Donald Trump Hacked


Elite Member
Oct 25, 2022
So what goes around comes around. However, as Marcy Wheeler writes, a part from feeling schadenfreude we should also be very concerned about this:

That story had two additional details that made me rethink the potential impact of this. First, it revealed that Trump didn’t tell the FBI about the hack.
Against that background, WaPo’s description of what the persona shared becomes more alarming.
The sender would not speak on the telephone with a Post reporter but indicated they had access to additional information, including internal campaign emails and documents related to Trump’s court cases. [my emphasis]
Trump has not firewalled his campaign from a criminal case involving the most sensitive documents of the US government, meaning a well-executed hack targeted his campaign may turn into an intelligence bonanza.
The question of how to approach this news, if it is further confirmed, goes well beyond the question of whether to publish the documents allegedly stolen by Iran. In significant part because Trump refuses to maintain boundaries between his political life and his criminal life, hacks from Iran could create real damage to the United States beyond what they do to Trump’s campaign.

Oh and apparently Iran may be trying to assassinate Trump in addition to hacking his campaign.
Imagine if Harris said on stage “Iran, if you’re listening…”

He took great personal satisfaction when the DNC was hacked.

And yes, Trump’s reaction in 2016 should have been “this is concerning”, not publicly praising Wikileaks and Russia and asking them to release everything.

The guy is inept, he’s probably got his goons going through the back channels and saying “Hey, what legislation do you want passed to not release anything?”

Hell, I wouldn’t put it past Trump to start openly praising Iran at his rallies, maybe soften up on his fake pro-Israel stance.
Imagine if Harris said on stage “Iran, if you’re listening…”

He took great personal satisfaction when the DNC was hacked.

And yes, Trump’s reaction in 2016 should have been “this is concerning”, not publicly praising Wikileaks and Russia and asking them to release everything.
The guy is inept, he’s probably got his goons going through the back channels and saying “Hey, what legislation do you want passed to not release anything?”

Hell, I wouldn’t put it past Trump to start openly praising Iran at his rallies, maybe soften up on his fake pro-Israel stance.
Given that Trump ordered the assassination of Soleimani, I don’t think Iran will be in a particularly forgiving mood and easily placated. However we don’t know for certain that the Iranians are even behind this though it makes sense.
Wouldn’t matter whether Iran is behind it or not - because Harris would never say “Iran, if you’re listening” in this context. They’d have a field day if she did. Trump says this kind of stuff all the time, just as he did in 2016, and continues to praise the dictators of countries who are in many ways adversarial to the U.S.
Wouldn’t matter whether Iran is behind it or not - because Harris would never say “Iran, if you’re listening” in this context. They’d have a field day if she did. Trump says this kind of stuff all the time, just as he did in 2016, and continues to praise the dictators of countries who are in many ways adversarial to the U.S.
Oh I meant from the perspective of Trump trying to sell out the US to Iran to save his own hide. We don’t yet know if this is the Iranians, only the Trump camp is saying that. I mean that does make the most sense, but it’s not clear that it is known. Given that the Iranians purportedly want to kill him he’d have to go full high treason to get back into their good graces (not that he’d have a problem with that) - promising a few trinkets and empty words isn’t going to cut it.
So what goes around comes around. However, as Marcy Wheeler writes, a part from feeling schadenfreude we should also be very concerned about this:

Oh and apparently Iran may be trying to assassinate Trump in addition to hacking his campaign.
We should all be working to prevent this, regardless of candidate.

Sounds like it was Microsoft who got hacked here, if it's their infrastructure that took a hit then they should bear the responsibility.

And Clinton campaign emails
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Meanwhile, Musk is talking about media bias and misinformation as he pitches a tent for Trump with a two-hour softball snooze fest and disseminates blatantly obvious misinformation on Shittier-Twitter.

The media is partially to blame though, the normalization of Trump is part of all of this, and the desire to not be seen as “omg leftist fake news”, which they always be to some if they report the truth on Trump anyways plays into it.

I really don’t care if the stuff is published or not, but it sure is remarkable what they will and won’t willingly share.
If the media "cannot in good conscience" show us any of the leaked ShitGibbon campaign info, given the nature of the stuff they have shown us regarding Ms Clinton and Hunter Biden, we must then assume that what they are not showing us is unimaginably bad. They are forcing us to speculate and make up stories to fill in what we do not know.
Not sure of these rumors, but I have heard that the NYT, WaPo, and Political are all sitting on the story. Not sure if its to release it for headlines in October, source confirmation, election swaying, or some other motive.

I do think that part of their decision is revenue based. They are better off with Trump in the headlines everyday than going back before 2015.