I honestly don't understand what you mean by not caring. What is it that you and millions of others don't care about? If you truly don't care, why not just sit to the side?I simply don’t care.
Really about either conviction.
I am probably more annoyed about theI took over the laptop and how it wasn’t real etc. And then it was real.
It now costs me $130 to fill up my truck. And that’s down from north of $150. Our grocery bill is up 30-40%. We have allowed a small nation to come across our southern border unabated and given them hundreds/thousands of dollars of benefits that citizens don’t get.
So no, I don’t care. And neither do millions of others.
That is what some of you need to at least look at and ask yourself what you are missing when half the country simple doesn’t care. You can think what you want about them, but at the very least you need to try to understand their motivation.
I don’t care is the sales equivalent of I don’t want it. Ninety plus percent of sales objections can be overcome except one. And that is “I don’t want it”.
“i don’t care” can’t be overcome either.
Personally, I do care about what happens to this country, if not for me, for my descendants and countless others who will inherit the world we leave them. Whether it's about climate change, access to healthcare, basic human rights, massive wealth inequity, relations with the rest of the world, or many other issues, I care. I'm older than you, but I'm sure you remember the days when politicians in the U.S. mostly dealt with each other civilly, even though they had strikingly different approaches. How can anyone look at people like Trump, MTG, Matt Gaetz, Paul Gosar, and, yes, Bob Menendez, and think they're fit to serve and deal with our problems? And why should anyone take seriously the drum beat calls about an open border and higher crime rates when the facts speak otherwise.