FBI executed search warrant at Mar-a-Lago

I haven't figured out the multi-quote here.....but I'm not saying any of YOU shouldn't care.......but If you think this is going to cause Trump any actual trouble, I disagree, although I wish it would.

I wouldn't say that. I very much doubt the DOJ would go to these lengths just to give Trump a hard time. When you consider this alongside everything we've gleamed from the Jan. 6th Committee hearings, you can see that things are slowly and surely coming to a head.

When the day comes that we finally learn the breadth and scope of the DOJ's case, I imagine we'll see a lot of fecal matter coming into contact with some spinning blades. I also expect there to be an equal and opposite violent response to it as well.
I haven't figured out the multi-quote here.....but I'm not saying any of YOU shouldn't care.......but If you think this is going to cause Trump any actual trouble, I disagree, although I wish it would. Unfortunately it might help him more than hurt him

Clearly anti-trumpers are hoping for some truly damaging event that will open the eyes of his supporters who will then shrink away in shame and horror.........but Trump's very skilled at getting away with outrageous behavior.

Yeah I don't think Garland's statement was for or against Trump supporters. It was in support of DoJ and FBI workers, and in support of our rule of law.

I'm pretty sure Garland gets it that Trump supporters are responsible for their own speech and behavior. Should that happen to intersect down the road with criminal law enforcement, that's one thing, but in the meantime Garland's about doing what he's supposed to do and seeing that his employees are supported in their assigned work.

As for Trump's teflon-like ability to skate (or ski), yeah it boggles the mind really. He's on a hell of a downhill course now though, if you ask me. Might just be another practice run, or he might finally have crossed a line where law enforcement has the goods to engage with him for real. His lawyers are going to have to work overtime to keep him from self-sabotaging.

Catastrophic finishes are the hallmarks of decompensating narcissists: ask any psych nurse. In the end he will need pity. His supporters will be long gone by then. They're a few months or a few years from reminiscing about him during summers, having a few beers around the grill with burgers and sausages on the fire and talking about the good old days "before he tailed off and got so damn weak."
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I wouldn't say that. I very much doubt the DOJ would go to these lengths just to give Trump a hard time. When you consider this alongside everything we've gleamed from the Jan. 6th Committee hearings, you can see that things are slowly and surely coming to a head.

When the day comes that we finally learn the breadth and scope of the DOJ's case, I imagine we'll see a lot of fecal matter coming into contact with some spinning blades. I also expect there to be an equal and opposite violent response to it as well.

I wasn't certainly wasn't saying the DOJ was doing this "just to give Trump a hard time".

But what I'm saying is that I suspect it won't hurt Trump at all, rather in the end it'll help him in exploiting the idea that he's being persecuted.....yet again
I wasn't certainly wasn't saying the DOJ was doing this "just to give Trump a hard time".

But what I'm saying is that I suspect it won't hurt Trump at all, rather in the end it'll help him in exploiting the idea that he's being persecuted.....yet again
I don't think anyone expects it to hurt him, he's gotten away with every horrible thing he's done as a human being his entire life. It will only surprise people if he actually gets held accountable for the first time.
I haven't figured out the multi-quote here.....but I'm not saying any of YOU shouldn't care.......but If you think this is going to cause Trump any actual trouble, I disagree, although I wish it would. Unfortunately it might help him more than hurt him

Clearly anti-trumpers are hoping for some truly damaging event that will open the eyes of his supporters who will then shrink away in shame and horror.........but Trump's very skilled at getting away with outrageous behavior.

I think most of us have stopped caring about what Trump supporters think. To take a page from their own playbook – fuck their feelings. I think that switch in caring happened midway during the hearings. Prior to that there was possibly a desire to have them wake the fuck up, but that time has passed. They’ve proven themselves beyond reach.
Getting ugly…. They will change their tune when or if this fantasy of war in the streets becomes real and they’re coming home from work with a six-pack and there’s a group of armed rednecks outside their cul-de-sac home. Do these people think they’ll be able to tell liberals from conservatives out and about in public?

They’re not pro-law enforcement, they’re racist and pro-Trump, and they’re anti-law enforcement except for the select few they should be against - like the ones who commit murder of minorities.

Seriously, it’s time to teach these folks that their actions - and even sometimes their words - have real consequences, and sometimes legal ones if you cross the line.

But what I'm saying is that I suspect it won't hurt Trump at all, rather in the end it'll help him in exploiting the idea that he's being persecuted.....yet again

That all depends upon how this ends, whether we see Trump being perp walked to a jail cell or not.
he's actually quite skilled at getting away with horrible behavior

Yep... but not without a lot of winking and nodding from this version of the Republican Party. It's not just his fan base out in the streets. It's the people they helped elect to the US House and Senate.
Ted Cruz and Republicans today...

I'm sure they're aware that Trump could release the warrant himself, right?

Who knows, but they believe anything they’re told. Cruz made this statement before Garland’s remarks. It’s now up to Trump to agree to what Cruz is demanding. I suspect if Trump doesn’t allow the materials released (if he can convince the courts not to), the argument will shift.

Ironically, it was people like Cruz and Graham who predicted all of this behavior from Trump… when they were running against him in 2016.

My guess is the argument will shift to “WHY DID GARLAND AND JOE BIDEN’S FBI ALLOW THIS TO BE RELEASED!?!?”
I thought I would head over to Fox to see what is going on, and I think this is actually an interesting article.

It's like they're saying "Hey idiot, they are saying you are an idiot and what your idiotic beliefs are. Are you going to take that, idiot?!?!" It pretty much lays out Republican strategy and motivations that are less than honest or problem solving. I don't know how they expect their readers to take it.
Yep... but not without a lot of winking and nodding from this version of the Republican Party. It's not just his fan base out in the streets. It's the people they helped elect to the US House and Senate.

indeed, it's not just his fans in the street ......when it comes to elected officials facilitating his lawlessness, one has to wonder which of them are Trump's knowing co-conspirators and which have simply been duped by the scam
Clearly anti-trumpers are hoping for some truly damaging event that will open the eyes of his supporters who will then shrink away in shame and horror.........

I'm convinced that will never happen. It doesn't really matter what happens. If you're ever in doubt, go to Fox, OAN, etc., find a story about Trump (or anything political) and scroll down to the comments. It doesn't matter what evidence is presented to them. They don't care and will ignore anything that doesn't agree with their world-view. They're the flat-earthers of the political world.