FBI executed search warrant at Mar-a-Lago

Still nothing. Judge may get cranky that the attorneys didn’t meet the deadline.
And of course now the magas on social media are saying it was a false flag and he was a plant.

These people are beyond predictable.

Ah, the return of using Obama’s middle name. Trump is desperate. He’s already projecting and trying to change the narrative, using the “I can declassify whatever I felt like” excuse.
Looks like the warrant's in the hands of the press, Politico sez filing story soon

warrant is out.jpg
National Archives responds to Trump’s lies about Obama. Says they transferred stuff to facility where Obama’s library will be, and Obama didn’t take anything - it’s all under control of National Archives and not classified.
Here's my prediction. In the grander scheme of Trump World this warrant will be a nothing burger, but the main reason Trump is hesitating is because he wants to continue to advertise it as the most politically motivated and corrupt hitjob that an American has ever experienced in all of US history. He's nothing without being the world's biggest victim.

from Charles Savage in the NYT's running commentary

Charles Savage

The search warrant for Trump’s residence cited three criminal laws, all from Title 18 of the United States Code. Section 793, better known as the Espionage Act, which covers the unlawful retention of defense-related information that could harm the United States or aid a foreign adversary; Section 1519, which covers destroying or concealing documents to obstruct government investigations or administrative proceedings; and Section 2071, which covers the unlawful removal of government records. Notably, none of those laws turn on whether information was deemed to be unclassified.
So he is being investigated, among other things, for 18 USC 1519. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1519

That means that the documents being sought had something to do with an on-going investigation, and there was probable cause to believe he was hiding the documents to hinder that investigation.

January 6?

My question is, why didn't he just destroy the documents? It seems given his history he would easily get off with his "Oops, my bad" excuse. No real reason for him to think otherwise.

Maybe he should have stored them in the Connecticut house where the Warrens keep Annabelle and other cursed objects.
My question is, why didn't he just destroy the documents? It seems given his history he would easily get off with his "Oops, my bad" excuse. No real reason for him to think otherwise.

Maybe he should have stored them in the Connecticut house where the Warrens keep Annabelle and other cursed objects.
He very well MAY have destroyed at least some documents, and that would be covered by one of the listed statutes (18 USC 1519). what they DID NOT retrieve may end up more important than what they did.
My question is, why didn't he just destroy the documents? It seems given his history he would easily get off with his "Oops, my bad" excuse. No real reason for him to think otherwise.
Stonekettle has posted his thoughts and it's an interesting read.


Direct link to Stonekettle's article:

I caught some reference in mainstream media to the Mar a Lago cams having been turned off during execution of the search at some point "for protection of the agents". Didn't say when or for how long and I couldn't figure out what that even meant, since didn't have any context, and so I still don't really get it. Maybe some are usually undercover or something on other cases in the south Florida area? But I don't think anything that happened in the process, all the way from the warrant ask to completion of the search and deposit of the seized materials in the Miami field office was left to spur-of-moment thinking. Too much at stake.
Meanwhile, Trump/Breitbart released the names of the FBI agents involved. So much for their protection.