Ilhan Omar to introduce articles of impeachment

I can’t help wondering...

If Trump gets off the hook for this, as it appears he will, could the government still bring criminal treason charges against him, just as it can against any of the rioters?

My instinct is to say no, that that is what the Founding Fathers created impeachment for. But it seems impeachment is mainly about removal from office. It may not cover criminal punishment for such gross infractions of the law.
Yes. As it's been stated though, the true purpose for this impeachment is to insure 45 can't return to political life. As it stands now, he can be arrested & put in jail for multiple life terms, and still run.
Fingers crossed.
Trump will likely be in prison or have died of old age by 2024. He’s hardly a picture of good health. Plus the republicans are rapidly losing corporate support.

And if the republicans run a trump lite figure im not sure it will motivate their low-info voters as much as our high-info voters.
Meta side trip...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1359475661237288960/

Cats amirite?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1359480212174569473/
Joaquin Castro and Eric Swalwell are killing it right now, taking the Senate step by step through Trump’s months of stoking the fire.
Agree, but truth be told the whole thing had been blatant as fuck and the reasoning that rioters had premeditation ruling out incitement are in close competition with a latrine in terms of being full of shit.
Trump will likely be in prison or have died of old age by 2024. He’s hardly a picture of good health. Plus the republicans are rapidly losing corporate support.

And if the republicans run a trump lite figure im not sure it will motivate their low-info voters as much as our high-info voters.

I think at this point Biden is going to have to seriously blow it for any Republican to have a chance in 2024. In at least these early days he seems to be open to listen to the majority of citizens instead of just the donors. Gee, what a concept. But I also wouldn’t be surprised if some of the rich donors told Biden “Listen, they’re going to come for us next. So how about you throw them some bones this round.”
But I also wouldn’t be surprised if some of the rich donors told Biden “Listen, they’re going to come for us next. So how about you throw them some bones this round.
I think the rich donors are more threatened by the end of democracy than workers having stronger rights.

Big business would probably actually benefit from the US having stricter employment law as in most cases they will follow European employment law as that means they don’t have to have different policies for each country. It’s probably only with redundancy and holiday allowance/pay that it differs at the moment.
I wouldn’t be so confident. You know what P. T. Barnum said about the public...
The public will pay attention at the beginning and the end. And the beginning already looks like a dramatic improvement and at the end it’s difficult to believe that life will be worse given the pandemic will be over.
If you're following live, this is like watching the prosecutor in a murder trial make his case. The trial managers are clearly establishing means, motive and opportunity. They have all the video, all the tweets, all arranged in a clear timeline to show how Trump caused this from beginning to end. If Trump is watching this he must be crapping his pants.

And it's hard watching some of these managers' voices crack and their voices shake as they have to mentally relive the events as they speak about them.
Also time to start playing a favorite game of the other side, 'the conspiracy game'...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1359595211194699776/
Also it can never hurt to plan ahead...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1359553025833115654/

Gotta strike while the iron is hot.

They are now presenting video of people searching for Pence to hang him. This is so damning, I don't know how Senators can say Trump didn't instigate that.
They are now presenting video of people searching for Pence to hang him. This is so damning, I don't know how Senators can say Trump didn't instigate that.
The law doesn’t matter. The facts don’t matter. They will protect Trump no matter what. At this point, the goal of this becomes convincing the public so that after the weak-kneed GOP senators acquit him, they suffer at the ballot box.
Chuck Todd on NBC suggested that even if the House managers don't win the trial among their Senate colleagues, they may very well win in the court of public opinion.

Though after seeing Congress fleeing for their lives and Capitol officers being beaten and stomped by a crazed mob, if the Senate doesn't convict it will be an obscenity. 😡
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Chuck Todd on NBC suggested that even if the House managers don't win the trial among their Senate colleagues, they may very well win in the court of public opinion.

Though after seeing Congress fleeing for their lives and Capitol officers being beaten and stopped by a crazed mob, if the Senate doesn't convict it will be an obscenity. 😡

It's really beyond comprehension how some will just ignore all evidence, personal experience, and relevant historical actions. Trump is one fucking guy. He's not the founder of the party or country. So your party had a real turd in office. Take your lumps, convict his ass and move on.