It can get cold in Texas

"But scientists don't know".
-Donald J Trump
Fox News and right wing radio: "how can there be global warming if it's snowing???" and to top that off, here's James Inhofe (Republican who sits on the Committee on "Environment and Public Works" and "Commerce, Science, and Transportation") with a snowball FTW.

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Global warming in action. This is gonna become a regular occurrence along with FL being permanently submerged. I think the only area of the country that will likely benefit is the North East states.
It also gets hot in Texas

The trouble with Texas and energy is there are lots of people still trying to make money off smoke and mirrors in that sector.

Ernie Payne had a song called "Nothing Wrong With Texas IThat Leavin' Won't Fix" but the one he has set in LA with a line that runs

Picture mealtime at the hog trough with the swine committee...
might fit Texas just as well. That one's called "Listen to the Blues Grow". Can find either track on Spotify or Apple Music.
Yeah, just saw an NBC report that Arizona and Nevada are in for it too. Droughts, fires and now this. 🙁

... and increasing threats of water shortages. It was a long time ago people said water would become the ultimate prize of the 21st century. Seeking Alpha ran a piece in 2007 quoting a piece from Fortune "back in 2000" about how

"Water promises to be to the 21st century what oil was to the 20th century: the precious commodity that determines the wealth of nations."​
but I can remember reading stuff like that in the wayback of the mid-1970s, probably during the oil embargo laid on then by OPEC. Few believed it then though, and admittedly it was hard to focus on water when one was lined up for miles hoping to buy gas for the car. Nowadays though, water is becoming a matter of increasing litigation between states over the course and flow of rivers, and also a matter of concern regarding undue reliance on or expectations of underground aquifers.

Anyway, like other southwestern and western states in the USA, Texas is not immune to water shortages, although as one nonprofit organization has surmised, Texans may be somewhat less inclined to deal with the idea of a long term water shortage "as soon as it rains..."

But California is the state holding a recall election for their Governor? 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♀️
Yeah, and the problem is problems. The voters on aggregate tend to be short-sighted and ignorant. If the state of the state is "fucked up", they will vote out the guy in office, because maybe the person who is almost certainly going to make things worse will be an improvement.
Now its going to get hot.

‘Woke up sweating’: Texas power companies remotely raise temperatures on people using their smart thermostats​

How much incompetence will voters put up with before switching parties in the next election? Does tribalism trump all else?