FBI executed search warrant at Mar-a-Lago

It’s disheartening to see the MAGA folks stand firm, regurgitating lies, misinformation or projection to protect their leader.

That is the fuel that gives Trump and his enablers belief they can double-down and continue their journey down the rabbit hole of lawlessness. I would not be surprised if Trump continues to obstruct and commit more crimes on his path to wiggle out of this predicament as well. It’s his modus operandi.
It’s disheartening to see the MAGA folks stand firm, regurgitating lies, misinformation or projection to protect their leader.

That is the fuel that gives Trump and his enablers belief they can double-down and continue their journey down the rabbit hole of lawlessness. I would not be surprised if Trump continues to obstruct and commit more crimes on his path to wiggle out of this predicament as well. It’s his modus operandi.

Hopefully upcoming indictments supported by a trove of overwhelming evidence and witnesses will help ameliorate that. At least somewhat.
When you've even lost Karl Rove

It is particularly troubling that people like Karl Rove and Liz Cheney and others seem to be acquiring a veneer of respectability over their bodies of slime by merely looking reasonable when placed next to Individual-ONE. We must not lose sight of the fact that these are not good and kind and decent people such as you might like to have running the country (running from it, I would prefer).
It is particularly troubling that people like Karl Rove and Liz Cheney and others seem to be acquiring a veneer of respectability over their bodies of slime by merely looking reasonable when placed next to Individual-ONE. We must not lose sight of the fact that these are not good and kind and decent people such as you might like to have running the country (running from it, I would prefer).

I think one of the main reasons these villains turned heroes (to some) hate Trump is because to them their master plan was going along just fine and while he may have advanced some of their plan he is also more than likely to derail all of it and set them way way back or to a point of no return. He’s brought their plan to do nothing good for most people front and center. There’s no ignoring it. Nothing good comes from destabilizing everything, not the least of which is public opinion.
I’m hoping that Trump’s big mouth, his extreme disregard for the rule of law and the safety of others, and the far-right’s threats to several government institutions strengthens the resolve of the DoJ to come after him with the full force of the law. I’m ready for this shit-show to end.
It is particularly troubling that people like Karl Rove and Liz Cheney and others seem to be acquiring a veneer of respectability over their bodies of slime by merely looking reasonable when placed next to Individual-ONE. We must not lose sight of the fact that these are not good and kind and decent people such as you might like to have running the country (running from it, I would prefer).

Now that we've seen the real bottom of the barrel, the scum around the rim doesn't seem all that bad.
Posting this newsletter in its entirety; HCR doesn't usually type in all caps, as below, which is significant.

August 26, 2022
Heather Cox Richardson
The Department of Justice (DOJ) today released the redacted affidavit that persuaded a judge to agree to issue a search warrant for FBI agents to look for classified documents at Mar-a-Lago, the property owned by the Trump Organization in Florida.
It was bad.
The affidavit explained to the judge the history behind the FBI’s request.
On February 9, 2022, the National Archives and Records Administration (what did I say about archivists?) told the DOJ that after seven months of negotiations, on January 18 it had received 15 boxes of material that former president Trump had held at Mar-a-Lago. Those boxes contained “highly classified documents,” including some at the very most secret level of our intelligence: those involving our spies and informants.
In those initial 15 boxes, FBI personnel found 184 classified documents. Sixty-seven were labeled CONFIDENTIAL, 92 were SECRET, 25 were TOP SECRET. Some were marked SCS, FISA, ORCON, NOFORN, and SI, the very highest levels of security, involving human intelligence, foreign surveillance, intelligence that cannot be shared with foreign governments, and intelligence that is compartmented to make sure no one has full knowledge of what is in it. The former president had made notes on “several” of the documents.
On June 8, 2022, a DOJ lawyer wrote to Trump’s lawyer to reiterate that Mar-a-Lago was not authorized to store classified information, and warned that the documents were not being handled properly. The DOJ lawyer asked that the material be secured in a single room at Mar-a-Lago “in their current condition until further notice.”
Trump’s lawyers told the DOJ that presidents have the absolute authority to declassify documents—this is not true, by the way—but did not assert he had done so.
The FBI opened a criminal investigation “to, among other things,” figure out how the classified records were taken from the White House and ended up at Mar-a-Lago, and to determine if other classified records might have been improperly taken and stored, and to figure out who might have taken and mishandled them.
They concluded that there was good reason to think that more classified records remained at Mar-a-Lago and that investigators would find evidence that Trump and his allies were obstructing the government’s effort to recover the material. The person who made the affidavit said they were a special agent with the FBI, “familiar with efforts used to unlawfully collect, retain, and disseminate sensitive government information, including classified N[ational] D[efense] I[nformation].” They swore that “there is probable cause to believe” that locations at Mar-a-Lago “contain evidence, contraband, fruits of crime, or other items illegally possessed.”
The affidavit confirmed that the Department of Justice is “conducting a criminal investigation concerning the improper removal and storage of classified information in unauthorized spaces, as well as the unlawful concealment or removal of government records,” and asked for the affidavit to be sealed because “the items and information to be seized are relevant to an ongoing investigation and the FBI has not yet identified all potential criminal confederates nor located all evidence related to its investigation.”
Sidestepping Trump’s insistence that he could declassify whatever he wished when president, the affidavit specifies that the documents could cause damage even if they are not classified, and it notes that retaining “information related to the national defense” is illegal.
The information that Trump stole classified documents itself was eye-popping, and then that he refused to return them was astonishing. Now, the knowledge of the extent of it, and that it included information from our human sources, is stunning.
We still don’t know what was in those more recently recovered boxes.
Trump is in serious trouble…and so are the rest of us. This stolen and mishandled classified intelligence compromises our security. The best-case scenario is that it was never seen by anyone who knew what they were looking at. Even that would mean that our allies have every reason to be leery about sharing information with us again.
But that’s the best-case scenario. We have to wonder, who else now knows the secrets designed to keep Americans safe? Multiple news stories during Trump’s presidency noted that even then, Mar-a-Lago was notoriously insecure. And, unthinkable though it should be but sadly is not, what if secret documents have already been given or sold into the hands of foreign actors whose interests conflict with ours?
I have been writing today about Trump’s first impeachment and the hearings where Marie Yovanovitch, Fiona Hill, and Alexander Vindman, immigrants all, who served our nation faithfully and fully, risked—and ultimately lost—their jobs to warn us that Trump was willing to compromise our national security for his own interests.
“He has betrayed our national security, and he will do so again,” House impeachment manager Adam Schiff warned the Senate. “You can’t trust [Trump] to do the right thing. Not for one minute, not for one election, not for the sake of our country. You just can’t. He will not change and you know it.” Schiff begged them to say “enough.”
But they would not, and they did not, and here we are.

Twitter avatar for @tracy_walderTracy Walder @tracy_walder
🧵 An explainer on the classification of docs trump had per the affidavit

August 26th 2022
1,541 Retweets5,010 Likes

Twitter avatar for @RepAdamSchiffAdam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff
He has betrayed our national security, and he will do so again. He has compromised our elections, and he will do so again. You will not change him. You cannot constrain him. Truth matters little to him. What's right matters even less. And decency not at all. Enough.

January 4th 2021
18,908 Retweets74,416 Likes

The opinion piece above makes a good point - while conservatives are trying their best to discredit the affidavit and the investigations as a whole, that was just the cause for the search - who knows what he still had in his possession. Or what he did with the items he took. The original batch of material handed over should have been enough to prosecute him, but in typical Trump fashion, he held onto stuff, lied and obstructed afterwards.

He has no defense here. His “presumption of innocence” is perfectly true and valid from a legal perspective, but it’s about as practical as one of those mass shooters who’s taken into custody after a killing spree. We already know he’s guilty.
Here's some additional gravy for the goings-on at MAL, to the surprise of nobody ...

From the article:

So this isn’t something that was stashed away in the pool shed at Donald’s House Of Felonies, but it is a helluva story that, incidentally, indicates why people in Washington were worried about classified documents stored insecurely down there.


Seen on MSNBC: Report: Woman posed as heiress to infiltrate Mar-a-Lago, Trump inner circle

This, together with other reports of unauthorized entries into Crime-A-Lago, points out just how vulnerable were the highly classified documents Trump stole.

I'm ready for this saga to end and am wondering if the DOJ decides to charge Trump they will wait until after the Nov. elections to do so. I'm also wondering if despite his predicament the sociopath is at some level enjoying all the attention. It's time to wrap things up. Anyone else would have been indicted a long time ago.
Seen on MSNBC: Report: Woman posed as heiress to infiltrate Mar-a-Lago, Trump inner circle

This, together with other reports of unauthorized entries into Crime-A-Lago, points out just how vulnerable were the highly classified documents Trump stole.

I'm ready for this saga to end and am wondering if the DOJ decides to charge Trump they will wait until after the Nov. elections to do so. I'm also wondering if despite his predicament the sociopath is at some level enjoying all the attention. It's time to wrap things up. Anyone else would have been indicted a long time ago.
I saw this break yesterday but none of the major news outlets had picked it up so I was questioning it's validity. Looks like it's true which is quite worrying. Who knows how many people saw these documents.

Also this was circulating around last night. Some evidence may point to a news story from last year about a bulletin sent out by the CIA about a high number of operatives being killed. Coincidence? I think not.
Seen on MSNBC: Report: Woman posed as heiress to infiltrate Mar-a-Lago, Trump inner circle

This, together with other reports of unauthorized entries into Crime-A-Lago, points out just how vulnerable were the highly classified documents Trump stole.

I'm ready for this saga to end and am wondering if the DOJ decides to charge Trump they will wait until after the Nov. elections to do so. I'm also wondering if despite his predicament the sociopath is at some level enjoying all the attention. It's time to wrap things up. Anyone else would have been indicted a long time ago.

The DoJ will be damned if they do, damned if they don’t regardless of what action they take, or when. If they indict or ramp up the investigation before the midterms, the cult will accuse it of happening solely to damage republicans in the midterms. If they wait until after the midterms, they’ll be accused of trying to stop Trump from running again.

That’s good, however; since the radical right will come up with a narrative no matter what, there’s no harm in just indicting Trump when they see fit, not when the cult sees fit. Because for them, Trump is infallible and should never be indicted for anything.

Besides, Trump is a private citizen. He hasn’t announced he’s running, he has no opponent, and I don’t really see why it would matter since he won’t be on a ballot for over two years anyways, when he’s 78 years old. Better to do it now or before he announces a run.

And for those who say the left is scared of him running again, he lost the popular vote twice and lost the 2020 election. And that was difficult; incumbents have an upper hand. Trump was given a free pass to re-election had he just dealt with the pandemic like a rational adult.

Joe Biden didn’t get the most votes in history because the left was so enthusiastic over him, he got the most votes ever because people wanted to get rid of the criminal moron occupying the White House. It’s hard to fathom Trump winning again, though it’s certainly possible. But I can’t imagine he’s grown his base at all. He has a majority of a minority of voters in his grasp.

All this is to say, Trump is a private citizen and they’d have no trouble indicting any other private citizen regardless of when the election is, so indict his ass and let him sit in a jail somewhere Palm Beach County until his trial.
All this is to say, Trump is a private citizen and they’d have no trouble indicting any other private citizen regardless of when the election is, so indict his ass and let him sit in a jail somewhere Palm Beach County until his trial.

Maybe then I could finally move past the moment just before I had to suspend all disbelief to comprehend that this guy actually got the GOP's nomination in 2016. Part of me is still back there thinking the GOP primary voters would have the sense to pick John Kasich or even Jeb Bush. Silly me. And it's only got worse since then, the way that whole party caved in to help court Trump's base, which still has him up on a pedestal llike his feet aren't made of cheap clay.