FBI executed search warrant at Mar-a-Lago

I thought I would head over to Fox to see what is going on, and I think this is actually an interesting article.

It's like they're saying "Hey idiot, they are saying you are an idiot and what your idiotic beliefs are. Are you going to take that, idiot?!?!" It pretty much lays out Republican strategy and motivations that are less than honest or problem solving. I don't know how they expect their readers to take it.

Wow, yeah. It's really kinda weird for Fox to embed at the top of the piece a video with a Congressman from Indiana spouting the Rs' talking points against the Mar a Lago search warrant execution, since the whole rest of the piece is basically excerpts from that WaPo op ed laying out how Trump fans are being used by the Republicans and getting nothing out of their adulation and support. WTF?

Well they do say Murdoch is walking the fence now on the whole issue of supporting or ditching Trump... whatever sells a newspaper will do in the meantime, eh. But here Fox seems to be saying to their readers: "Hey, you decide: is he your guy like they say, or are you just being had?" Interesting indeed.
I thought I would head over to Fox to see what is going on, and I think this is actually an interesting article.

It's like they're saying "Hey idiot, they are saying you are an idiot and what your idiotic beliefs are. Are you going to take that, idiot?!?!" It pretty much lays out Republican strategy and motivations that are less than honest or problem solving. I don't know how they expect their readers to take it.

That’s why I’m baffled by some of the defenses of Trump this week. I expected the usual gaslighting of their base, but I expected it to be more along the lines of “this is all political BS, the president can declassify documents, this was unnecessary, they should have just asked”.

Instead, they’ve said “if they can do it to him, they can do it to you”. Which reveals just how dumb Fox and conservative pundits believe their base is. First, they have it backwards. If it can happen to us, it could and should happen to him. Secondly, it DOES happen to others, all the time. These same mouth breathers defend faulty no-knock warrants. But FBI agents can’t show up to a golf club when the owner is out of town to retrieve documents they ALREADY requested?

Pretty sure if the feds or local cops had legit reason to believe I operated a meth lab, they’d show up at my door without warning.
Some of these comments are gold...

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BTW This move literally flipped the narrative in a period of a couple of hours. Trump should've kept his mouth shut.
The man who attacked the FBI office in Ohio today died in a standoff. No knowledge of his motives yet, but I’m sure many MAGAts will treat him like a hero and martyr.

Reports say this suspect was also at the Capitol on J6.
The man who attacked the FBI office in Ohio today died in a standoff. No knowledge of his motives yet, but I’m sure many MAGAts will treat him like a hero and martyr.

Reports say this suspect was also at the Capitol on J6.

One can hope he left a manifesto somewhere... so we learn something of his motives.

EDIT: well the guy having been at the 1/6 thing sheds some light anyway.
The fill-in for Tucker Carlson tonight, Brian Kilmeade, asked why Garland waited until today to address the American people instead of before the raid.


How fucking stupid are Fox viewers? I mean, I’m shocked I have to ask the question, but seriously? Why didn’t the AG address America about a search warrant he hadn’t yet acted upon?

Oh, and for good measure, he bitched about the briefing being late and said this was a great week for Trump. Desperate much?

I also heard a clip of Rand Paul - barely better than Ted Cruz and Ron Johnson (perhaps worse) - asking “how do we know they didn’t plant evidence?” How do you EVER know evidence wasn’t planted in ANY case? Did they ask that question when the FBI obtained material on Hillary Clinton? How do we know the FBI didn’t delete her emails so they could accuse her? BECAUSE THEY F******G DIDN’T.
The fill-in for Tucker Carlson tonight, Brian Kilmeade, asked why Garland waited until today to address the American people instead of before the raid.


How fucking stupid are Fox viewers? I mean, I’m shocked I have to ask the question, but seriously? Why didn’t the AG address America about a search warrant he hadn’t yet acted upon?

Oh, and for good measure, he bitched about the briefing being late and said this was a great week for Trump. Desperate much?

I also heard a clip of Rand Paul - barely better than Ted Cruz and Ron Johnson (perhaps worse) - asking “how do we know they didn’t plant evidence?” How do you EVER know evidence wasn’t planted in ANY case? Did they ask that question when the FBI obtained material on Hillary Clinton? How do we know the FBI didn’t delete her emails so they could accuse her? BECAUSE THEY F******G DIDN’T.
Same reason they're suspicious about the price of gas dropping, they're basically dolts catering to the lowest denominator.

As for Rand Paul, some people are asking "how do we know he's not having sex with farm animals?" he needs to explain this.
I'll give these right-wing "revolutionaries" that our government is majorly corrupt and broken. I'll admit that government action and inaction probably more directly affects them in their rural areas and small towns than my fancy city ass and they've been ignored and in decline for decades. But here's where it becomes a monumental embarrassment, they think their savior is Donald J Trump. For 98% of his life he's been their enemy on major issues if they bothered to look into it. The remaining 2% that logically explains the devotion is the shout out feedback loop he and his voters get hopped up on, he's mainstreamed surface level racism for those who are racist, and he switched the narrative from bootstrapping yourself to success to literally everybody but yourself is holding you back/take no personal responsibility. I understand that can be intoxicating but it solves nothing. By that logic you'll never be successful or content until you are the last person left alive. And that's why there's no hope for a lot of these people. They'll never run out of inventing enemies or being victims.
Nuclear weapons. The dude had documents about nuclear weapons. Why? What did he need those for.

Fox talking heads whining “but he was cooperating!” Ok? Apparently he wasn’t, or not fast enough. The bending over for that man is insane. He’s one guy. How long were they supposed to give him? Another week? A year? A decade? Clearly he knew what they wanted and when, or he wouldn’t have cooperated in the first place. And if he did have them and didn’t know where, doesn’t that reinforce he shouldn’t have them in the first place, and why we don’t allow people - not even former presidents - to just take whatever they want wherever they want?

Remember when Trump first took office and people who said they feared he’d try to stay in power or mishandle things relating to nukes were derided as having “TDS”?
Nuclear weapons. The dude had documents about nuclear weapons. Why? What did he need those for.

Holy crap man that's a big deal, I hate to make any assumptions with that but outside of selling/using it for leverage it what could he possibly want that for?
Nuclear weapons. The dude had documents about nuclear weapons. Why? What did he need those for.

I’m sure it was another accident. Or they were planted. Either an aide accidentally stuck them in the office supplies box (since I’m sure top-secret documents pertaining to nukes are just casually floating around the office and easy to get and mix-up 🙄), or something more nefarious happened… Garland got a warrant just to get his goons to plant classified documents at Trump’s golf club.

Definitely nothing Trump did though. Just a victim of the deep state or horrible circumstances.
Fox News has some old lady showing us a dinosaur skeleton as the other networks report on the WaPo nuke news.