FBI executed search warrant at Mar-a-Lago

We’re up to 32 docket entries - more news organizations looking to get the warrant affidavit unsealed, etc. I’m keeping an eye out to see if Trump’s attorneys object to unsealing the warrant despite what Trump says or not.
We’re up to 32 docket entries - more news organizations looking to get the warrant affidavit unsealed, etc. I’m keeping an eye out to see if Trump’s attorneys object to unsealing the warrant despite what Trump says or not.
trump is gonna back out 100% or he would ahve released it himself. he was played so hard he was Ali's punching bag.
The scary thing is if it was so easy to plant documents, it must have been easy for his Saudi and russian buddies to retrieve documents.

I’m just waiting for one of them to complete their thought. “It’s very easy for the FBI to plant evidence. They’ve been doing it to minorities for over a century. This is just more proof that whites are being replaced as minority justice hits our doorstep.”
trump is gonna back out 100% or he would ahve released it himself. he was played so hard he was Ali's punching bag.

He's gonna try to have it both ways. Telling his base one thing on unTruth antiSocial and meanwhile letting counsel object. then when it's objected to formally, he'll say because of the witch hunt by yada yada persecutory yadayada, he so sadly has had to take counsel advice and agree that it shouldn't be unsealed.

His base doesn't seem to care about inconsistency anyway; I think any fans who notice just figure it's part of Trump's "super-savvy" way of owning libs by enraging them over the weather-vane aspects of Trump's utterances about anything. It's all reality TV, remember...
I believe he only has about an hour left to contest it.
Technically not quite true. The government has about an hour to file a certification that it met and conferred with Trump’s attorneys. In that certification the government is supposed to say whether trump agrees to unsealing. It would not be particularly surprising if something was filed that said “we met with attorneys for trump for 2 hours this morning. They are taking the position that they need more time to decide…”
He's gonna try to have it both ways. Telling his base one thing on unTruth antiSocial and meanwhile letting counsel object. then when it's objected to formally, he'll say because of the witch hunt by yada yada persecutory yadayada, he so sadly has had to take counsel advice and agree that it shouldn't be unsealed.

His base doesn't seem to care about inconsistency anyway; I think any fans who notice just figure it's part of Trump's "super-savvy" way of owning libs by enraging them over the weather-vane aspects of Trump's utterances about anything. It's all reality TV, remember...

Docs on president of france?
Roger stone pardon?

FBI agents who searched former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home Monday removed 11 sets of classified documents, including some marked as top secret and meant to be only available in special government facilities, according to documents reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation agents took around 20 boxes of items, binders of photos, a handwritten note and the executive grant of clemency for Mr. Trump’s ally Roger Stone, a list of items removed from the property shows. Also included in the list was information about the “President of France,” according to the three-page list. The list is contained in a seven-page document that also includes the warrant to search the premises which was granted by a federal magistrate judge in Florida.
Docs on president of france?
Roger stone pardon?

Sheesh. By now Biden must have some senior counsel designated to "handle fallout from whatever it is Trump hauled out of the White House that isn't his."

The weird stuff like info about the president of France are in one category of headache with possible ramifications for the Biden administration having to deal w/ international inquiries... but the really serious problem for Trump is the docs that are classified at such high levels. That doesn't sound like the stuff of classified cables from ambassadors about the foibles of some diplomat in Brussels or South Asia.

Trump will maybe try claiming he declassified whatever those classified sets of papers are, regardless if the rules require some other agency (Energy, for instance) to sign off on it, as with anything related to nuclear materials. But there are formal processes for that and they can't be done retroactively by Trump now anyway...

"oh i meant to, i was just busy trying to find 11789 votes in Georgia..."

Since --or should I still say "if"?-- the FBI did apparently find TS/SCIF level of material at Mar a Lago and since it had not yet been returned voluntarily, that's some high bar over which his counsel must try to haul their portly client to get him out of harm's way.

We didn't realize? We hadn't looked through all the boxes yet? Arrggh.

Seems to me none of this works, because stuff at that level shouldn't even have been taken to Florida to begin with. It's not material you can leave sitting on a desk when you go home at night, if it's stuff you can only read while sitting in a SCIF anyway.
And we’re up to 39 items on the docket. Still nothing from the gov’t on the meet-and-confer.

There's a 3pm deadline for word on results of that meeting? I mean for reporting results to the judge?