iPhone 12

I swear, though, the more I stay home, when I do venture out it feels more and more uncomfortable -- almost scary, which I know on an intellectual level is simply ridiculous!
I swear, though, the more I stay home, when I do venture out it feels more and more uncomfortable -- almost scary, which I know on an intellectual level is simply ridiculous!
I have socialized 4 times since last March. One of those times was to go visit school. I haven’t eaten IN a restaurant in all that time although I’ve eaten at outdoor venues 3 times.The idea of going back to the way things were seems weird.
I haven't eaten in a restaurant since before March.....actually cannot even remember just when it was. Maybe around the Christmas holidays of 2019? Haven't eaten in a restaurant outdoors yet at all this year. Have had take-out Pizza delivered to my home once in all this time, but just haven't gotten around to doing that again.

The last time I saw one of my good friends was in March; everyone else (most live out of my immediate area) has only been a connection through email, texting or phone calls since then. I do see my neighbors here from time-to-time since I'm in a condominium complex, and a couple of us have been able to upon occasion take the time to stand outside and just gab away, starved for human connection. Used to be we'd just say "hi!" and wave while coming-or going from the parking lot. Living alone, I haven't hugged anyone in such a long time I've probably forgotten how....

Most of the time this doesn't bother me, as I manage to keep myself busy with stuff around home and also photography, but when I do venture to the world beyond my immediate neighborhood and surroundings, I quickly become acutely aware of it all.....
I haven't eaten in a restaurant since before March.....actually cannot even remember just when it was. Maybe around the Christmas holidays of 2019? Haven't eaten in a restaurant outdoors yet at all this year. Have had take-out Pizza delivered to my home once in all this time, but just haven't gotten around to doing that again.

The last time I saw one of my good friends was in March; everyone else (most live out of my immediate area) has only been a connection through email, texting or phone calls since then. I do see my neighbors here from time-to-time since I'm in a condominium complex, and a couple of us have been able to upon occasion take the time to stand outside and just gab away, starved for human connection. Used to be we'd just say "hi!" and wave while coming-or going from the parking lot. Living alone, I haven't hugged anyone in such a long time I've probably forgotten how....

Most of the time this doesn't bother me, as I manage to keep myself busy with stuff around home and also photography, but when I do venture to the world beyond my immediate neighborhood and surroundings, I quickly become acutely aware of it all.....
You've described my life perfectly here, too. The last time we actually went out for food was probably around the same time, late last year or maybe early this year but it's been a long time. The only takeout we've had is the rotisserie chicken from Costco, otherwise we have been cooking for ourselves this entire time.

We'll shop but only during early morning hours on weekdays when it's less busy but if/when cases are on the rise we use Instacart just to be on the safe side. One thing I'll say I miss the most is a mocha from Starbucks, we just won't take the risk, even at drive-throughs.
Even though I am a "senior citizen" and presumably considered at higher risk than younger people, I still do my own grocery shopping rather than having a delivery service, since particularly early-on all the services around here were booked weeks in advance and it is still difficult to arrange deliveries within a reasonable time frame.. Easier to just go over to the grocery store near my home, appropriately masked (and in the beginning, gloved, too) and pick what I need and want for myself and bring it home, wipe it down, quarantine it if I have any doubts and that's that. First thing after I walk back into the house is to thoroughly wash my hands, and then after I've dealt with putting the purchases away, washing my hands again....

At this point, I figure that I am taking all the reasonable precautions and doing what I can do to take care of myself -- no one else in the household here to worry about -- and I am what I consider to be fairly healthy, so if in spite of everything I am doing to try and prevent it, the darned COVID-19 finds and catches me anyway, well, so be it.....
Can't remember the last time I ate in a restaurant. Probably Seattle in January during a conference. I don't count the times I ate the local pizzeria before the SIP orders because I usually sat at my isolated table that they allowed me to use since I was a regular. Never liked eating outdoors, especially in NYC, so haven't even entertained that.

We have a mixture of going grocery shopping and deliveries from a few options. The one thing I don't complain about is washing hands as we were pretty obsessed about it before COVID-19. Just a little more now. My mother in-law has OCD, so she's already super vigilant about cleaning and living in a mostly Asian household, we leave our shoes at the front door. We even use different flip-flops depending on what part of the house we're in e.g. laundry room, garage, side office).

I was a bit reluctant about getting a new phone without testing it out in person. But guess we'll be up early November 6 to get a couple of Pro Max via pre-order.
When they arrive, open the boxes with the new phones, wipe the devices down carefully after you've removed them from the boxes and taken off all the protective wrappings,,,, that should be a good start! Then simply enjoy.....
I haven't eaten in a restaurant since before March.....actually cannot even remember just when it was. Maybe around the Christmas holidays of 2019? Haven't eaten in a restaurant outdoors yet at all this year. Have had take-out Pizza delivered to my home once in all this time, but just haven't gotten around to doing that again.

The last time I saw one of my good friends was in March; everyone else (most live out of my immediate area) has only been a connection through email, texting or phone calls since then. I do see my neighbors here from time-to-time since I'm in a condominium complex, and a couple of us have been able to upon occasion take the time to stand outside and just gab away, starved for human connection. Used to be we'd just say "hi!" and wave while coming-or going from the parking lot. Living alone, I haven't hugged anyone in such a long time I've probably forgotten how....

Most of the time this doesn't bother me, as I manage to keep myself busy with stuff around home and also photography, but when I do venture to the world beyond my immediate neighborhood and surroundings, I quickly become acutely aware of it all.....
Not that we were ever the social kind, we have eaten out weekly with the same couple since before we were married. I’ve missed them more than anything because for the last 5 years or so our day to go out has been Friday, so it’s been a good marker for the week. Now we’re all retired and every day may as well be Friday.

It was lovely getting together with them for breakfast this morning and sitting outside in the chilly morning air. We all wore our masks in the car. They are still getting out more than us despite one being almost 80 and the other being severely immune compromised and on lots of med for it. I’m just not that brave.

I admire you along with my children, both of whom live alone. Although, none of you seem the worse off for it.
Living alone has both advantages and disadvantages. I like my privacy and the ability to put something down somewhere and know that when later I need it, the item will be exactly where I put it. I like being able to do things as they strike me, so if I'm suddenly in the mood to do a laundry, that happens, or if I go a few more days than usual before starting the washer going, that's fine, too. Meals are prepared and consumed alone, and I usually have a book or magazine at hand, but I do miss having someone with whom to chat while eating... That's one of the things I do miss about not getting together with friends and going out to eat somewhere.

I also miss having someone around to help me carry heavy things, hang pictures on the wall, fix minor little things that go wrong, etc., etc. I also miss having someone with whom to bat ideas around, discuss potential plans for the future, all that kind of thing....

Oh, and since this IS the iPhone 12 thread, I'll miss getting together with my "Apple buddy" this year to go and stand in line at the Apple store to get new iPhones. We had done that for several years and it was so much fun. One year we actually spent the night in the mall! We went over the night before the official launch to check out the scene, and there were already people in line. We looked at each other and promptly decided right then and there to get in line. When it came time for the mall to close for the night, we expected that we'd all be chased outdoors, but surprisingly, they let us stay where we were in the halls of the mall and simply locked the doors so that no one else could enter. It was a fun night! Didn't get much sleep, of course, and it was noisy because in an adjacent section of the mall they were doing some sort of remodeling. Thankfully we had come over to the mall in my friend's SUV, and as it happened he had a couple of camp chairs still in the vehicle from a recent camping trip with his son, so he went out to the car and brought those in for us so we were not just sitting on the hard, cold floor. That was a night to remember.... About 150 of us spending the night at Tyson's Center Mall!
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I bought an SE 2 this year so not in the market for the 12. If I was, though, the lack of Touch ID would make me hesitate.
I bought an SE 2 this year so not in the market for the 12. If I was, though, the lack of Touch ID would make me hesitate.

I like the touch ID too but winter weather and my failure to glove up for trips to the mailbox eventually make my fingerprints "go bad" on my SE. So I started appreciating my otherwise too-hefty XR more for that reason last year.

During covid though, if I had to be out and about more, I can see where Touch ID would be more convenient unless Face ID could get used to the masked-woman effect I'd be presenting.
I like the touch ID too but winter weather and my failure to glove up for trips to the mailbox eventually make my fingerprints "go bad" on my SE. So I started appreciating my otherwise too-hefty XR more for that reason last year.

During covid though, if I had to be out and about more, I can see where Touch ID would be more convenient unless Face ID could get used to the masked-woman effect I'd be presenting.
I have the same problem, I was finally able to make it work consistently by using the bottom half of my finger tip. I am a consultant and have to work with several secure clients and many require fingerprinting with their background checks (one would think they could all use the same secure database but I digress) and they always struggle with mine, I often get called back to re-scan.

It's gotten to the point that if I know I have to two it I'll moisturize 5 or 6 times a day up until that time. Face ID is a much better solution for me. It's the same for the iPhone so I ended up using the passcode more than my fingerprint.
Here's how it went for me...

Saturday - Not upgrading.
Sunday - Not upgrading.
Monday - Not upgrading.
Tuesday 12:00PM CST - Ok, let's just take a look...
Tuesday 12:01PM CST - Hmm, maybe I should upgrade...

1.238 seconds after pre-orders opened...
Here's how it went for me...

Saturday - Not upgrading.
Sunday - Not upgrading.
Monday - Not upgrading.
Tuesday 12:00PM CST - Ok, let's just take a look...
Tuesday 12:01PM CST - Hmm, maybe I should upgrade...

1.238 seconds after pre-orders opened...
View attachment 859
^ This. Way more times than I care to admit to.
Me, too!!!!! After a couple of years friends very quickly would begin laughing when each time I'd say, "oh THIS year I'm not buying the new Apple [name the product] and they'd nod knowingly. Mmmhmm. Riiiight...... When inevitably they got the email or text or phone conversation in which I mentioned that I'd just gotten the new Apple [name the product] -- you know, the very item I'd said I wasn't going to buy, the laughter would bubble up and they'd say or write, "Of COURSE you bought the new Apple [name the product]! I knew you wouldn't be able to resist!"

So far this fall I've been able to resist, mainly because I've had other things on the want/need to buy list, and also because I haven't actually laid eyes or hands on the new goodies in the Apple store, not having been there in months. Just need to stay out of there a while longer, eh?!
Me, too!!!!! After a couple of years friends very quickly would begin laughing when each time I'd say, "oh THIS year I'm not buying the new Apple [name the product] and they'd nod knowingly. Mmmhmm. Riiiight...... When inevitably they got the email or text or phone conversation in which I mentioned that I'd just gotten the new Apple [name the product] -- you know, the very item I'd said I wasn't going to buy, the laughter would bubble up and they'd say or write, "Of COURSE you bought the new Apple [name the product]! I knew you wouldn't be able to resist!"

So far this fall I've been able to resist, mainly because I've had other things on the want/need to buy list, and also because I haven't actually laid eyes or hands on the new goodies in the Apple store, not having been there in months. Just need to stay out of there a while longer, eh?!
Being only one version away I just don't see a compelling enough reason to make the jump. As you well know the camera with all of their little updates have never been an incentive for me, it's a great point and shoot but I'll never use it for serious photography anyway.
Exactly! I think, actually, that since I now have my lovely A7R IV and lenses and of course am shooting mostly with them, the iPhone very rarely gets pressed into service for shooting these days. There was a time when I did use it quite frequently, during the period when I was trying to make up my mind about where I wanted to go with my photography, and was either not shooting at all, or was picking up either the RX10 or the iPhone when I did get the urge to capture something. Now the newest enhancements to the iPhone's camera, while they sound interesting, aren't nearly as compelling as they would have been a year or two ago. I hardly ever use my iPhone as a phone, but do like having it for emergencies when out, and of course also use it (or sometimes my iPad mini 5) when waiting for an appointment or something. Haven't been doing much of that lately, of course. I figure this year I'll sit out the iPhone 12 and my iPhone 11 Pro and her older sister the iPhone XS will do me just fine...... Ditto for my now two-year-old 12.9" iPad Pro, which I tend to use more in the warmer weather out on the deck than I do in the wintertime. I can wait until next Spring to get whatever the new version is at that time.....
Here's how it went for me...

Saturday - Not upgrading.
Sunday - Not upgrading.
Monday - Not upgrading.
Tuesday 12:00PM CST - Ok, let's just take a look...
Tuesday 12:01PM CST - Hmm, maybe I should upgrade...

1.238 seconds after pre-orders opened...
View attachment 859

Yah I can recognize myself there for sure. My best excuse though for not upgrading this year is that I need an iPad Pro upgrade way more than a new phone. But I'm sitting on my wallet anyway now due to having shelled out for a badly needed laptop upgrade in the form of my 2020 MBA.

Everything Apple-y is on hold until next year now unless services-wise they tweak their current combo packages and offer a bundle that discounts a la carte prices of what I currently use.
Yep, that's the way I feel -- I've had a couple of major expenditures this year already and one of them, the camera gear, keeps leading me into further expenditures (lenses, lighting), so this year is not an Apple year. Next year? Probably, as it will be about time for replacing my iPad Pro, plus the iPhone, plus maybe the 2018 MBP (but we'll see when the time comes).
Yep, that's the way I feel -- I've had a couple of major expenditures this year already and one of them, the camera gear, keeps leading me into further expenditures (lenses, lighting), so this year is not an Apple year. Next year? Probably, as it will be about time for replacing my iPad Pro, plus the iPhone, plus maybe the 2018 MBP (but we'll see when the time comes).

Apple will certainly 🥰$$$mile🥰 when they see you showing up next year then!