Ilhan Omar to introduce articles of impeachment

I just listened to Matt Gaetz speak. Christ on a bloody crutch. He’s still crying that Trump was right, that the election was stolen, and blah h blah Biden crime family. I’m now violently throwing up.
The Congressional Trump Shit Heads are not only nauseating, but are a serious danger to this Republic. If Trump had shot an innocent bystander on 5th Avenue, these people would be talking about the need to debate if the bystander deserved it. 😳

Listening to the Republican spectacle in Congress, my god, after all of this Trump shit, they are doubling down on an untenable position, rationalization, implying Democrats are the indirect cause of the assault on the Capital building. I listened to one guy on the radio (Republican, did not catch his name) talk about toxic retoric, and setting aside difference to come together.

THIS coming from the most toxic political party of our lifetimes, whose idea of coming together is the other side (Democrats) must concede their position, ignore sedition, ignore what was said at the Stop the Steal Rally, ignore what the Nation‘s eyes and ears saw, basically ignore the truth of the matter to make the GOP happy.

They stand there acting like the injured party when they have been the enablers, aggressively assisting, projecting, rationalizing, equivalence making to promote the most corrupt Individual to occupy the office of POTUS in our lifetimes.

If these people actually represent a sizable portion of the country, WE ARE SCREWED as a Nation. 🥲
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I just listened to Matt Gaetz speak. Christ on a bloody crutch. He’s still crying that Trump was right, that the election was stolen, and blah h blah Biden crime family. I’m now violently throwing up.
I just can't stomach the guy enough to watch.
My summary is that the only legitimate point the GOP has is that this seems rushed and there may be other details that would change our interpretation.

Now for such opinion to be justified I'd expect 3 4 things from each of them:
1. They should have condemned Wednesday's events explicitly
2. Not attempt to draw false equivalencies between BLM and the Capitol's siege
3. They should have explicitly accepted the results of the election after the recounts were completed.
4. They should have voiced their disagreement with Trump's attempt to overturn the election once the results were certified

This makes the list of Republicans who have the moral high ground very very very short.
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Some of these Republicans are so out there, they’re either making shit up, or obfuscating so much that if they are trying to actually make a point it’s lost.
I would really prefer to watch news coverage of it than the hearing itself. We know what they outcome will be.
I would really prefer to watch news coverage of it than the hearing itself. We know what they outcome will be.
I think everyone should watch some of it, just so we know how crazy some of these guys are.

Steve Scalise, who has already been shot has just given kudos to the police, getting a standing ovation from both sides.

But he still doesn’t understand that it’s not about removing Trump, but about punishing wrong-doing.
I think everyone should watch some of it, just so we know how crazy some of these guys are.

Steve Scalise, who has already been shot has just given kudos to the police, getting a standing ovation from both sides.

But he still doesn’t understand that it’s not about removing Trump, but about punishing wrong-doing.
I think we've seen how Republicans are over the last 4 years, nearly ever single one of them would throw their own mother under a bus to kiss Trump's ring. Just watching them continue to act like this after their terror attacks is even more infuriating, I don't see how we're learning anything new here today.
I think we've seen how Republicans are over the last 4 years, nearly ever single one of them would throw their own mother under a bus to kiss Trump's ring. Just watching them continue to act like this after their terror attacks is even more infuriating, I don't see how we're learning anything new here today.

My concern going forward is that this 2nd impeachment remains just the beginning of consequence for all those having had a part in attack on the core of our government under its (and our) own roof.

There is no excuse save greed and power-lust for the leaders of the Republican Party not to have forfeited the "upside" of a Trump who was attracting some new blood to their political base in a time when their prospects for winning national elections was on the wane.

The downsides of rolling the dice on being able to control Trump were well demonstrated in advance by the principal himself and widely cautioned about by professionals in academia (history, political science, medicine) as well as by mental health care providers including ER and psych nurses. All of them warned of an ugly ending.

Yet even as the 2020 elections loomed --with Trump triangulating his path among fans, real or perceived opponents and his own party's officials-- the Republicans focused merely on how to win... and whether to put daylight between themselves and the President or to appear to embrace him.

They took their cues from allegiances of constituents in given districts and literally paid no mind to what Trump was doing, far less to whatever his agenda-ridden manipulators and lackeys were doing in the scrum for power in the executive branch itself. So their negligence of other matters including allegiance to the Constitution of the administration and even that of their own fellow members of Congress has contributed to the lasting damage done by Trump and his inbuilt (and accelerating) unfitness to serve us.

In short the effect was typically that of a entire family made dysfunctional by having dealt with a severely impaired narcissist for an extended period

And, so here we are. Yet the Republican Party's official leadership, still somehow thinking itself beholden to Trump and his authoritarian followers, had only last week signaled its intent to let The Don carry their standard forward to the midterms and 2024. If their enthusiasm was just play acting there, perhaps out fear of their own base, the few old guard members present weren't having it. Haley Barbour was quoted as saying the Republican Party is "whistling past the graveyard".

If that was true early last week, by now it's practically an epitaph. It's a sorry state of affairs when a choice seems made between losing a party out of simple fear and losing it out of craven lust to retain power.
I think everyone should watch some of it, just so we know how crazy some of these guys are.

Steve Scalise, who has already been shot has just given kudos to the police, getting a standing ovation from both sides.

But he still doesn’t understand that it’s not about removing Trump, but about punishing wrong-doing.

I'm enjoying Steny Hoyer's wrap, that's for sure.
Cole’s position is that Trump never said go commit an illegal act. But what was said by speakers at the podium was “fight, combat, we are coming for you” and if you follow Trump you know he speaks purposely in code, so later he can say I never said that. Reports are that while the assault on the Capital was taking place, Trump was excited, watching it like a football game, no shaken announcements to stop the violence. He’s guilty, he needs to be politically neutered.
More than a report, here's the video with that Guilfoyle skank dancing:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1347303958679875589/
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

That's what is happening is here and that's been the majority of Trump's strategy. Fake news. Election fraud etc.

You forgot to mention that quote was from Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels. But hey, can’t make any Nazi comparisons. Keep things civilized.

In a semi-related note, it’s being speculated that Trump’s appearance at the Alamo yesterday was a thinly veiled sign to his militant supporters given the historical military and Mexican fighting significance of the Alamo.
You forgot to mention that quote was from Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels. But hey, can’t make any Nazi comparisons. Keep things civilized.
The thing with the Nazi comparison is that they are so often overdone, or over-used, and that cheapens, demans, and devalues the power of the insult.

And, sometimes, it is excessive; not every political outrage merits describing someone as a Nazi.

So, there is a element of intellectual laziness - and, historical sloppiness - in reaching for a term that has almost beocme a cliché.

Moreover, in one of the places where I have worked - Georgia (Caucasus Georgia, that is) the first (not the last) political insult that was reached for in heated political debate was "Hitler", or "Nazi".

Having said all of that, there are occasions where the use of this term to describe a contemporary action or thought, is entirely appropriate.
In a semi-related note, it’s being speculated that Trump’s appearance at the Alamo yesterday was a thinly veiled sign to his militant supporters given the historical military and Mexican fighting significance of the Alamo.
That is why I asked here, yesterday, which Alamo? Or, rather, whether Mr Trump had headed to, and arrived at, the correct, or the right, Alamo.
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A look back at member's speeches before the impeachment vote.... this one will stick in my head. Cori Bush didn't come to mince words.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1349431873970311171/

Joe Walsh recently explained Jim Jordon after working closely with him in Congress. They used to be good colleagues fighting for the same things until Trump. Basically Jim Jordon has a frat boy jock brain that only operates on one level. “My team good. Other team bad. My coach/President always right. Period.”