Ilhan Omar to introduce articles of impeachment

Cole’s position is that Trump never said go commit an illegal act. But what was said by speakers at the podium was “fight, combat, we are coming for you” and if you follow Trump you know he speaks purposely in code, so later he can say I never said that. Reports are that while the assault on the Capital was taking place, Trump was excited, watching it like a football game, no shaken announcements to stop the violence. He’s guilty, he needs to be politically neutered.
Listening to the impeachment deliberations. Republicans are so full of shit, it's insane.
They couldn't clear house, stand up and fucking concede, but not it's Democrat's duty to allow healing?!
Trump shouldn't be impeached because we should heal after 2 months of deliberate, systematic and persistent inflammation of the base about a """stolen""" election to which a significant proportion of the GOP assisted actively and their majority did not express concerns about.

We shouldn't impeach someone so haphazardly but also the GOP isn't willing to use alternative avenues to control Trump that is in their power?!

I can't even express my annoyance.

As Joe Walsh said on his show this is like somebody burning your house down and then stands on your front lawn wanting to shake hands and hug it out saying it's time to heal. The Republicans have zero leverage.

Some Congressman reported behind closed doors some Republican Congressmen are in tears fearing for their life if they vote to impeach. I don't want to say good, but they are all complicit in either promoting Trump's lies or saying nothing about them. I feel bad for some of them that stood up to Trump a long time ago, but collectively they let this go on for way too long, years. Not to mention, you think Democrat politicians don't have the same fear? They're just standing up for what is right and not cowering or whining about the extremists. I'm sure many extremists will be arrested in the next week and month. Maybe we should house them in the border detention centers where they can "Now is the time to heal" with the border jumpers.
Listening to the impeachment deliberations. Republicans are so full of shit, it's insane.
They couldn't clear house, stand up and fucking concede, but not it's Democrat's duty to allow healing?!
Trump shouldn't be impeached because we should heal after 2 months of deliberate, systematic and persistent inflammation of the base about a """stolen""" election to which a significant proportion of the GOP assisted actively and their majority did not express concerns about.

We shouldn't impeach someone so haphazardly but also the GOP isn't willing to use alternative avenues to control Trump that is in their power?!

I can't even express my annoyance.
Trump could nuke an American city and Republicans would still be like "does it REALLY rise to the level of impeachment?" :rolleyes:
They would caution that he may nuke another one as the reason to not impeach.

Read a CNN opinion piece saying I guess we shouldn’t have attacked the Japanese after Pearl Harbor or Al Qaida after 9/11 because it could inspire more attacks.

What we’re seeing is a bunch of spineless cunts who have no qualms sending our troops to the slaughter on foreign soil when they can’t even defend democracy verbally on our own soil.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1349390567202029569/

So there is an element of this as we speculated.
If anything, their "fear for safety" just enables this shit. The "patriot" party... I mean they are talking about principles and balls, and they drop their "balls" and forget their principles at the first moment of inconvenience. Interestingly, they didn't worry about the safety issues white supremacists represented when they weren't the targets.

To quote Omar from the Wire: A man's gotta have a code.

These people have none.
They can shut these clowns down by just saying "Please enlighten us on how you would proceed if this was Obama, you partisan asshat." Actually, I'd be just as happy if they just said the "You partisan asshat." part.
Ken Buck is reading the typical script of far fright concerns. Robert De Niro wanted to punch the president in the face. Socialists in Hollywood. etc. Poor Donnie. It was the socialist bullies that made him lash out basically.
I’ll be good with dropping the impeachment if they let Robert De Niro punch Trump in the face.

They seriously need a whatsboutism argument rejection button at these hearings.
I just listened to Matt Gaetz speak. Christ on a bloody crutch. He’s still crying that Trump was right, that the election was stolen, and blah h blah Biden crime family. I’m now violently throwing up.
McCarthy almost got my heart bleeding for him. IMHO only those have the moral position to advocate for unity who accepted the election results. McCarthy isn't one of them:

"House minority leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California has gotten behind an effort by the attorney general of Texas to have the Supreme Court overturn the election."

At least he's eloquent. Boebert doesn't even have that.