Hamas has launched a major attack on Israel

I heard audio of a campus pro-Palestinian protest where somebody yelled “Kill the Jews!” which quickly got booed by the crowd and they moved on, but the media wants you to believe these protests are all about killing the Jews because of isolated instances like that.
If only they were isolated. You can find examples of that at every pro-Hamas, er, I mean pro-Palestinian protest.
If only they were isolated. You can find examples of that at every pro-Hamas, er, I mean pro-Palestinian protest.

That isn’t happening at a majority of protests but you aren’t going to hear about it because something not happening isn’t news. Just on college campuses there are roughly 4,000 institutions in the US. Arrests happened at 20. That’s 0.5%, or what conservatives call “A massive epidemic! You aren’t even safe leaving your house!”.

I listened to a center-right commentator who for months was talking about all the antisemitic college protests where his views were formed entirely by major news stories. Then he ended up on several college campuses where he saw none of that, just peaceful protests not threatening or blocking anybody. People need to get out of the house more and realize that news is always going to be almost entirely amplified negativity. For whatever reason that’s what humans are attracted to.

Nearly half arrested not affiliated with school. So maybe we should dial back the “what’s wrong with these college students?!?” propaganda.

Why? There are still plenty of college students involved. So maybe they didn't plan it, but they are participating which means they are easily swayed into doing things they probably know better than to do.
One thing is, I don't even know who these kids are. The Jewish aspects means its going to be hard to decipher young militant liberals, true progressive bleeding hearts, pro-Israel conservatives who aren't racist or anti-semetic, and white supremacists. It seems to be a mixture of these things.

Now, as I've mentioned, I'm sympathetic to non-violent demonstrations, and I'm trying to not sound like a bitter asshole, since every generation of mass protests has detractors. People said the same things I'm saying about BLM and the civil rights movement protests. And I'm absolutely not against demonstrators and protesters - asking a powerful military to stop killing hundreds of innocent men, women and children is not really an extreme stance. I'm not sure why the people who are truly passionate about this aren't trying to separate themselves from the entitled rich kids who are just having fun being a "part of something" and probably not understanding why - and that's assuming they actually really care, which I'm sure many don't.

I dunno man, I suppose this is how people felt during the BLM protests. Key difference, that was millions of people across the country, the looting and violence were in limited areas, and is not really comparable to what we're seeing on these college campuses. Also, during BLM, what I took issue with was lumping the whole movement with the people breaking the law, and also saying there was no justification for the movement. That's not what I'm saying here - I didn't support criminals in BLM, and I don't support criminal protesters either. That said, I'm not rolling them all together as one group either.

However, when you look at whats happening in NY, how can I discern the racists and the criminals, the anti-free speech liberals and the morons from the young people who actually really don't want to see innocent people killed and are trying to do something about it?
Why? There are still plenty of college students involved. So maybe they didn't plan it, but they are participating which means they are easily swayed into doing things they probably know better than to do.

Are you fine being labeled a regressive racist misogynist just because you support Republicans? I’m fine with the pro Palestinian protesters who remain peaceful and any consequences they may face for breaking any rules or laws. That’s on them.
No they aren't because some of the agitators can be traced to Soros funded organizations.
I get the feeling you have a bumper sticker with Alex Jones on it.
I get the feeling you have a bumper sticker with Alex Jones on it.
No, he’s right. The lizard people and Soros are working together to poison the water supply with chemtrails containing chemicals to immaculate men so that the jews can replace white Protestant men with Venezuelans who are specially trained to hack voting machines using satellites made by China and launched by Italy.
I get the feeling you have a bumper sticker with Alex Jones on it.

I do not. I have both Apple and Yeti stickers on my truck's rear window. Other than that, no bumper stickers. Not going to risk damage to my truck because some unhinged Biden supporter decides to take a key to it.
I do not. I have both Apple and Yeti stickers on my truck's rear window. Other than that, no bumper stickers. Not going to risk damage to my truck because some unhinged Biden supporter decides to take a key to it.

I'm an introvert, so I have no bumper stickers because it's no one else's damn business what my thoughts are. A bumper sticker is a great way to have some yahoo stop you in the parking lot to strike up a conversation. No thanks!
I do not. I have both Apple and Yeti stickers on my truck's rear window. Other than that, no bumper stickers. Not going to risk damage to my truck because some unhinged Biden supporter decides to take a key to it.
You're thinking of MAGA with their Trump and confederate flags driving around all angry like, with a Liberal you're far more likely to see pointing and laughing from their EV.
Here’s the morons on the pro-Israel side (well, at least the side that is just using the debate to scratch their racist itch) - racists making monkey noises at a black protestor and shouting slurs that have nothing to do with Palestine, Israel or war - just a way for white kids with rich parents to join in on some social racism.

Now, I get things get tense at protests and counter-protests, but you can really say a lot of vile things that aren’t racist and don’t make you look like a little rendeck racist twit.

Hard to know if the parents are embarrassed or proud. 🤮

Kid in the blue shirt plays the part well, it’s probably a role he was born to play if his actions are any sign of his intellect.



I get the feeling you have a bumper sticker with Alex Jones on it.
No, he’s right. The lizard people and Soros are working together to poison the water supply with chemtrails containing chemicals to immaculate men so that the jews can replace white Protestant men with Venezuelans who are specially trained to hack voting machines using satellites made by China and launched by Italy.

Perhaps an article from Politico will open your eyes:

I don't consider Politico a RW source. Maybe you do.
I did. What do you think I missed?

Well, the names Bill Gates, Pritzker and others are named in the article. I get complaining about mega-donors, but you went straight to Soros as if the piece was some sort of expose on him, when we all know these mega-donors donate to all kinds of causes and groups - including larger groups that fund these smaller groups - and donors aren’t eyeballing where and how every dollar of their money is spent.

By all means, bash the donors, bash the groups, but as someone who tried to separate yourself from the more conspiratorial stuff, name dropping Soros has now transcended from a name synonymous with mega donors who just spend too much (the Kochs), to some sort of deep state underground covert plot ran by Jews with the help of liberals.

The article is hardly some expose or anything. It’s really just pointing out different objectives within the party and progressives as it relates to the Israel/Hamas war, and how interests sometimes collide.

I could just as easily have framed it as “it’s nice to see Jews who don’t want Israel to commit genocide” and posted the same article.
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Well, the names Bill Gates, Pritzker and others are named in the article. I get complaining about mega-donors, but you went straight to Soros as if the piece was some sort of expose on him, when we all know these mega-donors donate to all kinds of causes and groups - including larger groups that fund these smaller groups - and donors aren’t eyeballing where and how every dollar of their money is spent.

By all means, bash the donors, bash the groups, but as someone who tried to separate yourself from the more conspiratorial stuff, name dropping Soros has now transcended from a name synonymous with mega donors who just spend too much (the Kochs), to some sort of deep state underground covert plot ran by Jews with the help of liberals.

The article is hardly some expose or anything. It’s really just pointing out different objects within the party and progressives as it relates to the Israel/Hamas war.

I could just as easily have framed it as “it’s nice to see Jews who don’t want Israel to commit genocide” and posted the same article.

Because Bill Gates isn’t jewish? Why would a MAGA mention someone who isn’t jewish? Can’t get your red klan hood unless you always blame a jew.
Because Bill Gates isn’t jewish? Why would a MAGA mention someone who isn’t jewish? Can’t get your red klan hood unless you always blame a jew.
Great, so now I have a search recorded where I'm looking up the significance of red Klan hoods. I'm still not positive that's a thing...