FBI executed search warrant at Mar-a-Lago

I'm more interested in whether Garland's statement does anything to get some of those Republican Party "leadership" officials to STFU and quit egging on the violence-inciting crowd still using Trump as their excuse to tout civil war as what we need next in the USA.
Unfortunately, people may have to die before they'll relent, if Jan 6th is any indication.
"The government will respond to the direction of the Court to provide further briefingas to additional entries on the docket, pursuant to the schedule set by the Court."

What does "additional entries" mean in the above context?
I don’t know. Let me go see if I can see the docket, or if the docket, itself, is sealed.
Found the docket. It has 18 entries. A bunch of them are various news organizations that are seeking to unseal the warrant.
I don’t know. Let me go see if I can see the docket, or if the docket, itself, is sealed.
Ok, so what it seems the government is saying here is that since a bunch of news organizations already moved to unseal, if the court wants the government to chime in on those it will do so.
Unfortunately, people may have to die before they'll relent, if Jan 6th is any indication.
The tragedies and threats to or ruination of other people's lives continue, and I hold the Republican Party itself responsible. They wanted to use Trump's charisma and his malleability to get what THEY wanted, and they knew the danger ahead of trying to sideline him and still mollify his base as his marginal utility to their agenda declined. Yet their cowardice and lust for power embed them ever more deeply in the damage Trump is still wreaking in our social fabric and in the underpinnings of our democracy.
The caveat is that Trump and his lawyers can appeal the request to unseal. BUT… that puts the ball squarely in his court, which is great. Put up or shut up. I suspect conservatives that demanded the release will move on from that argument and move on to more gaslighting.

*How long until cons attack the judge because he has a Hispanic name?

Sure because the language in that motion made it crystal clear that the reasons for the government requesting that the warrant be sealed vanished the moment Trump opened his mouth about the search.
Unfortunately, people may have to die before they'll relent, if Jan 6th is any indication.

I'm not even convinced that will work. Conservatives will just claim it was a lib if a conservative dies, or a staged event if its a liberal death.

Not even threatening to kill the VP swayed these people.
The big question in 2023 will be which collected more money in 2022, taxes by the IRS or Trump legal defense funds from his loyal rubes. I think there’s a good chance we could wipe out the national debt with the latter.
so far this episode looks more like a net plus for the Trump gang instead of a net negative

I disagree. I think the DoJ has what they were after - which is why they quickly moved to unseal documents - and I doubt it was anything minor if they issued a warrant to go get it.

Time will tell, but I don't think continually paying the short game will pay off for Trump in the long run.
I'm not even convinced that will work. Conservatives will just claim it was a lib if a conservative dies, or a staged event if its a conservative death.

Not even threatening to kill the VP swayed these people.

Nothing is real to them. It's all reality TV. The threat to kill Pence has had EXACTLY the same weight as Trump's campaign-era remark that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose a vote. Both very exciting concepts and neither happened, so.. what's the big deal.

These guys with their Trump flags and hats are totally jaded by their own long dalliances in fantasies of violence, or their voyeurism via social media coverage of militant threats made at some courthouses and capitol buildings around the USA. Most of them would run shrieking for their mamas if an actual troop carrier vehicle lumbered down their suburban street. Yet they preach on how civil war is at hand.

I don't know how some of these idiots explain themselves to their own children or grandchildren. They are not truly conservatives, nor Republicans worthy of the banner formerly waved by the party of Reagan.
I disagree. I think the DoJ has what they were after - which is why they quickly moved to unseal documents - and I doubt it was anything minor if they issued a warrant to go get it.

Time will tell, but I don't think continually paying the short game will pay off for Trump in the long run.

Thinking back to 2016 when just before the election, suddenly FBI Director Comey's event occurred, I recall people saying he certainly wouldn't be getting involved unless the FBI had uncovered something major......and it turned out to be a farce.

That Garland felt he had to respond at all suggests he's feeling the heat and knows he's currently losing the PR posturing battle.

All those of us who don't like Trump may be happy, but I doubt this episode is hurting Trump at all......not yet anyway. In the meantime it's reinforcing his supporters feelings of resentment and victimhood
All those of us who don't like Trump may be happy, but I doubt this episode is hurting Trump at all......not yet anyway. In the meantime it's reinforcing his supporters feelings of resentment and victimhood

So what. EVERYTHING does that.

Female cast in a movie? Resentment and victimhood
Happy Holidays on a coffee cup? Resentment and victimhood
Lose an election? Resentment and victimhood
Win an election? Resentment and victimhood
Dr. Seuss? Resentment and victimhood
Meatless hamburgers? Resentment and victimhood.
Jews? Resentment and victimhood.
Immigrants? Resentment and victimhood.
Taco trucks? Resentment and victimhood.

Nobody should give two shits worrying about whether his supporters feel resentment and victimhood. Just do the right thing and fuck those guys.
Thinking back to 2016 when just before the election, suddenly FBI Director Comey's event occurred, I recall people saying he certainly wouldn't be getting involved unless the FBI had uncovered something major......and it turned out to be a farce.

That Garland felt he had to respond at all suggests he's feeling the heat and knows he's currently losing the PR posturing battle.
Republicans have been demanding that he say something, we all knew the second he did they would vilify him in this way. To these people there was nothing he could've done or said that would've placated them. The bigger question is how will this play to those who aren't radical MAGA supporters.

All those of us who don't like Trump may be happy, but I doubt this episode is hurting Trump at all......not yet anyway. In the meantime it's reinforcing his supporters feelings of resentment and victimhood
His supporters are already radicalized, nothing will change that.
That Garland felt he had to respond at all suggests he's feeling the heat and knows he's currently losing the PR posturing battle.

In my opinion, Garland had to say something this week, if only (and preferably only) to reinforce the DoJ's position that it will comment appropriately at any appropriate time during the investigation. And to defend the people who work at the FBI and DoJ from ill considered scorn.

You may call that a turn in "the PR battle" and some have called it a waste of time, but I'd call it an appropriate riposte to all the chaff flying around social media and the airwaves about how the DoJ is picking on poor ol' Donald Trump. They're not. And poor ol' Don has lawyers to speak for him, if he'd let them do their job. And good luck to them on that score.

We can cherry pick instances of law enforcement statements or behavior that we don't care for, but we do have a rule of law and it would be unseemly for Garland to let pass unremarked the idea that anyone including a former president of the USA is free of either the obligations or the rights afforded by our laws.
That Garland felt he had to respond at all suggests he's feeling the heat and knows he's currently losing the PR posturing battle.

I think the DOJ is well aware of the threat by adults with toddler brain and always loaded firearms looking for any opportunity to be the top deplorable egged on by their media where “there’s going to be a civil war!” is code for “there’s going to be a civil war!” So from time to time they might take some out of the ordinary steps to lessen that probability until it’s actually go time.
That Garland felt he had to respond at all suggests he's feeling the heat and knows he's currently losing the PR posturing battle.

I understand where you're coming from, but Garland had meat on the bone he threw out today. It wasn't empty words. I think it was a smart move to ask to unseal the documents this soon. It puts the ball squarely in Trump's court. As others have said, I don't think it will change the minds of his supporters - just like Trump insisted he wasn't a tax dodger, but refused to let anyone see his records voluntarily. His supporters don't care. Their arguments are fluid. If Garland had videotape evidence of Trump stealing classified documents and audio of him admitting he was planning on selling it directly to Russia in person at Mar-A-Lago, the argument would shift from "He did nothing wrong, this is a witch hunt" to "As a former president, he was able to declassify anything he wanted at any time and thus its all ok and this is a witch hunt". Republicans demanded Garland release info. He's done that, and now the argument will move again.

There is no way to "win" these arguments when the opposing side will never accept defeat or admit to being wrong. So as myself and others have said, you may as well let them continue to be pissed off while doing the right thing, instead of doing nothing out of fear of the repercussions. Because if you do nothing, that too will be fodder for them to preach about how successful they are and what a standup, transparent, honest, perfect man Trump is.

Maybe its just wishful thinking, and these last seven years seems like a long time, but Trump hasn't really been a politician for all that long. Seven years isn't that long a stretch of time, and its only been five since he took office and the movement morphed from devoted defenses of him to full-on cult status. Nothing lasts forever, and the GOP is on an unsustainable path. I do think all of this will eventually catch up with them, and just as fast as Trump took the morons in this country for a ride and drug the GOP political elite with him, it can turn around just as quickly. There will come a time when condemning Trump and distancing yourself from him will be just as popular as clinging to his sinking ship.
I haven't figured out the multi-quote here.....but I'm not saying any of YOU shouldn't care.......but If you think this is going to cause Trump any actual trouble, I disagree, although I wish it would. Unfortunately it might help him more than hurt him

Clearly anti-trumpers are hoping for some truly damaging event that will open the eyes of his supporters who will then shrink away in shame and horror.........but Trump's very skilled at getting away with outrageous behavior.
I haven't figured out the multi-quote here.....but I'm not saying any of YOU shouldn't care.......but If you think this is going to cause Trump any actual trouble, I disagree, although I wish it would. Unfortunately it might help him more than hurt him

Clearly anti-trumpers are hoping for some truly damaging event that will open the eyes of his supporters who will then shrink away in shame and horror.........but Trump's very skilled at getting away with outrageous behavior.
A lot of us would be happy to simply see him held accountable for actual laws that he's broken, no more, no less. Putting him above these laws is obviously infuriating when normal citizens are regularly held accountable.

If there's nothing they can charge on then so be it, if there is, then charge him like any other citizen.

There's also the double standard of those who always tout "law and order" screaming for their guy to get a free pass.