FBI executed search warrant at Mar-a-Lago

Got any pics?
Yeah I'm sure not going to try to set up an account over there just to see what he's doing. Bad enough bumping into stuff that floats over to Twitter.... even when I have my feed locked down pretty well. Twitter's algorithms to expand what may cross your eyeballs are so annoying. I'd rather LOOK for certain material when I happen to be interested.
There's more stuff than it sounded like to me earlier on. Can't be accidental, eh? A few loose papers?

What an appalling situation. Even knowing Trump as fast and loose with guidelines, norms, rules, laws... this is just so far beyond the pale. Behold a US President packing up on leaving-day. Just... mind blowing.

(credit: KAL - The Economist)
There's more stuff than it sounded like to me earlier on. Can't be accidental, eh? A few loose papers?

What an appalling situation. Even knowing Trump as fast and loose with guidelines, norms, rules, laws... this is just so far beyond the pale. Behold a US President packing up on leaving-day. Just... mind blowing.
Well, he was in an emotional place when he left office. An election had just been stolen from him. Now, HOW WOULD YOU FEEL, AMIRITE?!! It’s the same as taking a few pounds of dark roast after Starbucks fires you.
Trump is desperate and flailing. First, it was there was nothing there and they were cooperating, now it’s he declassified documents because he has the right to. Why would he take that shit home? What purpose was there - even if he did have an unadulterated right to take that stuff home? (Which he absolutely did not). Why not comply with the subpoena? Republicans said “Why didn’t they issue a subpoena and work with him?” THEY DID!

Trump tried to blame - as he put it - “Barrack Hussein Obama” - for doing the same. The National Archives clapped back at that lie. Obama is also a private citizen who can sue Trump for these lies, if Obama were a tenth as petty as Trump.

Lie, project, and lie. And because the National Archives debunked Trump’s lie, I’m sure the MAGAts will just say it’s more proof of EVERYONE being against Trump. They’re about a week away from blaming the janitors and people who service the Xerox machines from being “in on it”. When a disgruntled Trump cultist tries to shoot up the FBI, they claim it’s a staged event or a plant. Had it been a liberal, they’d just point and claim how dangerous liberals are. Nothing gets through to these folks.

For a guy who demanded Obama release his birth certificate but hid his tax returns, for a guy who went on and on about Hillary’s emails but kisses up to authoritarian regimes, takes their side over his own justice department and took tons of classified documents home to his golf club and defied subpoenas to return them, what more will it take for these folks to just admit they were taken by a stupid, self-serving and dangerous guy who doesn’t care about anything or anyone, least of all them or the USA, and move on?

All the republicans who refused to push back against Trump during his entire term, even when their own lives were put at risk, are equally as responsible as Trump.
Well, he was in an emotional place when he left office. An election had just been stolen from him. Now, HOW WOULD YOU FEEL, AMIRITE?!! It’s the same as taking a few pounds of dark roast after Starbucks fires you.

I rather think he was about putting the material to practical use sometime, or hoping to prevent someone else from putting that or other sensitive information to use against him... maybe because he had lied publicly about something in there and a successor or other authorized reviewer could discover that and get him in trouble.

Who knows. But it wasn't casual. Some of the lower level "confidential" stuff might have been emotional, for sure. The guy collects grudges and seems to treasure them as if they were diamonds and gold.

How the hell did he even get some of this other more sensitive material though. In theory at least and generally in reported practice, one can't even take anything in or out of a SCI facility when intending to read material at that level.

So where does that level of material live when not being used? In a safe somewhere, right? Someone had control over retrieval for authorized usage. Just so hard to imagine how Trump had managed to squirrel away all that stuff whether suddenly, or one set of papers at a time. Not without some help, not the very sensitive stuff. So does "the help" still work in WH security? Were they who tipped off DoJ about info that would be missing, maybe after being caught or fearing being caught and so trying to get ahead of the curve of potential espionage charges?
My question is, why didn't he just destroy the documents? It seems given his history he would easily get off with his "Oops, my bad" excuse. No real reason for him to think otherwise.

Maybe he should have stored them in the Connecticut house where the Warrens keep Annabelle and other cursed objects.
Wouldn’t surprise me if he was saving them for some type of leverage in the future. Possibly could incriminate others.
I rather think he was about putting the material to practical use sometime, or hoping to prevent someone else from putting that or other sensitive information to use against him... maybe because he had lied publicly about something in there and a successor or other authorized reviewer could discover that and get him in trouble.

If I had to take a random stab at a guess, based upon absolutely nothing, I'd say he held on to these documents primarily for insurance. If the Jan. 6th investigation produced any criminal charges against him, he could always use the threat of leaking the info contained therein in an attempt to blackmail the government into looking the other way.

It's a shaky theory, undermined mostly by the fact that he didn't take any great effort to hide them, but it does fit his personality.

Wouldn’t surprise me if he was saving them for some type of leverage in the future. Possibly could incriminate others.

And this. Though it doesn't go so far as to explain why he'd choose to snatch up national defense documents on his way out of the White House.
I rather think he was about putting the material to practical use sometime, or hoping to prevent someone else from putting that or other sensitive information to use against him... maybe because he had lied publicly about something in there and a successor or other authorized reviewer could discover that and get him in trouble.

Who knows. But it wasn't casual. Some of the lower level "confidential" stuff might have been emotional, for sure. The guy collects grudges and seems to treasure them as if they were diamonds and gold.

How the hell did he even get some of this other more sensitive material though. In theory at least and generally in reported practice, one can't even take anything in or out of a SCI facility when intending to read material at that level.

So where does that level of material live when not being used? In a safe somewhere, right? Someone had control over retrieval for authorized usage. Just so hard to imagine how Trump had managed to squirrel away all that stuff whether suddenly, or one set of papers at a time. Not without some help, not the very sensitive stuff. So does "the help" still work in WH security? Were they who tipped off DoJ about info that would be missing, maybe after being caught or fearing being caught and so trying to get ahead of the curve of potential espionage charges?

By all accounts from people who have worked with these documents, they're signed in and out, they're kept under lock and key. They don't just sit around in stacks with other papers around the White House. At least that's what people who have/had access to classified documents said in various interviews with the media over the last 48-72 hours.

I mean, even if you grant Trump the lie that he can declassify ANYTHING at will - even five minutes before he's on his way out the door on January 20, 2021 - what practical purpose does it serve? What interest is it in the country or its citizens? And even if he did have the right to do so, does it give him the right not to comply with a subpoena after the fact? Even if you grant Trump a few possibilities - which are all bullshit and lies, by the way - it STILL stinks to high heaven and makes no sense.

The only reason why he'd take that stuff to his country club, stash it there, and refuse to turn it over after all of this time, is for some personal benefit. Is he being blackmailed? Did he plan on blackmailing someone? Does it feed his sense of power? Did he plan to use it for financial gain? Is it just his ego, so he could sit around with foreign nationals and show them off? All of the above?

The lies Trump is telling to cover himself are so transparent and laughable that it truly stuns me that people buy into it. I mean, name dropping Obama and using a variation of his old "many people are saying" crap would be a hoot, if not for the fact people believe it.

"President Barack Hussein Obama kept 33 million pages of documents, much of them classified," Trump wrote. "How many of them pertained to nuclear? Word is, lots!"

A lie. He uses Obama's middle name as a pejorative, as conservatives have for the last fifteen years. Yeah, we get it, it sounds middle-eastern, harharhar... :rolleyes:. And we already know you're a racist. Then there's the documents and amount - debunked by the National Archives. And "word is, lots!"... Who's word? What word? And when did Trump find this out? Am I to believe he knew this all along and kept quiet about it? Out of respect? Yeah.. that sounds like Trump.. just trying to show respect and love to the former president by keeping him out of trouble. But, if he did just find out this lie and he's just an oaf who really does believe its true, does he think it was wrong for Obama to do that? And if so, why the hell would he do the same thing, except worse?

None of his arguments hold up to the logic test or scrutiny. Republicans now have another opportunity to jump off the Trump train, but I don't expect that they will.
When trump was in Russia in 2013 (and his son Don Jr. six times in 2008 pursuing deals) I wouldn't be shocked if they were being surveilled by Russian intelligence. And US intelligence as well.

With both intelligence agencies keeping tabs on their activities and people they met and talked to. I wouldn't be shocked if one or more of the recently seized documents is an accounting of their activities while there.
use the threat of leaking the info contained therein

On the other hand the guy lies like a sieve leaks water, so.... whoever believes him does so at own peril. That lesson has doubtless already circled the globe and we probably haven't heard the half of it.

No one on the Republican side of the aisles in the Congress should be saying much of anything about Trump at the moment, past "let the investigations play out as they should under rule of law with all due process." Otherwise more than egg will likely land on their faces in the weeks and months to come.

They're done anyway really. Or some of them should be. These folks include Congressmen who participated in the coup to overturn their own sitting government on 1/6/21, and Senators who refused to convict Trump after not one but two impeachments had been passed and presented to them with evidence and reasoned arguments for Trump's removal from office.

What say them all now? Cries of persecution? Hoaxes and planted evidence? Really? Meanwhile they don't know who has testified to what during depositions in the several investigations. Risky and stupid!

It's no joke when the DoJ cites espionage law in pursuing a search warrant for a former president's residence. They're not running a reality TV show. They're in deadly earnest about protecting national interests
IMO Biden and the WH staying hands off is really smart, deferring all questions back to the DOJ, who has simply stated their piece and that's that. It seems less political this way and really, they shouldn't be involved with any DOJ decisions anyway.

Trump and Republicans can cry foul all they want but the DOJ clearly is not playing around here, they have all their ducks in a row and it's all pretty damning for Trump.
Jesse Watters show on Fox may be worse than Tucker Carlson’s. Truly insane stuff this evening. “Garland Treated Unibomber Better Than Trump”. “FBI Has History of Corruption” and stuff like that. Truly insane stuff. They are throwing so much stuff at the wall right now, no coherent argument whatsoever. Like, their gaslighting and lies usually at least has some sort of common theme to it. They have none of that going for them right now, it’s just not nonstop smears, lies and misinformation with no theme or common thread.
Jesse Watters show on Fox may be worse than Tucker Carlson’s. Truly insane stuff this evening. “Garland Treated Unibomber Better Than Trump”. “FBI Has History of Corruption” and stuff like that. Truly insane stuff. They are throwing so much stuff at the wall right now, no coherent argument whatsoever. Like, their gaslighting and lies usually at least has some sort of common theme to it. They have none of that going for them right now, it’s just not nonstop smears, lies and misinformation with no theme or common thread.

Brian Kilmeade filling in for Tuckems last night…. He posted a fake picture of the judge who signed off on the warrant being given a foot massage by Ghislaine Maxwell. The picture was a meme, totally fabricated. He’s been receiving death threats and worse. So Kilmeade posted a correction… on Twitter.

I’d like to see a major news network play of Kilmeade acting like an idiot on Fox - a real one, there’s plenty of them after all - followed up with a pic of him ”pleasuring” a smiling Hunter Biden. Then they can post a worthless retraction on Twitter.
