FBI executed search warrant at Mar-a-Lago

No claims of a rigged and stolen Wyoming primary? No inflaming the tensions and planning a massive protest the day the new congress is sworn in next year for a “normal tourist visit”?

I have my issues with people like Cheney allowing Trump to get as far down the gutter as he did, but at least she spoke out. Better late than never. I can handle her shitty legislative stances and conservatism. That’s a known beast that will not change. It’s a known quantity. One could argue we need conservatives like Cheney, even if we disagree with her beliefs, to balance the democrats. Each side will always have opponents, and one party rule isn’t good for anyone. If we’re going to have opposition, it should be sane and fought based on the voters will and meaningful legislation, not conspiracy theories and violence.

I hope Liz Cheney continues to take the fight to Trump and I pray Trump and the GOP long for the days when Cheney was a rank and file Republican member of Congress. I would sacrifice my political beliefs and vote for a sane Cheney presidency. And because she’s rational and not an idiot, I can see her working across the aisle. If she ever did become president, I think she’s smart enough to know that would be in everyone’s best interest.
It’d be interesting if Cheney made a statement about “irregularities” in the Wyoming election to see how the Rs would respond. Inevitably, they’d call BS, which she could throw back at them about 2020.
My take is Cheney's OK with losing last night's election. And might have viewed it as a necessary formality she needed to go through.

I think what's driving her are presidential aspirations and being able to take trump down hard along the way.
Same, I have zero tolerance for Trump supporters at this point. I want nothing to fucking do with you if you voted for him in 2020. I want nothing to do with people still supporting that trash today. Sorry not sorry!

I’m not sure why people that love him would actually want to vote for him when it’s pretty much guaranteed if elected his entire term will be filled with scandals and alleged (yet likely) crimes, likely impeding him from accomplishing much of anything. And the entire 2024 election will inevitably be entirely about Trump and nothing about actual policy, which surely will not work in his favor. Why would you ever put someone up for POTUS with so much baggage?
I’m not sure why people that love him would actually want to vote for him when it’s pretty much guaranteed if elected his entire term will be filled with scandals and alleged (yet likely) crimes, likely impeding him from accomplishing much of anything. And the entire 2024 election will inevitably be entirely about Trump and nothing about actual policy, which surely will not work in his favor. Why would you ever put someone up for POTUS with so much baggage?
Frankly, they scare me. Those driving around with all the flags and guns seem so angry at the world and anyone who disagrees with them that it doesn't feel safe to be anywhere near them. I do know people who support Trump and are capable of leaving politics at the door though, I will always get along with those willing to do that and I'll extend the same courtesy of not blabbing about my politics.
I wonder if he’s looking for a patent litigator.

Heh, one with the sense to demand cash on the barrel head up front, I'd hope.

Even so, imagine the stress of trying to herd Donald Trump as a client. The guy is incorrigibly impulsive.

Seems like all an attorney can really get from working with Trump is name recognition for sure (for better or worse!) and of course the chance to get careless and do something Trump wants that leads to risk of disbarment.

“Everyone's saying no”: Trump hires Florida insurance lawyer as top attorneys refuse to work for him​

cant imagine why I mean the chance of loosing your license and not get paid has to be a deterrent. they could start a whole new college for lawyers just to keep up with trumps demands and turnover.
We’re all thinking this is who Trump needs, right?

Damn you! See we were thinking it 😂!
The episode where he does a consultation with the guy who wants to patent the inadvertently-sexual potty-training toilet is the best thing ever if you happen to be a patent attorney :-)

“Everyone's saying no”: Trump hires Florida insurance lawyer as top attorneys refuse to work for him​

I have no doubt there are lawyers willing to defend him for the high profile if nothing else. However, he's gained a reputation for not paying his bills. That might be the biggest part of the "pass" decision.
I have no doubt there are lawyers willing to defend him for the high profile if nothing else. However, he's gained a reputation for not paying his bills. That might be the biggest part of the "pass" decision.
not sure if trump really would look good on your resume unless you want the bottom of the barrel clients.
not sure if trump really would look good on your resume unless you want the bottom of the barrel clients.

He still has a lot (but growing less by the day) of supporters. Another reason they may not want to take the case is the parade of people he has thrown under the bus who then become death threat targets. There are plenty of reasons to not take the case that have nothing to do with his guilt or innocence.