FBI executed search warrant at Mar-a-Lago

Back on topic, this debate over the affidavit is so annoying. It’s going to be incredibly redacted, first off. Trump demanding it’s release is an obvious facade of transparency. You’ll notice he takes better care to keep his tax returns and college transcripts more secretive than sensitive national material. If the affidavit is redacted or not released at all, he’ll demand to know what the DoJ is hiding. If it was released in full, he’d claim “COMPLETE AND TOTAL VINDICATION! Proof the raid on my beautiful home was a witch hunt from the start, a very ILLEGAL act that is terrible for our country!”

I was always wishing his transcripts would have been leaked during the 2016 run. Everyone know that they are bad, and no one would be surprised if they showed that he graduated (barely) at the bottom of his class, or even at all.

I visited Fordham University for a campus tour in the fall of 2017, and I think he only did a couple of years and left according to him "Because it wasn't challenging enough." They didn't even mention him in a list of notable attendees. Also how many articles at the time couldn't find a U. Penn classmate of 1968 that could remember him in class?
I was always wishing his transcripts would have been leaked during the 2016 run. Everyone know that they are bad, and no one would be surprised if they showed that he graduated (barely) at the bottom of his class, or even at all.

I visited Fordham University for a campus tour in the fall of 2017, and I think he only did a couple of years and left according to him "Because it wasn't challenging enough." They didn't even mention him in a list of notable attendees. Also how many articles at the time couldn't find a U. Penn classmate of 1968 that could remember him in class?
He was actually born in Kenya.
Here’s another Republican talking big about killing FBI agents. First, this unrelated video which should tell you all you need to know about the guy:


And the big murder talk:

And then there’s this:

Here’s another Republican talking big about killing FBI agents. First, this unrelated video which should tell you all you need to know about the guy:


And the big murder talk:

And then there’s this:

From one of those links 🤣

Hyde also seemed to confirm that he is being provocative to get media attention.

"Did you even consider I might be using hyperbole and rhetoric because I know how susceptible you are to it?" Hyde said. "No point in spending money on mailers when you'll print my name for free."
You see guys, he’s just being a sensible guy with his campaign finances. I myself start talking about body bags when I need attention, like when service at a restaurant is a bit slow.
You see guys, he’s just being a sensible guy with his campaign finances. I myself start talking about body bags when I need attention, like when service at a restaurant is a bit slow.

When you finding yourself waiting too long at the IHOP, you do what you gotta do.
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She was a first lady, a U.S. Senator and a Secretary of State. Those are pretty good credentials for the nomination.
She was still entitled and you left out the remainder of my reply. She was running as if she deserved the nomination. Same as eight years earlier when BHO cleaned her clock. It was as if she felt that only she could win giving that she already lost to an upstart, then served in said upstart's administration.

I don't consider work as First Lady as relevant experience. Especially in her case as she caved in expanding health and was partially responsible for BC's wishy-washy, centralist-caving tendencies. I felt she coasted into the New York Senate seat on sympathy and because she had shitty opposition. I do give her credit for her work as SoS and as I stated, she was the most morally qualified. She was obviously the most qualified as Mango is a total shit-show. Morally and politically.

I think she played her hand weakly given all that she was up against (light campaigning in the Rust Belt, ignoring the Black vote towards the end, piss poor response in the face of bad optics and mistakes like "Basket of Deplorables" and the Labor Day fiasco). And especially after Comey tipped the scales by reopening the email investigation so late. I blame Obama more for that last point as he constantly blathered on that he wanted to protect his legacy. Yet did precious little when Comey gave justification for his immediate firing. And McConnell and the GOP deserved to be spat in the face given all the evidence of Russian meddling and not addressing it. BHO meting out punishment after the fact was the very definition of milquetoast.

I think she thought it would be a cakewalk given the GOP circus, and then Mango winning the nod. There were so many signs that it was going to be a big fight till the end. The GTBTP tape should have been the end of Mango. When that didn't immediately kill his campaign she should have gone nuclear.

The more conspiratorial side of me is thinking that this could be an attempt to leak evidence to the public in an attempt to poison the upcoming trial against his father.

If millions of people see exactly what's being used against Trump, then it taints his presumption of innocence, making it more difficult to find an impartial jury, which leads to more opportunities to call for a mistrial.
She was still entitled and you left out the remainder of my reply. She was running as if she deserved the nomination.
“Ladies and gentlemen, please vote for me even though I *don’t* deserve the nomination.”

- behavior required of no male politician ever.
The more conspiratorial side of me is thinking that this could be an attempt to leak evidence to the public in an attempt to poison the upcoming trial against his father.

If millions of people see exactly what's being used against Trump, then it taints his presumption of innocence, making it more difficult to find an impartial jury, which leads to more opportunities to call for a mistrial.

That doesn‘t work in real life. That’s what voire dire is for. And once the trial occurs, you aren’t going to get a mistrial absent *external* influence on the jurors.
But Rudy Giuliani claims Trump was actually keeping classified documents 'safe' at Mar-a-Lago so this can't possibly be true.

Does this look like the face of a liar to you?
“Ladies and gentlemen, please vote for me even though I *don’t* deserve the nomination.”

- behavior required of no male politician ever.
That isn't even close to reality. It's more like "Vote for me, I should've beat the Black guy with the funny name!! And it's the perfect time to elect the first woman Prez, amirite!!" *while wearing a white pantsuit*

She acted as if the nom was supposed to be handed to her on a silver platter without any contest. And as much as I hated Bernie, Super Delegates and DNC officials F'ed up with their shenanigans, giving the Bernie-or-Bust crazies oxygen.
“Ladies and gentlemen, please vote for me even though I *don’t* deserve the nomination.”

- behavior required of no male politician ever.

Perhaps the more accurate way to put it is that she felt that the nomination was owed to her and who the fuck is this Pretender Bernie trying to challenge me, I will show him who this belongs to, a ha ha ha ha ha. Many in the D camp resented her arrogance and may have stayed home because of it. I voted for her in November solely because I did not want to be blamed for letting an Agent Orange fiasco get elected, not that my vote would matter in my state.
Perhaps the more accurate way to put it is that she felt that the nomination was owed to her and who the fuck is this Pretender Bernie trying to challenge me, I will show him who this belongs to, a ha ha ha ha ha. Many in the D camp resented her arrogance and may have stayed home because of it. I voted for her in November solely because I did not want to be blamed for letting an Agent Orange fiasco get elected, not that my vote would matter in my state.

Awful lot of projection going on is all I’m saying. I submit that a man acting exactly the same as she acted would not be accused of being “arrogant.”
I submit that a man acting exactly the same as she acted would not be accused of being “arrogant.”

If you could generate a set of circumstances that aligned in parallel to Ms Clinton's presidential bid but with a male protagonist, a word like "arrogant" probably would get used. I do not believe it is misogyny to call her arrogant wrt 2016. In the general election, it looked like she was barely putting in any effort, for which we should all feel cheated.