FBI executed search warrant at Mar-a-Lago

Holy crap man that's a big deal, I hate to make any assumptions with that but outside of selling/using it for leverage it what could he possibly want that for?
To trade to the Saudis in exchange for the golf tournament? To give to his russian spy pals who are always milling about Mar-a-Lago? Who knows.
Trump’s story will be: “The only classified documents I kept were documents that proved the Deep State conspiracy, including by the very bad people at the FBI, to commit treason and undermine the greatest presidency of all time. The only nuclear documents were planted by the FBI when they “searched” my beautiful home and refused to let anyone watch them.”
To trade to the Saudis in exchange for the golf tournament? To give to his russian spy pals who are always milling about Mar-a-Lago? Who knows.

After reading the WaPo piece and its mention of knowledge among intel officials that sensitive material was not always handled properly even while in the West Wing, one could wonder now, long after removal of such or similar material to Mar a Lago, if the documents have since then already been copied or shared out to people not remotely qualified to read them.

No wonder DoJ wanted to expedite retrieval after Trump and his counsel were taking their sweet time "deciding" whether or when or how the material could be returned in a manner that would not cause Trump to self-incriminate on the matter of possessing such docs after leaving office.

As for what his story now will be, that's just boilerplate for his minions. Wonder what the GOP leadership is doing tonight. Trying to find reverse gear in their made-for-TV chariot?

As for the White House, wow. They've been careful not to comment. I bet they're fielding some calls from allies at this point though about the state of our (and their) national security. The breaches if any are on Trump, but it's Biden's administration that will have to sort it out. Ugh.
Man, I hate to keep dropping Fox nuggets, but they are really desperate this week. The rhetoric coming from them is flailing and sad even for the low (non-existing?) standards of this network. Hannity can hardly get his words out. He’s wondering why Obama, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden and Joe Biden haven’t been raided. I’ve heard Hunter Biden’s name this week as much as I have Trump’s.

They keep harping on that Trump cooperated, glossing over what he did, while implying every past president has done the same thing and Trump is being singled out. Truly embarrassing stuff on this “news” network. Hannity is stumbling over his talking points.

Never mind the fact Garland wasn’t even AG for most of the stuff they’ve been whining about.
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Fox and the GOP are so transparently hypocritical about this issue. They relentlessly attacked Hillary Clinton over her emails and said they were evidence that she couldn't be trusted. But Trump takes sensitive documents home with him and refuses to return all of them and, well, that's okay with them - it's really the FBI and DOJ that are in the wrong here. And that creep Rand Paul is complaining that the FBI raid is an attack on the "rule of law," but the guy who illegally took documents home, and who by the way incited an attempted coup, warrants no criticism by him. The sad thing is that so many Americans have been brainwashed by Fox et al that they don't recognize the deceit.
I have an update:

Shall we take a vote as to whether team former guy allows them to release the contents or not?
Shall we take a vote as to whether team former guy allows them to release the contents or not?
He always delays and he benefits from uncertainty. The document probably mentions the words “nuclear weapons” which is why it leaked.

I guess he will object.
Shall we take a vote as to whether team former guy allows them to release the contents or not?

I don’t think he will. His base goes along with him no matter what, so I’d imagine he’ll fight it because they know it won’t matter to his supporters anyway. Just like his tax returns.

However, he may not have a choice. The government has requested them be unsealed, and Trump can make a case as to why he wants them sealed, but that’s no guarantee he’ll succeed. He has to prove that releasing them can harm him, and he’s not done himself any favors by releasing the info of the search of his home and making baseless claims against the DoJ.

Leaving the GOP standing with their thumbs up their asses since they were demanding it be released.

Oh, the republicans have selective amnesia. They’ve probably already dropped the demand to see those things now that the DoJ has agreed with them.
Shall we take a vote as to whether team former guy allows them to release the contents or not?

Well the leaks have begun now, so... whether he allows the likely redacted materials list or not, people get the drift now of the urgency of obtaining and executing a warrant since progress had halted on voluntary return of materials being sought.

Still I would expect his counsel might object. Sure Trump revealed that there had been a warrant and a "raid" by the FBI but the unsealing reveals among other things the specific criminal code citations involved. It's one thing to read about speculations on what laws were broken and another to read specific allegations in a warrant that has been granted and executed. Trump probably wouldn't like those phrases bandied about.

But... I'm not sure the objections will be taken seriously by the judge though. I mean Trump did let the cat out of the bag himself. No one said anything to the public in advance of the search. And unsealing the warrant doesn't mean there won't be redactions to protect sensitive descriptions of what materials were seized.

Trump did this to himself (and to the GOP, now trying to figure out where the emergency exit is).
If Trump had these documents, and I have no reason to doubt he did, a bigger question than him simply having them is how did he get them out of the White House and hold onto them for this long? Aren’t these documents closely watched and guarded? Are there logs of who has them?

And what the hell has he already done with them? If he hasn’t already put them to use, who knows what the hell he had planned with them.

And the right-wind media is correct; Trump is being treated differently. He’s been treated far better than you or I would be. There’s a lot of people who’ve felt the swift, strong arm of the justice department for less egregious acts regarding sensitive information.
If Trump had these documents, and I have no reason to doubt he did, a bigger question than him simply having them is how did he get them out of the White House and hold onto them for this long? Aren’t these documents closely watched and guarded? Are there logs of who has them?

And what the hell has he already done with them? If he hasn’t already put them to use, who knows what the hell he had planned with them.

And the right-wind media is correct; Trump is being treated differently. He’s been treated far better than you or I would be. There’s a lot of people who’ve felt the swift, strong arm of the justice department for less egregious acts regarding sensitive information.

Yeah there are Americans who have done time taking pleas on less egregious security breaches. There was a section over in PRSI at MR that discussed some of those cases a few years ago, but that'whole archive is gone now...

I've always been curious to know what if any information was ever withheld from Trump out of concern that he might reveal it to people without a need or any reason whatsoever to know. I suppose in the end if it were sensitive info from an allied source, the allied country's government would not have shared it with US intel officially anyway if they had their own doubts. Officially perhaps being a key word there.
To trade to the Saudis in exchange for the golf tournament? To give to his russian spy pals who are always milling about Mar-a-Lago? Who knows.

Could be information about trump's activities US intelligence agencies snagged when he was in Russia.
Already sounds like they're going to fight it.

DoJ doesn't care. They've made their points by saying to Trump and the GOP "fine, since you mentioned it exists, let's unseal the thing and let everyone see what we're looking for and why,"

So that game's more or less over and DoJ won just by calling the bluff.
DoJ doesn't care. They've made their points by saying to Trump and the GOP "fine, since you mentioned it exists, let's unseal the thing and let everyone see what we're looking for and why,"

So that game's more or less over and DoJ won just by calling the bluff.
Trump and every Republican who was vocal about this got owned in no uncertain terms today, they've all but crawled under a rock.