Guns are still America’s religion

And... The "I did NOT F'N know this" part of thread

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1530747605281554433/

So let me get this straight, a person buys items designed for killing, and they can get it on credit? Even if they don't plan on surviving the reason they brought the items?

Bonus astonishment:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1530882665267740673/
And since it is Memorial Day weekend in US, there should be celebratory gunfire

And... The "I did NOT F'N know this" part of thread

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1530747605281554433/

So let me get this straight, a person buys items designed for killing, and they can get it on credit? Even if they don't plan on surviving the reason they brought the items?

Bonus astonishment:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1530882665267740673/
You can;t buy pot in california with a credit card. Let’s get on the banks to put a stop to this.
Beto is right to capitalize on this, Republicans will not change anything nor accept any accountability. If the people want it, they' have to vote these people out.

Beto is right to capitalize on this, Republicans will not change anything nor accept any accountability. If the people want it, they' have to vote these people out.

As I've said, I really hope this is a turning point.

Nothing is worth the lives lost, but if change finally does begin perhaps something will help to make up for it.

Too many lives have been lost due to the indifference of others who believe they won't be affected their choices & inaction.

Anyone trying the whole "it's politicizing things" should stop. That ship sailed lives / years ago.
I don't know if this report from 2018 has been mentioned yet, but it showed how guns are everywhere in Switzerland but they don't have the crime the U.S. does. It showed a shooting event that even kids took part in and where beer was liberally served. One of the people being interviewed turned out to be the former president of Switzerland - he was just there like everyone else without any special protection. Apparently Switzerland did have a mass shooting years ago but they immediately took steps that have been successful in preventing any further occurrences. Where there's a will there's a way.

Switzerland: So Many Guns, No Mass Shootings | The Daily Show
You can;t buy pot in california with a credit card. Let’s get on the banks to put a stop to this.
Did you read the text? It appears that no banks were involved – the gun shop owner apparently just gave him the guns on spec (probably with a payment contract, for a morsel of earnst). Hopefully this will bite him hard on the soft parts.
Did you read the text? It appears that no banks were involved – the gun shop owner apparently just gave him the guns on spec (probably with a payment contract, for a morsel of earnst). Hopefully this will bite him hard on the soft parts.
Oh Really? I didn;t read it. That’s even crazier. So, technically, the gun shop owner owned the murder weapons?
Let’s not get our hopes up too high, because one of these Republicans is from NY State, and another is persona non grata because he dared to tell the truth about the 2020 election. However, some Republicans are talking about doing something about guns.

NRA-endorsed Rep. Chris Jacobs (R-N.Y.) broke with the GOP last week and said he now would support an assault weapons ban, magazine capacity limits, raising the age to be able to purchase guns from 18 to 21, and other gun restrictions. The recent shootings in Buffalo and in Uvalde forced him to reevaluate his position on guns, Jacobs told the Buffalo News.

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.), whose NRA rating went from an “A” to an “F” after he called for a ban on bump stocks following a mass shooting at a Las Vegas music festival, on Sunday blasted the NRA as a “grifting scam.”
Kinzinger said raising the age for gun purchases to 21 years old is “a no-brainer,” and said he was open to regulations or even a ban on AR-15s.

Dear God, please let there be at least 10 Republicans in the Senate who will do some of the things suggested by Jacobs and Kinzinger above. This problem can’t be solved overnight, but we cannot let more children die to appease the gun extremists.
I really hope that change is coming

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1530965511651065862/
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) arrived at Robb Elementary School on Sunday to a crowd of booing onlookers, days after a gunman entered the school in Uvalde, Texas and slaughtered 19 children and two teachers.

As Abbott approached the memorial, the crowd — composed of both local Uvalde residents and people from other areas — booed the governor, according to videos posted online.

“Please Gov. Abbott help Uvalde county,” one onlooker shouted. “We need change! We need change, governor!”
Abbott’s arrival came on the same day that President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden visited the scene of the massacre. The Bidens were greeted with cheers before they laid flowers at the memorial.

The first couple then went to Mass at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, before someone shouted “Do something!” as they left the service.

“We will,” Biden said in response.

Abbott has also said he expects new laws to be enacted as a result of the elementary school shooting. But when pressed for detail about those measures, Abbott’s response centered on mental health, not gun reform.

A reminder of why no one is giving a shit about Abbott's claims about anything, especially if he has the nerve to utter the "mental health" excuse.

I think it's going to be about that time for another ginned up bit of political theatre in Texas.

Let's hope no one's having it, because this sort of thing doesn't seem to stop


https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1530928940323323904/
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One gun safety law isn’t going to fix this. It’s going to take a long campaign.

(paywall removed)

I understand that Republicans are the opposition, that they have come to accept staggering levels of death as the price they must pay to advance their political agenda on everything from Covid to guns.

But I am on the same page as they are on one point. They see the passage of gun safety laws as a slippery slope that could lead to more sweeping laws and even, one day, national gun registries, insurance requirements and bans. I see the same and I actively hope for it.

When I hear Democratic politicians contorting their statements so it sounds like they’re promoting gun ownership while also promoting gun safety, I’m not only mystified, I’m miffed.

Why can’t everyone just be upfront? We have too many guns. We need to begin to get some of them out of circulation. That may include gun buybacks, but it must include no longer selling weapons of war to civilians.
The stat that can never be highlighted enough...

According to the Small Arms Survey of 2017, the United States had a population size of around 326,474,000 people. There were about 393 million firearms in the United States, meaning that there were far more guns than there are people. Additionally, given that not every person in the U.S. owns a gun, many people own multiple or many. This fact still rings true, with the only major difference being that the United States population and the number of guns in the nation have grown in size.

Back in 2017, for every one hundred people in the United States, there were one hundred twenty firearms in the hands of the general public. Of the 393 million firearms in the U.S., only 6.06 million of them are registered.

More guns then there are people in the United States, and NOT every person actually owns A firearm.

With that in mind, ...WTF?!

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1530958095727226880/
On the roof? Why are you putting guns on your roof?

and, Twitter

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1531122290523447297/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1530358898967855104/

This is a succinct summation of what I was saying in previous posts about police in schools, and is another reason why “red flag” laws based on juvenile records would target the wrong people.
Does that creep Ted Cruz also think there should be armed guards in supermarkets, to prevent a reoccurrence of what happened in Buffalo?
Fled wisely realizing his attempts at making doors with an armed officer the newest solution wasn't working, he pivoted to an old favorite.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1530942361009790976/

It's those "darn liberal elites" everyone should be mad at.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1531116698551697408/

Unfortunately for some, they aren't buying that crap either.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1530564365484695554/