I bet Tesla will add a monthly option for EAP (though I suppose that could be another differentiator with FSD). People said it was unlikely they'd do a discounted year option for premium connectivity, but they eventually did.
Speaking of, I let my premium lapse, I just sort of wanted to see the car work without it, er, yeah, a few things were missing, then I connected to my phone hotspot, that helped, but still a bit of a PITA, so I just got another year for $99.
Hahaha, I actually bought it while sitting in the theater waiting for The Thing to start

I had turned on Sentry, and for fun went to live camera, which needs premium, so I added it, checked out, done! Then when I went back to try live cameras, it said that option was off (I guess it went into default mode, which is off, when it re-upped to premium). Anyway, set that back on, yeah, so much easier with premium and no loss of features (live cams, live traffic).