Side note, Gomer's performance was most likely a side-effect of a little too much carbidopa-levodopa, statistically most likely for the treatment of Parkinson's.I’ll say that is an open question. Let’s see how the vote goes, and then let’s see how many Republicans punish their Senators. I admit In combination with Democrats in applicable States, if enough of them turn, the refuse to hold Trump accountable Senators could find themselves out of jobs. At the same time I view these elected Republican officials people like Jordan, Gaetz, Gomer, Graham, McConnell, Cruz and the latest nut case MARJORIE, are products of the citizens representing the majority of 24 States where Republicans have total control.
Now I live in one of those States, and the good news is that the Texas appears to be purplish, areas like Houston which is huge and Austin run Democratic. But Texas us vast, but we just have to overcome all the country bumpkins who for whatever reason elect Right Wing corrupt dopes who think that truth is a hinderance. They have made a calculation the Right Wing liars is better than Left Wing truth.
Republicans Will Enter 2021 With Control Over Most States’ Governments. Here’s Why That Matters For Redistricting.
Republicans will control at least 29 state legislatures and 27 governor’s offices.www.forbes.com