FBI executed search warrant at Mar-a-Lago

Since Trump's lawyers (including that gal that's been doing the rounds on TV recently) signed documents stating Trump had turned over all classified documents - which could probably be used as proof anything he held onto was criminal - it also puts them in quite the bind. That's not something you just sign hastily. They would be tasked with going through documents and consulting with their client to ensure they truthfully believed he had no more classified info.
I believe the document they signed included the phrase "to our knowledge" so it might be hard to prove they lied (which it's likely they did).

Donald Trump Jr. Offers Wildest Defense Yet Of His Dad Over Mar-A-Lago Documents​

Donald Trump Jr. now claims it would probably be a “good” thing if his father, a private citizen living at a resort in Florida, was still holding on to the nuclear codes.
“By the way, for the record, I’d say that if Donald Trump actually still had the nuclear codes, it’d probably be good,” he said Monday at a campaign event for Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.).

“Our enemies might actually be like, ‘OK, maybe let’s not mess with them,’ unlike when they look at Joe Biden and they say, ‘You know what? We should attack now.’”

I certainly don't know what he had and what was taken. But nuclear codes? They're codes. I'd think they'd change the codes rather than send in the FBI to retrieve them. I'd guess if he had "nuclear codes", they were already changed anyway. The whole thing just doesn't really make any sense at all. You don't go to this much effort to get codes that could be, and most likely are, changed on a regular basis. And I'd bet my next paycheck Jr. knows that it wasn't "nuclear codes" they were after.

It's just lies and misdirection.
Yes, they tweet stupid shit and the cult members listen. That's why you have Proud Boys attacking gay bars and drag brunch because idiot Republican politicians are tweeting that they're grooming kids.

So f'g irresponsible. And always talking about personal responsibility. Do these pols hear themselves?
I certainly don't know what he had and what was taken. But nuclear codes? They're codes. I'd think they'd change the codes rather than send in the FBI to retrieve them. I'd guess if he had "nuclear codes", they were already changed anyway. The whole thing just doesn't really make any sense at all. You don't go to this much effort to get codes that could be, and most likely are, changed on a regular basis. And I'd bet my next paycheck Jr. knows that it wasn't "nuclear codes" they were after.

It's just lies and misdirection.

Yeah, I’d love to hear that argument in court. That’s like arguing any prisoner smart enough to escape prison should be set free and made the warden, since he’d do a better job of keeping an eye on things. Or perhaps a bank robber arguing that the cash is clearly safer with them, clearly, since it was so easy to take from the bank.

These people are having a stupid shit-saying contest, and in the wake of the FBI search of Trump’s home, this is a really competitive contest.

Luckily, it’s easy to say all this stupid stuff in public and on social media, but I doubt anyone would try to make that argument in court.

It’s also pretty revealing how cavalier Junior says this silly nonsense, with absolutely zero self-awareness. I guess that’s what happens when you’re given free reign to break ethics, norms and laws all your life and instead of being punished, are rewarded. That time may be swiftly coming to an end for this family of future felons.
I believe the document they signed included the phrase "to our knowledge" so it might be hard to prove they lied (which it's likely they did).

Either way you slice it, that signed document isn’t a good look for Trump. I would totally believe Trump lies to his lawyers. But Trump can’t at once claim he was cooperating, didn’t know he still had documents, that they were stashed in a corner or forgotten about, while at the same time claiming he had a standing order to declassify them, had every right to keep them, etc.

Even this demand for a special master is a risky move for him. If he just wants to say that the FBI is going to plant evidence, that’s not going to fly with a judge. And if he claims to know what they have and want it back, then that wipes out his argument about forgetting about what he had, not knowing he had it, etc.

In essence, he’s arguing these documents are his, which contradicts any other argument he could possibly make.

So what this means for his lawyers, I don’t know, but it’s not good for Trump. I would put money on him being in serious shit. These delay tactics, bogus motions and his never ending stream of public statements will be used against him in any potential indictment.

Also, we don’t know what the FBI has already. They subpoenaed video footage from Mar-A-Lago in June, and probably want more footage prior to the FBI search.

*Also, I don’t know who’s idea it was to release this letter, but it crushes about a half-dozen of Trump’s arguments. It was a lame attempt to tie Biden to the investigation, which it absolutely doesn’t, but also proves Trump was being treated with kid gloves. And why the fuck is he still trying to exert executive privilege!?! Is our system designed for a president to do whatever they want and take whatever they want on the way out, and use retroactive claims of executive privilege and declassification authority? What a joke, this is bad for him.

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The second amendment folks, even the ones who've been in the military, will be surprised if the real US Army is called out. The National Guard is more likely, but they have the same equipment to use, if there's the political will to let them use it. You'd need heavy machine guns, MANPADS, artillery and the like to fight a real military. Handguns and rifles and even IEDs won't cut it then; this next war (please, Lord, no) won't be like the last Civil War.

I was reading on another Substack I'm short-term subscribing to (Jared Yates Sexton) and the comments were very revealing and mostly polite and literate: most of the opposition was wanting much less government interference in their lives and they wanted equal hard justice meted out to the Clintons, the Bushes before Trump, et al gets indicted. The general feeling was there were a lot of rich folks that needed culling by the law first.

"Less government interference" versus Godly self-control (I don't care which faith you hold to) are usually inversely related to each other; a people with more Godly self-control needs less government interference to run properly. This society is getting out of control internally and an authoritarian government is the natural result:

“It is when people forget God that tyrants forge their chains." – Reverend Gardiner Spring
“Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants.” – William Penn

I'm a Christian, but I don't overtly proselytize; I'd rather live it and maybe make a careful comment now and then and let others make up their own minds. I left the Right after 14 years and I know them too well (too much fear and not enough room for grace to operate). I believe that all these crazies who say they're Christian but don't live it truly are anything but! See The Christian Left for an alternative way to think. My pastor thinks that American Christianity is going to have to die and be rebuilt from scratch in the future, and I think I agree with him.
Even this demand for a special master is a risky move for him.

I think that's going to be a non-starter in the judge's eyes, especially if tump's lawyers demand the special master be given access to all documents (not that they need it). That's not going to happen unless the special master (usually a retired judge) has the necessary security clearances (Top Secret/SCI SAP) to examine the documents. Maybe they could recruit a sitting FISA judge who does have such clearances. I suspect trump's lawyers will reject that - just because. Clearing anybody else via an extended background investigation else would take a year or more. Perhaps it could be accelerated some.
I think that's going to be a non-starter in the judge's eyes, especially if tump's lawyers demand the special master be given access to all documents (not that they need it). That's not going to happen unless the special master (usually a retired judge) has the necessary security clearances (Top Secret/SCI SAP) to examine the documents. Maybe they could recruit a sitting FISA judge who does have such clearances. I suspect trump's lawyers will reject that - just because. Clearing anybody else via an extended background investigation else would take a year or more. Perhaps it could be accelerated some.

To be fair, a respected lawyer who turned down the chance to represent Trump in this case said the first thing he'd do would be to ask for a special master. This lawyer is a respected guy, and he was respectful of Trump, saying he turned down the offer due to time issues, not because he feared being paid or anything like that.

But this guy is a seasoned pro. Trump essentially admitted in his request for a special master that he has classified documents, claiming they are protected by "executive privilege". His request - in typical Trump fashion - also included bluster about him being the lead polling candidate for 2024 and a victim of the Russian investigation. The idea may have been a standard legal move, but its clear his lawyers are amateur hour. Its probably inexperienced lawyers combined with Trump being the one who's actually acting as his own lead counsel.

I don't see the request being honored. They've already had the material two weeks, and Trump's concession he had the documents will probably hinder any argument he had. That's just my amateur prediction though, who knows.
You get arrested for an ounce of weed in some states, you’re tried, sentenced, and jailed within a few days. Why the fuck do we have to wait until October for Steve Bannon to be sentenced for a crime he has already been found guilty of? That’s even worse than letting someone off to go on vacation or to a RenFair.
You get arrested for an ounce of weed in some states, you’re tried, sentenced, and jailed within a few days. Why the fuck do we have to wait until October for Steve Bannon to be sentenced for a crime he has already been found guilty of? That’s even worse than letting someone off to go on vacation or to a RenFair.

Someone hopes that before October,,,, "the revolution will be televised". ?

All this lot s/b in prison for having tried to overthrow a sitting US government doing its job per Constitution.

As for whether the prosecutions are political, the Rs screaming about that now have forgotten how they felt when they were lying on the floor in the House under benches trying to put gas masks on while insurrectionists were trying to break into the chamber. They forget their desperate calls to anyone they knew in the DoD or West Wing to get some help for the overwhelmed Capitol police.

Lotta fricken amnesia floating around the Republican Party ever since a few days after Jan 6 2021.
So what this means for his lawyers, I don’t know, but it’s not good for Trump. I would put money on him being in serious shit. These delay tactics, bogus motions and his never ending stream of public statements will be used against him in any potential indictment.
The sociopath Trump has been breaking laws all his life. He just gets his lawyers to file one motion after another, one delay after another, and has so far not been held accountable for any of his crimes other than the financial penalties he had to pay for his bogus university and charity, and one contribution appeal to his deplorables would more than make up for that. What's the status of the assault lawsuits filed by all those women? What happened to all those contractors that he routinely cheated? It's just a sad commentary on the U.S. system of justice that such a wretched human being can not only get away with these things but actually thrive here.
The sociopath Trump has been breaking laws all his life. He just gets his lawyers to file one motion after another, one delay after another, and has so far not been held accountable for any of his crimes other than the financial penalties he had to pay for his bogus university and charity, and one contribution appeal to his deplorables would more than make up for that. What's the status of the assault lawsuits filed by all those women? What happened to all those contractors that he routinely cheated? It's just a sad commentary on the U.S. system of justice that such a wretched human being can not only get away with these things but actually thrive here.

He should be indicted, jailed and deemed a flight risk who should be held in custody until trial. That would stop the stonewalling.
He should be indicted, jailed and deemed a flight risk who should be held in custody until trial. That would stop the stonewalling.
The upside to that is the maglitia horde storming the jail to free him, and how convenient it will be for the NG to close in and not have to take the idiots somewhere else.
There's a new sheriff in town and this guy does not play.

Justice Department releases unredacted Barr memo detailing decision not to charge Trump with obstructing Russia probe​

There's a new sheriff in town and this guy does not play.

Justice Department releases unredacted Barr memo detailing decision not to charge Trump with obstructing Russia probe​

Of course the Trump campaign colluded with Russia. It exchanged polling data with Russians. Of course Trump obstructed justice. He just got his stooge attorney general to say that he didn't. How much longer will this guy keep getting away with things, which now include an attempted coup and retaining documents with the nation's most sensitive secrets and lying to the FBI about having them?
I don't think Trump will be granted this special master to review the items taken from his home, but even if he was, he'd just attack the special master if things don't turn out his way.

"A VERY PARTISAN hack was appointed as "special master" to review the items taken from my beautiful home. This very unqualified and partisan attorney - who was a big fan of Obama and Crooked Hillary - also worked for the FBI under slipper James Comey. Just another chapter in the biggest witch hunt our country has ever seen!"

Delay, attack, project. Wash, rinse, repeat. Luckily, I don't see this working out for Trump the way he thinks it will.