FBI executed search warrant at Mar-a-Lago

The cult is still defending him. Nothing will change these people's mind.
Yeah, we have to just write off a certain percentage of those who are brainwashed, he can eat puppies in front of them and blame Biden and they would buy it.

It's the rest that he would need to appeal to in order to win an election, those who were willing to give him a chance in his first term and then rejected him in no uncertain terms for the second. I don't see how he can ever win them back with as each week he's dogged by new allegations and legal challenges.

Democrats need do nothing more than simply sit back and watch Republicans implode over it, this during a time when they were all but guaranteed sweeping victories in the midterms. They'll still likely make gains but their chances are quickly going down hill.
To be fair, is there anything that would change your mind about Biden? Or Hillary?
I can tell you if my personal hero Obama (same can be said for Biden):
1) Bragged about grabbing a women by their pussy
2) Attempted to steal an election he clearly lost
3) Deliberately and secretly stole top secret documents and tried to cover it up
It would be a dealbreaker for me, no matter who did it.

It's also worth noting that Trump is genuinely a terrible person as well, treats everyone who disagrees with him like shit and puts out political hits on them. By contrast, people like Obama would often ask Republicans he disagreed with to the WH to get their view of things, I've heard of other Republicans doing the same. Character matters.
I've been a republican my entire life, as are my parents and husband. I did vote for Trump in 2016 but had to switch sides for 2020. It pained me to do so, but every day I become more and more glad that I did not vote for Trump a second time. One vote doesn't change who I am....but Trump is just wretched.

Also, I really didn't like Trump in 2016, but I liked Hillary even less. In my opinion, there were no good options that year.
I've been a republican my entire life, as are my parents and husband. I did vote for Trump in 2016 but had to switch sides for 2020. It pained me to do so, but every day I become more and more glad that I did not vote for Trump a second time. One vote doesn't change who I am....but Trump is just wretched.

Also, I really didn't like Trump in 2016, but I liked Hillary even less. In my opinion, there were no good options that year.
Right, missing the days when we used to care about the character of the president. I know not everyone here will agree but Bush & Reagan were decent human beings, also candidates like McCain and Romney as well. We just disagree on the issues and I can handle that, feels like such a different time now that things are so divisive.
And, finally: if an unsealed version of the affidavit DOES get released, it will likely happen pretty close to (and before) the mid-term elections. That is not something that Republicans actually want to happen.

They might. They'd like it for the issue in case they lose some elections they now expect to win. they don't really give a fig about Trump though. It's all about keeping his base on board. Stirred up = good in their book.
To be fair, is there anything that would change your mind about Biden? Or Hillary?

I can tell you if my personal hero Obama (same can be said for Biden):
1) Bragged about grabbing a women by their pussy
2) Attempted to steal an election he clearly lost
3) Deliberately and secretly stole top secret documents and tried to cover it up
It would be a dealbreaker for me, no matter who did it.

It's also worth noting that Trump is genuinely a terrible person as well, treats everyone who disagrees with him like shit and puts out political hits on them. By contrast, people like Obama would often ask Republicans he disagreed with to the WH to get their view of things, I've heard of other Republicans doing the same. Character matters.

Pretty much this. I don't worship politicians. I'm not in a cult. You won't find a single political item on my vehicle or in my home.

If Biden was acting like Trump right now I'd want him out too...but Republicans don't do that. Most of them double down on the crazy. I don't understand what goes on in Republicans mind that make them have this cult like mentality. It's bizarre.

Republicans scream about needing their guns for a corrupt government, then go all out to make sure they get that corrupt government by defending shit stains like Trump. The math aint mathing, as the kids on tik tok say.
To be fair, is there anything that would change your mind about Biden? Or Hillary?

Yeah, if they acted like Trump. If they were dumb as a door knob and had brains the size of peas and egos the size of mountains. If their Twitter feed read like a deranged adolescent lunatic. If they lied like there was no tomorrow. If they demanded someone release their birth certificate while hiding their tax returns. If they fomented a mob to storm the Capitol to overturn the election.

Last time I checked, Obama invited Trump to the White House and Hillary conceded the morning after the election. You think Trump ever had the basic human decency to do the same? That ALONE would make me turn on virtually any politician in a second. And that’s barely scratching the surface of the hot stinking dumpster pile of maggot shit Trump has pulled.
Yeah, we have to just write off a certain percentage of those who are brainwashed, he can eat puppies in front of them and blame Biden and they would buy it.

It's the rest that he would need to appeal to in order to win an election, those who were willing to give him a chance in his first term and then rejected him in no uncertain terms for the second. I don't see how he can ever win them back with as each week he's dogged by new allegations and legal challenges.

Democrats need do nothing more than simply sit back and watch Republicans implode over it, this during a time when they were all but guaranteed sweeping victories in the midterms. They'll still likely make gains but their chances are quickly going down hill.

Yep. One thing republicans forget - even if Trump has 75% of republicans in his corner… that’s not the majority of Americans, that’s a majority of a minority.

A minority of people can make a huge difference when they have a good cause. Problem is, we’re dealing with a minority who just want to win, and that’s about the long and short of their stance. Even the few policy stances they actually take - and there ain’t many of them - are all revolved around keeping and maintaining power.
To be fair, is there anything that would change your mind about Biden? Or Hillary?

That's easy. I'd rather neither ran. But that's because I'm not a member of a professional political party that demands lockstep loyalty and worship of their candidate.

People I *could* get behind are Pete Buttigieg, Gavin Newsom, Stacey Abrams, Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders (if he were 20 years younger), and Liz Cheney (with some adjustment). I could probably come up with a dozen or two more. And would love to see Michelle Obama run - but that's not likely.

David Gergen (who I have a ton of respect for) got it right in an interview a few months ago:

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To be fair, is there anything that would change your mind about Biden? Or Hillary?
What a ridiculous hypothetical question. I can’t think of any person, family included, about whom my opinion wouldn’t change if their behavior was sufficiently egregious.

To be fair, given that neither Joe Biden nor Hillary Clinton has been credibly accused of actions that even remotely approach what Trump has done or allegedly done in aggregate, I don’t anticipate my opinion of them shifting significantly.
That's easy. I'd rather neither ran. But that's because I'm not a member of a professional political party that demands lockstep loyalty and worship of their candidate.

People I *could* get behind are Pete Buttigieg, Gavin Newsom, Stacey Abrams, Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders (if he were 20 years younger), and Liz Cheney (with some adjustment). I could probably come up with a dozen or two more. And would love to see Michelle Obama run - but that's not likely.

David Gergen (who I have a ton of respect for) got it right in an interview a few months ago:

Gergen is one of my heroes, Republican who is always rational and thoughtful. When I was talking about Obama inviting Republicans to the WH for their POV on certain issues, David Gergen was one of them and you can see why. Of course, right now these people are not welcome in the party of Trump but hopefully they'll right themselves at some point and allow more reasonable voices a seat at the table.
I don't think I've seen this shared - apologies in advance if I somehow missed it.

Here’s the search warrant that was approved by a Trump appointed judge claiming
1. Evidence of a crime
2. Contraband, fruits of a crime, or other items illegally present.

Willful retention of national defense information is a BFD.

To be fair, is there anything that would change your mind about Biden? Or Hillary?

In addition to all the great replies, I'd add that I don't have near the same level of hero worship for either of them, or any other politician. I've never owned a flag that a promoted a politician. I've never purchased a hat, t-shirt, or other clothing items to support a politician. I pretty much assume ALL politicians are just a bunch of pond scum until they prove differently. His supporters on the other hand act like he can walk on water.
Also, I really didn't like Trump in 2016, but I liked Hillary even less. In my opinion, there were no good options that year.
Just curious - What about her did you not like? And how much of it was actual vs. the narrative created by Trump of "crooked Hillary" and "nasty woman?" Most people in the know understood that Trump was a liar, cheater and lifelong grifter, so to like Hillary even less she must have done some really terrible things. What were they?
Yeah, if they acted like Trump. If they were dumb as a door knob and had brains the size of peas and egos the size of mountains. If their Twitter feed read like a deranged adolescent lunatic. If they lied like there was no tomorrow. If they demanded someone release their birth certificate while hiding their tax returns. If they fomented a mob to storm the Capitol to overturn the election.

Last time I checked, Obama invited Trump to the White House and Hillary conceded the morning after the election. You think Trump ever had the basic human decency to do the same? That ALONE would make me turn on virtually any politician in a second. And that’s barely scratching the surface of the hot stinking dumpster pile of maggot shit Trump has pulled.
Let's not forget that he cheated on all three of his wives and paid hush money to a porn star. Used to be that would automatically disqualify a candidate but Trumpers, including the religious right and the family values GOP, didn't even care about that.
To be fair, is there anything that would change your mind about Biden? Or Hillary?
Nice that you are on a first name basis with Ms. Clinton. I understand that it is the RW technique of putting her down by implying that she does not deserve a surname, but it does seem mighty crass (yes, I will admit that many of us have been similarly crass toward Individual-ONE).

For me, Ms. Clinton and Joe the President were/are no great shakes, but at least they show a reasonable level of maturity and competence clearly lacking in Individual-ONE (whose name I am not "afraid to say" but just totally fucking tired of hearing), but the most important part about them is that they have not been steadfastly trying to destroy America the way Individual-ONE has.

The main thing is that I cannot find a practical way to judge the character of almost any Democrat outside of the lens of crazy MFing Republicans who oppose them. Given a choice, the D always wins because even if the alternative R is not an insane moron, they still support a party that is effectively controlled by a gaggle of insane morons. Maybe Ms Clinton or Mr Biden have some dirty laundry, but they are still less evil than any R they have gone up against.
I'm going to settle for the wrap of a piece in The New Republic recently....

A maxim that the writer Tom Scocca first proffered on Twitter in 2016 at the dawn of the Trump era. “Nothing about Trump has ever looked kinda bad at first but turned out OK,” Scocca wrote. “He’s always worse than you thought.”

True then, and doubled down (and more!) ever since then, certainly by 2020.

I can understand someone voting for Trump in 2016 if they were willing to vote for him despite character flaws and simply based on a strong preference for the GOP's policies or platform at that time.... but by 2020 I don't understand anyone sane having gone for that guy again.

A twice-impeached President getting a pass from his party to run again? Seriously? One doesn't ask questions about a convention that offers no platform past "Yay Trump!" ??

He was always unfit for the office he held: too impulsive, self-serving, thoughtless, abusive, malleable. And that's leaving aside his overt misogyny and clear pandering to racists, xenophobes and would-be or actual practitioners of political violence. A dangerous brew. He has left the nation and certainly also his party the worse off for it all.
I wonder if the DoJ will seal the proposed redactions when it has to file them next thursday. Given that they will be redacting anything they think would be a problem, I can’t see any justification to file it sealed.