorter - I didn’t realize Fox had cut into it and it hadn’t ended.
Apparently, toward the end according to MoJo, he wandered into weird territory in attempt to broaden his appeal

(Individual-ONE) said he would push for a constitutional amendment imposing term limits on members of Congress; a permanent ban on taxpayer funding of political campaigns; and a ban on “members of Congress getting rich by trading stocks with insider information.” If you read the comments out of context, you might have thought you were hearing from Elizabeth Warren. … used these reform suggestions as a segue to complain about the United States’ lengthy elections and to advocate for “paper ballots, same-day voting, voter ID—so simple.”

because we are all Americans, so we must all be MAGAt-level gullible.


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Just curious, who was preventing people from leaving the room - Secret Service or Trump employees? And were the people wanting to leave given a reason why they couldn't?


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I just finished watching Dr. Fauci, who is 81 years old, being interviewed about vaccinations and related matters on Face the Nation. He was fully engaged with the host, alert, animated (in a good way), super quick responding, with nuanced/thoughtful answers and considerations. He could have easily been 30 years old.

Fauci's performance further reminded me of Biden's age (just turning 80), his recent public appearances fielding questions, and the election and campaign season being less than two years away. And, should Biden win, being 82 at the Inauguration.

Hate saying it as I really like Biden as a person and his five decades of service to the country, but I think it's time for him step down and endorse another candidate.
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Mama's lil stinker
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I just finished watching Dr. Fauci, who is 81 years old, being interviewed about vaccinations and related matters on Face the Nation. He was fully engaged with the host, alert, animated (in a good way), super quick responding, with nuanced/thoughtful answers and considerations. He could have easily been 30 years old.

Fauci's performance further reminded me of Biden's age (just turning 80), his recent public appearances fielding questions, and the election and campaign season being less than two years away. And, should Biden win, being 82 at the Inauguration.

Hate saying it as I really like Biden as a person and his five decades of service to the country, but I think it's time for him step down and endorse another candidate.
Agreed on both fronts here, Fauci is so thoughtful and measured in his responses. He just delivered the news as he saw it, as the most qualified virologist in the industry, hating him did not change the trajectory of the virus, just how people responded to it.

As for Biden it's hard to argue that point but even though his poll numbers aren't great he is the incumbent and unless something goes terribly wrong (like Trump) they're much harder to unseat. Democrats need to come up with a decisive plan or face infighting like we're seeing on the Republican side. If Biden were to simply step aside it would make things easier but his endorsement and Harris will be huge considerations.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
I just finished watching Dr. Fauci, who is 81 years old, being interviewed about vaccinations and related matters on Face the Nation. He was fully engaged with the host, alert, animated (in a good way), super quick responding, with nuanced/thoughtful answers and considerations. He could have easily been 30 years old.

Fauci's performance further reminded me of Biden's age (just turning 80) his recent public appearances fielding questions, and the election and campaign season being less than two years away. And, should Biden win, being 82 at the Inauguration.

Hate saying it as I really like Biden as a person and his five decades of service to the country, but I think it's time for him step down and endorse another candidate.

I agree. The baton needs to go back to the nextgen again... and stay there this time already. We needed a competent caretaker in recovering from Trump and trying to recover from covid's impact... but it's time to draw a line and move forward with an eye on the future, which is not whatever boomers and silent gen might like that would too often seem to favor the worst of their long-favored instincts. The f'g planet is dying and we elders make a spectacle of ourselves still catering to excesses of unsustainable capitalism.

I get why that reversion to older candidates happened on the Dem side because of the heavy lean up front from the DNC for Clinton, and the uncertainty over Sanders from more conservative Dems as that competition developed later on.

But I do fault the Rs for caving in to Trump, because there were better --and younger-- choices out there from among the original 17-person array. Sure the populist mood of that time was a huge factor there in the end, but the RNC did have options they didn't exercise.

Trump's appeal to white supremacists in 2016 was offering the GOP a broadened potential base on a platter, and they went there. They won, but they might also have won if Kasich had been their nominee instead because of his appeal to right-leaning centrists. Kasich was certainly capable of more than competent leadership of our executive branch, whatever we might have thought of his political lean or particular exercise of governance in Ohio.

Now Kasich is 70 and so hardly a spring chicken, but he was only 64 in 2016... and believe me when I say that the difference between 65 and 75 is no joke even for those in good health. So someone expecting to be able to run for a second term of a USA presidency from a start in their 70s is always going to make it hard on their party, really. It's not just a matter of "ageism". The job is a killer no matter one's age, but imo running the USA is not for someone closing in on their 80s.

I would have loved to see a 2016 race between Kasich and Klobuchar... yeah even in an era of high populism amongst voters previously leaning to policies of either major party.

Anyway the Dems need to give their younger bench some space and spotlight starting real soon now. They have competent potential nominees who already did gain some national name recognition in 2020. And Biden needs to give Harris more exposure. She has gained perhaps unexpected and generally high approval from abroad from time to time, but the American press doesn't lend her much oxygen, so we don't really know whether and how she has grown as a potential President-in-waiting and as an extension of Biden's policies (or how she would modify them).

At the least if Harris gets more media coverage in the months ahead, she'll elicit some pushback from other worthy Dem candidates for 2024 before primary season rolls out. We should not have to find ourselves having to choose from "who's that?" versus DeSantis or whoever muscles in on the GOP side... depending on how Trump fares v attention from DoJ and fading (or mocking) attention from Rupert Murdoch. Democrats need to be able to start appealing to whatever remains of the center as soon as possible. A good time can't be any better than when the right has just proven disappointing in a recent election.
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For anyone interested in hearing what's on Dr. Fauci's mind, here's the full interview from this morning.

He talks about a wide range of interesting issues from vaccinations, to politics unnecessarily compromising effective covid outcomes and creating an anti-science views in the country in general, to politics creating an environment that fosters China being suspicious and not fully sharing covid information with the US.



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I just finished watching Dr. Fauci, who is 81 years old, being interviewed about vaccinations and related matters on Face the Nation. He was fully engaged with the host, alert, animated (in a good way), super quick responding, with nuanced/thoughtful answers and considerations. He could have easily been 30 years old.

Fauci's performance further reminded me of Biden's age (just turning 80), his recent public appearances fielding questions, and the election and campaign season being less than two years away. And, should Biden win, being 82 at the Inauguration.

Hate saying it as I really like Biden as a person and his five decades of service to the country, but I think it's time for him step down and endorse another candidate.

Not against that at all. But I also don’t underestimate Biden. It would be a dick move to win the presidency and then pass it over to your VP, but it could be ran on if done right, so the voters know in advance.

It’s easy to criticize his campaign, but he did win. I think he proved “less is more” and it was due to COVID and a coordinated plan, not because of inability imo.

Anyway, it’s an interesting time, to be sure. We will either be surprised by something good or learn a valuable lesson one way or the other.

As for Trump, I see he’s had dinner with Nick Fuentes. As usual, he’s blaming everyone else.. Kanye, probably the secret service, who knows. But he hasn’t condemned Nick Fuentes or anything about him. Just the usual claim of ignorance. How is this not a pattern that proves his overt racism and endorsement of them, and their support for him? It’s the same shtick everytime with this professional asshole.
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