FBI executed search warrant at Mar-a-Lago

Heard this simplifying things, The Republican party hasn't lost its way. They've achieved terminal peak. Defend the profits and wealth of those at the top while turning the rest of the citizens against each other. Trump just advanced that a decade or so.

Newly unsealed documents from the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago put Trump in even worse legal peril, experts say​

  • New legal documents were unsealed by a federal judge Thursday in the wake of the Mar-a-Lago raid.
  • They show new details about the possible crimes the FBI was investigating with the search.
  • They hinted at ways of prosecuting Trump that do not rest on whether documents he kept are classified.

Newly unsealed documents from the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago put Trump in even worse legal peril, experts say​

  • New legal documents were unsealed by a federal judge Thursday in the wake of the Mar-a-Lago raid.
  • They show new details about the possible crimes the FBI was investigating with the search.
  • They hinted at ways of prosecuting Trump that do not rest on whether documents he kept are classified.
they keep asking then they get the answer and you know they wont be happy.

Newly unsealed documents from the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago put Trump in even worse legal peril, experts say​

  • New legal documents were unsealed by a federal judge Thursday in the wake of the Mar-a-Lago raid.
  • They show new details about the possible crimes the FBI was investigating with the search.
  • They hinted at ways of prosecuting Trump that do not rest on whether documents he kept are classified.

This is dumb. There is nothing on the cover sheet that wasn’t also in the warrant. The same list of statutes, by number.

Reporters are dumb.
This is dumb. There is nothing on the cover sheet that wasn’t also in the warrant. The same list of statutes, by number.

Reporters are dumb.

They have to do something to keep the clicks coming in. Reframing an old story to appear to contain new info is one of those methods.
I didn't like Bill Clinton in the 90s and by extension, I have never liked the woman who was married to him. My disdain for her grew over the years, and has zero to do with whatever Trump ever said about her.
But why the disdain? I'm trying to understand why some people find her so objectionable while voting for a pathological liar and sociopath who cheated on all three of his wives and who led a shady real estate company.
But why the disdain? I'm trying to understand why some people find her so objectionable while voting for a pathological liar and sociopath who cheated on all three of his wives and who led a shady real estate company.
To be clear I don't like Trump either. I just don't like the Clintons and have never since Bill started campaigning for his first presidency. They both struck me as smarmy and underhanded. I don't really think the Clintons were a lot more ethical than Trump, they were just more suave about it.

I could not vote for Hillary. I did not want to vote for Trump but there was no other option. I did not vote for him a second time.
To be clear I don't like Trump either. I just don't like the Clintons and have never since Bill started campaigning for his first presidency. They both struck me as smarmy and underhanded. I don't really think the Clintons were a lot more ethical than Trump, they were just more suave about it.

I could not vote for Hillary. I did not want to vote for Trump but there was no other option. I did not vote for him a second time.
One need not “like” a politician to vote for them. When the contrast is this stark, it’s a matter of choosing what is best for the country.

I respect you for not voting for Trump a second time, but his transgressions - misogyny, accusations of rape and harassment, documented evidence of stiffing contractors, calling for supporters to beat up protesters, mocking disabled people, to name just a few - were well known prior to the 2016 election. You indeed did have an option - you just chose not to take it, even if it would have been distasteful.

It is said Trump didn’t make the Republican Party what it is now, but he sure accelerated its descent by normalizing horrible behavior.
One need not “like” a politician to vote for them. When the contrast is this stark, it’s a matter of choosing what is best for the country.

I respect you for not voting for Trump a second time, but his transgressions - misogyny, accusations of rape and harassment, documented evidence of stiffing contractors, calling for supporters to beat up protesters, mocking disabled people, to name just a few - were well known prior to the 2016 election. You indeed did have an option - you just chose not to take it, even if it would have been distasteful.

It is said Trump didn’t make the Republican Party what it is now, but he sure accelerated its descent by normalizing horrible behavior.
A lot of people thought, the first time, that Trump’s behavior was just a schtick. (Pardon my Italian). I had lots of exposure to trump over the years as a New Yorker and as someone who worked in the construction industry. I heard him many times on the radio and he was always a pretty liberal guy. I can see why people voted for him figuring he’d behave a lot differently as president.

At least the first time.
A lot of people thought, the first time, that Trump’s behavior was just a schtick. (Pardon my Italian). I had lots of exposure to trump over the years as a New Yorker and as someone who worked in the construction industry. I heard him many times on the radio and he was always a pretty liberal guy. I can see why people voted for him figuring he’d behave a lot differently as president.

At least the first time.
I can understand how some of his behavior might have been passed off as a performance, that he’d pivot to being presidential when he took office. I didn’t believe that for a New York minute, but I hoped I was wrong. If anything, though, he turned out worse than I expected.

I have several friends I respect who voted for Trump in 2016, rationalizing their choice by saying he was worth a shot, asking how bad he could be. How wrong they were.

This is all in the past, of course. But we Americans need to be more discriminating about choosing our leaders, not simply checking a box because it has a D, R, or I in front of it. I’ve voted for Republicans because I thought they’d do a better job than their Democratic opponents, but I only did that after carefully considering the options.
A lot of people thought, the first time, that Trump’s behavior was just a schtick. (Pardon my Italian). I had lots of exposure to trump over the years as a New Yorker and as someone who worked in the construction industry. I heard him many times on the radio and he was always a pretty liberal guy. I can see why people voted for him figuring he’d behave a lot differently as president.

At least the first time.

I had that hope, because it would seem to be a win-win for him. But I also had serious doubts because he played so hard to the far-right. He could have easily campaigned as a true outsider - for either party - and done the same juvenile schtick, but with a little light-heartedness and extending a hand out to both sides of the aisle. He was name-dropped in rap songs, was a familiar face and, to be fair, he was an actual outsider with no political background. He had a true opportunity to be everyone's president. That's why even though Reagan was a terrible president, he had broad appeal (even with the constant dog-whistling and some serious scandals). Had he campaigned and presided with a "I don't care about party, or who leads which caucus, get your shit done and on my desk". That would have appealed to a lot of people and probably brought a lot of unity. He did the exact opposite, turning off as many people as possible and whittling his base down into the most extreme and racist people he could get, and doubling-down on each bad act he committed.

To his credit, he correctly predicted running as a republican and taking on all of their talking points would get him to the top. He did prove a lot of us wrong, myself included.

But that just tells me this isn't an act. Trump is a true egomaniac who sees himself as a king. The way he stands in front of crowds like at the 2020 RNC, the way he stood on the White House balcony after returning from the hospital with COVID, and tried to get a military parade to happen, the way he marched to that church and held up a book he's never bothered to crack open.... when he watches Kim Jong Un presiding over those massive military parades... that's how Trump sees himself. He's come a lot farther in making that a possible reality than I'd have ever predicted. My thoughts on Trump haven't changed since I first started paying attention to him - he's a low-IQ (truly) person who really can't see things beyond himself. He may love his kids, and even that has a big question mark hanging over it. But above all else, he loves himself, or he hates himself but has done a hell of a job convincing himself that he's the greatest person on earth. The part that fries my mind is why other people feel the same way. I can understand how someone can be a stupid narcissist, but I don't understand why they appeal to anyone else, let alone millions of Americans. It's all very scary.
A lot of people thought, the first time, that Trump’s behavior was just a schtick. (Pardon my Italian). I had lots of exposure to trump over the years as a New Yorker and as someone who worked in the construction industry. I heard him many times on the radio and he was always a pretty liberal guy. I can see why people voted for him figuring he’d behave a lot differently as president.

At least the first time.
Given he pushed birtherism into hyperdrive and that announcement after riding down the golden escalator, I can't see how anyone could vote for that SOB. I can't stand the Clintons. Was questioned by the SS at a campaign stop during BC's first run after getting into an argument with him. And felt HC was entitled and should have to justify the Dem nom. But there was a clear, moral choice for the general. I hope that vote haunts his voters forever. Especially since he screwed over so many of them. And will screw them even more should he finagle himself back into the White House.
Funny, people think Hillary was entitled, yet vote for a guy who thinks he’s entitled to everything and absolute loyalty because… I have no clue.

I can get someone not liking Hillary; you lose me when you vote for Trump instead. I suppose you could make a case for “giving him a chance”, but voting for him twice or still supporting him? Yeah, you’ve lost me there. Show me someone more entitled than Trump. Can’t relate to the common American? Has Trump ever driven a car? Swept a floor? Worked a single shift anywhere? Worried about paying a bill? Had a flat tire he had to deal with? Hung something on a line to dry (clothing, that is. Not somebody he turned his back on).

Hillary was infinitely more qualified than Trump, and even if she was as truly corrupt as the cult claims she is, would have probably still had fewer scandals.

Saying Hillary is just as corrupt as Trump but more “suave” about it is really just a poor false equivalence-way of trying to deflect Trump’s never ending and ongoing crime spree. It’s no different than the “all politicians lie” excuse to water down the severity of Trump’s pathological lying. No human is perfect, but that doesn’t make us all deranged lunatics either.
i don’t forgive the clintons or trump. i was given an a/b choice and wanted option k. 🤷🏼‍♀️

That’s fair, but given the choice between yellow mustard on saltines for dinner or a shit sandwich, I’ll stick with the saltines and mustard, even though I’d rather have a steak.

Trump exemplifies the worst traits people claim to hate Hillary Clinton for. I understand if people voted for someone else, or not at all (yeah, I know people have differing opinions on that).

There are people who thought Hillary’s email scandal disqualified her from holding office. That was about potential for sensitive information to leak. Yet I didn’t see these same folks raising a stink when Trump willingly gave sensitive intel to Russians in the Oval Office,

Now that it’s come out he took tons of sensitive documents home with him, suddenly all that concern they had is gone… if it was ever genuine to begin with. I suspect it wasn’t. So now they’re openly calling for FBI agents to be killed, for the AG to be assassinated, and god knows what else.

The system we have is far from perfect. Some would argue it’s outdated and downright awful. But it’s the system we have. Given the options, I think anyone who disliked Hillary but voted for Trump really just cut off their nose to spite their face. Other than being an “outsider”, Trump exhibited all the traits people claimed to dislike about Hillary, times ten.

It’s like claiming to hate anyone who’s religious, and refusing to vote for George HW Bush and instead voting for Pat Robertson. The first I understand, the second seems to kill your own argument.
That’s fair, but given the choice between yellow mustard on saltines for dinner or a shit sandwich, I’ll stick with the saltines and mustard, even though I’d rather have a steak.

That's my line of thoughts on it. For all the shadiness the Clinton's project, you can at least say they're very smart, very competent, not at all insane people who have plenty of experience doing their jobs.

In the past, these qualities would have been the bare minimum requirements for the presidency, rather than perks, but hey, we live in a different country now.
That's my line of thoughts on it. For all the shadiness the Clinton's project, you can at least say they're very smart, very competent, not at all insane people who have plenty of experience doing their jobs.

In the past, these qualities would have been the bare minimum requirements for the presidency, rather than perks, but hey, we live in a different country now.

Not to mention, republicans chose Trump out of a field of what, damn near twenty candidates? And another lunatic of the bunch - Ted Cruz - came in second. I don’t think any of us were dying for a Jeb Bush presidency, but they passed on sensible conservatives like him, John Kasich, an (at the time) more moderate Lindsey Graham… I’m surprised Rick Santorum didn’t come in second or third, and even he seems like a moderate these days. Not because he isn’t a far-right religious bigot; he absolutely is. Just because the rest of the party has moved to the right of him.

They also killed their “revamping” when Trump picked up steam. After Romney’s loss to Obama, they said they were going to rethink their strategy and try to appeal to a more broad and diverse set of voters. They wanted to run younger candidates, and Marco Rubio’ name was dropped a lot. So much for that. And he ended up being just as bad as the rest of them, happy to stay in the background and marching along the other Trump bootlickers and sycophants.

Back on topic, this debate over the affidavit is so annoying. It’s going to be incredibly redacted, first off. Trump demanding it’s release is an obvious facade of transparency. You’ll notice he takes better care to keep his tax returns and college transcripts more secretive than sensitive national material. If the affidavit is redacted or not released at all, he’ll demand to know what the DoJ is hiding. If it was released in full, he’d claim “COMPLETE AND TOTAL VINDICATION! Proof the raid on my beautiful home was a witch hunt from the start, a very ILLEGAL act that is terrible for our country!”

His lawyers made no motion to urge its release. They know their base is unflinching and stupid, so they’re trying to play both sides - a cautious and trepidatious approach in court, and a loud, conspiracy-riddled approach in the court of public opinion.

One thing that gives me hope is the steadfastness of the DoJ. By all accounts, Garland was very methodical and cautious about this. Chris Wray was Trump’s appointed FBI director - a sane conservative and by most opinions a qualified leader. When Frank Figliuzzi was asked if the threats would rattle the DoJ, he said the only thing that would rattle them is they may have to work 19 hours a day instead of 18; their mission will not be deterred.

Sorry for the wall of text. 😜