FBI executed search warrant at Mar-a-Lago

So I'm reading they found more than 300 classified documents at MAL. Some TS/SCI? National defense secrets?
Now can we lock his fat arse up?

Oh and just for posterity, even Fox news agrees the search was justified.

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I couldn't believe this when I saw it. I'm wondering if everyone is slowing bailing on the sinking Trump ship. They all seem to be shifting over to DeSantis.
If they arrest Trump his cult is gonna go ballistic! We will have another 1/6 on our hands.
Sorry, but fuck 'em, every last one. They want him to get privileged hand holding while everyone else in this country gets hammered by the law for far less. Let them take up their arms and learn what it's like to fight against the actual US military, Cletus and his gang of halfwit second amendment nuts will be in for a rude awakening.

Donald Trump Jr. Offers Wildest Defense Yet Of His Dad Over Mar-A-Lago Documents​

Donald Trump Jr. now claims it would probably be a “good” thing if his father, a private citizen living at a resort in Florida, was still holding on to the nuclear codes.
“By the way, for the record, I’d say that if Donald Trump actually still had the nuclear codes, it’d probably be good,” he said Monday at a campaign event for Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.).

“Our enemies might actually be like, ‘OK, maybe let’s not mess with them,’ unlike when they look at Joe Biden and they say, ‘You know what? We should attack now.’”
I have an unsettling feeling we will end up having another 1/6 on our hands regardless.
I don't disagree here, but this time they won't be up against an unsuspecting minimal police force, we'll roll out the real military who would be fully prepared and they'll have to ask themselves if it's worth it.
I don't disagree here, but this time they won't be up against an unsuspecting minimal police force, we'll roll out the real military who would be fully prepared and they'll have to ask themselves if it's worth it.

That depends on what happens. The military won't be deployed unless we're in truly dire straits. I expect the FBI and local law enforcement will be the ones who will handle the brunt of it, with some assistance from the National Guard.
That depends on what happens. The military won't be deployed unless we're in truly dire straits. I expect the FBI and local law enforcement will be the ones who will handle the brunt of it, with some assistance from the National Guard.
Right, if they can deploy the National Guard for black people peacefully marching they can do it for a bunch of white nutjobs with assault weapons. I have a feeling they won't make the same mistake twice with these people after Jan 6.
I don't disagree here, but this time they won't be up against an unsuspecting minimal police force, we'll roll out the real military who would be fully prepared and they'll have to ask themselves if it's worth it.
I agree. However, I don't know where this will happen. It could be anywhere. Hopefully there will be a police force to quelch it but with so many ready-to-boil-over crazies out there now, I honestly don't know.
With the conviction of some of the Kidnap Klansmen (of Mich Gov Whitmer) and the history of 1/6, I hope people are much, much smarter. Of course, I just really hope the Feds and state govs are prepared to thwart any repeat. Anything even approaching another 1/6 should be smashed and the perps harshly dealt with: quick arrest, prosecution and long sentences upon conviction. And no more short-term sentences/plea deals this time around.
The second amendment folks, even the ones who've been in the military, will be surprised if the real US Army is called out. The National Guard is more likely, but they have the same equipment to use, if there's the political will to let them use it. You'd need heavy machine guns, MANPADS, artillery and the like to fight a real military. Handguns and rifles and even IEDs won't cut it then; this next war (please, Lord, no) won't be like the last Civil War.

I was reading on another Substack I'm short-term subscribing to (Jared Yates Sexton) and the comments were very revealing and mostly polite and literate: most of the opposition was wanting much less government interference in their lives and they wanted equal hard justice meted out to the Clintons, the Bushes before Trump, et al gets indicted. The general feeling was there were a lot of rich folks that needed culling by the law first.

"Less government interference" versus Godly self-control (I don't care which faith you hold to) are usually inversely related to each other; a people with more Godly self-control needs less government interference to run properly. This society is getting out of control internally and an authoritarian government is the natural result:

“It is when people forget God that tyrants forge their chains." – Reverend Gardiner Spring
“Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants.” – William Penn

I'm a Christian, but I don't overtly proselytize; I'd rather live it and maybe make a careful comment now and then and let others make up their own minds. I left the Right after 14 years and I know them too well (too much fear and not enough room for grace to operate). I believe that all these crazies who say they're Christian but don't live it truly are anything but! See The Christian Left for an alternative way to think. My pastor thinks that American Christianity is going to have to die and be rebuilt from scratch in the future, and I think I agree with him.
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Judge responded to Trump’s weird filing. Orders Trump to explain, by Aug. 26, why she has any jurisdiction over the case, what the hell he wants her to actually do, why judge Reinhart isn’t the proper judge to handle this, and whether/why the DoJ hasn’t been served a copy of the “complaint.”
They let one of the white supremacist on house arrest out so he can go to a renaissance fair. That's what we mean when we say these fuckers have white privilege.
This is the bucket of BS I really, really detest. These punks should not be allowed these privileges. People are still locked up for petty drug possession and small, nonviolent crimes. And these insurrectionists are allowed to go on vacation, low (if any) bail, and given light sentences for absolute treasonous, traitorous crimes. If they want to plead guilty, do so for all the crimes charged with no promises of light sentences.
This is the bucket of BS I really, really detest. These punks should not be allowed these privileges. People are still locked up for petty drug possession and small, nonviolent crimes. And these insurrectionists are allowed to go on vacation, low (if any) bail, and given light sentences for absolute treasonous, traitorous crimes. If they want to plead guilty, do so for all the crimes charged with no promises of light sentences.

The guy sat on Nancy Pelosi's desk and went through her documents and he gets to leave house arrest to go to a fair when he should be in PRISON! The fucker gets house arrest, while people are in prison and jails for lesser crimes. This country is gross.
If they arrest Trump his cult is gonna go ballistic! We will have another 1/6 on our hands.

I don’t see it. I see rando lunatics doing bad stuff, I don’t see another coordinated attack like J6. That was their one chance and they blew it.

They’ll get over it quick. Once Trump is unable to hog the media spotlight and put out stupid statements, his base will pivot to another cult leader. Probably lots of dumb comments on social media, but they’ll have to retreat to the dark web when they stop finding places to host their content, and most people dumb enough to believe Trump will have trouble navigating the dark web. They’ll resort to using things like FB Messenger and WhatsApp, making them easy targets for the FBI and law enforcement.

I’m more worried about lunatic politicians than armed lunatics, even though that’s certainly a concern.
I’m more worried about lunatic politicians than armed lunatics, even though that’s certainly a concern.

They're both matters of concern, but the more damaging actors in the long run are those who try to tear federal government down instead of making it more responsive to perceived needs for change. And it doesn't matter if they are pols like Boebert or Jordan or just voters who worship at Trump's feet.

I have no use for people who stand up to run for federal office or take positions in agencies while meaning to help make those very agencies dysfunctional once they're sworn into their jobs.

I don't understand people who vote for people like that either.

Once upon a time we understood (and taught) more about what federal agencies actually provide this country, largely behind the scenes.

It's weird that so much objection to federal government comes from the right, and from largely rural areas.

The residents of those areas are pretty dependent on not only federal tax dollars but data services as well They rely on data for weather, crop planting, harvest and markets that only the government manages to collect and crank out into useful reports.

The whole country's economy depends upon that info - about food production and distribution, export plans, commodity trading, allocation of SNAP and WIC benefits, provision for enterprise zones, jobs development, apprenticeship programs, public health and special education grants... if they burn the federal government down, who the heck do they think will step in at state level and reinvent those wheels, never mind the revenue to maintain them?

So people could lay off the misguided hatred for "federal gummint"... and all the partisan and xenophobic pot stirring too, gee. Ya know if the bottom 90% of the USA ever set their tribalism down and worked together to effect change, well either it would finally result in legislation that wold make "equal opportunity" less of a joke, or else the top 0.1% would finally learn exactly what "no walls high enough" really means.

I'd like to think we'd all prefer the legislative approach and work together to get more equitable traction in our economy and society, but we'd have to get the big money out of politics first. Right now no matter who wins, it's K street drafting the bills and re-seating the pols who cast the votes to pass those bills.

Representative government my a^^. It's representative of oligarchs and plutocrats. Meanwhile we're down here taking whacks at each other over race, gender, religion, culture and yeah, party of registration...

Burning it all down is not the answer. The answer is building it back up from the bottom and quit being paranoid about the guy next door getting a leg up first. We'd all get a leg up if we'd quit entertaining ourselves to death taking each other down while the pols, the lobbyists and CEOs of behemoths party on.