Jan 6 Committee Public Hearings

After listening to him for all that time, it occurred to me he might have something like COPD. When he had the breath he spoke, when he didn’t he struggled.

What I picked on was his total lack of natural facial and body animation, comparing him to Greg Jacob sitting next to him (he was super animated) and members sitting on the Jan 6th panel. Having not seen him walk into or out of the hearing room it's hard to say. Dysarthria, ALS, and Parkinson's (my father had that) seemed like possibilities. Just felt like normal body movement/animation was amiss.

But I'm waaaay out of my league on guessing from afar - or at all. I'm just stoked I recently learned how to compute the area of square only knowing the length of one side.
People can say what they want about Pence but he stood up and did the right thing in the face of Trump, his wrath and his rioters that day and deserves respect for it.

“Everybody’s favorite murder pilgrim….if somebody told you an American politician was possessed by a malevolent corn god you’d be “Is it Mike Pence? I bet it’s Mike Pence”

I hope he checked with Mother first ...
“Everybody’s favorite murder pilgrim….if somebody told you an American politician was possessed by a malevolent corn god you’d be “Is it Mike Pence? I bet it’s Mike Pence”


So I guess he wants VP Malachai too ... :oops:
Here’s an indisputable fact. If that rally was organized and led by the average citizen with the same end result that person would have been tried and sentenced to prison already. But if it’s a politician or the rich we get “It’s complicated. I’m not sure we can charge them with anything.” Fuck off.
Trump wanted a different insurrection: Jan. 6 hearing reveals violent intent behind Pence plot | Salon.com


Trump already had his trigger finger on the insurrection act during the George Floyd protests but had to be begged not to use it. If he managed to flip the election he would have used it against the angry left in a heartbeat. Every hyper hypocrite action has and will be used by Republicans at every opportunity.
I've said it all too often. For some republicans who supposedly hate big gov't, the real reason for gov't is for it be used AGAINST it's own citizens to keep them in line with a specific thinking. Nothing else. If gov't does anything else, it becomes "imperious". Irony isn't dead with them.

Has anyone really forgotten Bill Barr and his secret police flown in from Texas corrections? Yet in Texas some people used to believe that military war games there were actually a plot by Obama to take guns.


My mind reels at the amount & level of fuckery that last administration did in such a short period of time.
The testimony yesterday was all about the illegality of a Vice President attempting to overturn an election by refusing to certify the results.

We also heard testimony that Trump was told by many, many lawyers that such a thing would be illegal, but he still advocated for it.

Do you think he learned his lesson? That he might stop now that there’s a risk he could face legal consequences for pushing this illegal action?


https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1537877236019302401/
Faux News having an issue or two with the Jan 6th hearing?

Last week, Fox News was the only major outlet not to air the primetime hearing hosted by the House committee investigating the January 6 riot at the US Capitol. But for the committee’s daytime session on Monday, Fox plans to join the rest of the pack.

Fox officials are apparently justifying the switch by saying that prime time is for opinion hosts like Tucker Carlson, who rejected live coverage of Thursday evening’s hearing, CNN reported. Daytime, however, is for news, opening the door for Fox to televise Monday’s session live at 10am ET.

The decision by the conservative-leaning network to air the hearing comes amid a discernible split between the network’s news and commentary broadcasts about the meaning of what happened last week and the value of what’s in store.

News anchor Bret Baier said Donald Trump looked “really bad” in a video presentation shown at Thursday’s January 6 primetime session

“The focus seems to be the target of President Donald Trump, and he looks really bad in this presentation,” Baier said. “He’s just watching the TVs and kind of applauding what’s happening.”

Baier also noted that the video of Trump’s speech was cut off before he told the crowd to “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard”.

At the same time, Fox News’ more politically attuned hosts have continued to disparage the hearings. Host Mark Levin described hearings as a “sham” over the weekend.

“This will go down in history as a dark mark on the American political system,” Levin said, adding: “It’s an abomination to the American system, not just of justice but our congressional and representative system.”

During Thursday’s hearings, host Tucker Carlson broadcast an hour-long, commercial-free discussion of alternative interpretations of the deadly riot, including that it had been instigated by FBI agents.
What I picked on was his total lack of natural facial and body animation, comparing him to Greg Jacob sitting next to him (he was super animated) and members sitting on the Jan 6th panel. Having not seen him walk into or out of the hearing room it's hard to say. Dysarthria, ALS, and Parkinson's (my father had that) seemed like possibilities. Just felt like normal body movement/animation was amiss.
Turns out he had a stroke recently, and that is the cause for his speech pattern.
Why are so many people detached from reality?

He called the Jan. 6 committee flawed because it has “nobody on it with opposing views” to the majority on the panel of Democrats and what he called “anti-Trumpers” like Cheney.

While Berenato doesn’t believe Trump’s false claim that the 2020 election was stolen, he still thought the former president’s pursuit of election audits and lawsuits were worthy “because there were a lot of irregularities and shenanigans going on in several swing states.”

Many other voters interviewed dug in on 2020 election denialism and repeatedly brought up the need for election integrity. They slammed the mainstream media — including Fox News — and even suggested that the witnesses, nearly all of whom so far have been Republican men, were coerced into their testimony.
Several Nevada Republicans interviewed contend Barr’s testimony was “trash” and quickly discarded Stepien — who continues to advise Trump-aligned candidates — into a heap of traitorous RINOs (Republican in Name Only) attempting to take out Trump.

You’ve got the liberal mass media, completely controlled with a narrative that’s sent out to all of them at about 4 a.m. in the morning,” said Donald Fossum, a supporter rallying outside Reno High School for the unsuccessful Senate GOP candidate Sam Brown. “That’s why you can read their lips on your screen; they’re all saying the same thing.”

Fossum, who dubbed himself “your local cut-the-crap guy,” stopped himself from going on, saying: “We are being careful in our realm to not sound conspiratorial.”
Not careful enough. 🤣

Where do I sign up to get my copy of the liberal mass media narrative in my email at 4am?

This is not fringe stuff anymore sadly. I think we are probably into the millions of people who believe the lies to varying degrees.
Turns out he had a stroke recently, and that is the cause for his speech pattern.
And that was incorrect as well. Heard from the horse’s mouth.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1538266515107106816/
And that was incorrect as well. Heard from the horse’s mouth.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1538266515107106816/

I feel terrible if there was a health reason for his speech, but the thing I was focussed on was not the pace, but the long-winded non-answers. “you said there is a clear and present danger - what did you mean by that?” “earlier I talked about Thomas jefferson, and that reminds me of larks, and the fact that they are not actually all that happy… (10 thousand words later)… and that is why the best flavor of ice cream is swirls.”

He was pontificating, and not directly answering questions. Yeah, doing so slowly didn’t help, but he avoided giving direct answers and instead gave lectures on things that he felt like lecturing about.
People can say what they want about Pence but he stood up and did the right thing in the face of Trump, his wrath and his rioters that day and deserves respect for it.
Okay, but where is he now? The Big Lie not only caused turmoil in the nation but endangered his life. Had the mob reached him he likely would have been killed, with Trump egging them on. He should come forward and in the strongest possible language denounce the Big Lie and clearly state that Biden is the duly elected president. Has he done that?
Okay, but where is he now? The Big Lie not only caused turmoil in the nation but endangered his life. Had the mob reached him he likely would have been killed, with Trump egging them on. He should come forward and in the strongest possible language denounce the Big Lie and clearly state that Biden is the duly elected president. Has he done that?

I heard on the evening news Pence may be testifying at the Jan6th hearings this week.

"and clearly state that Biden is the duly elected president."

Based on his actions on Jan 6th I don't think there's any doubt he believes that.
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I heard on the evening news Pence may be testifying at the Jan6th hearings this week.

"and clearly state that Biden is the duly elected president."

Based on his actions on Jan 6th I don't think there's any doubt he believes that.

I haven’t seen anywhere that says he will testify - all I’ve seen is that the committee may subpoena him to testify. Do you have a link to a source?

Also, republicans like to draw a distinction. They won’t say Biden won. They will say he is “duly elected president.” They like to thread the needle - yeah there were shenanigans, but he’s in on a loophole.
I haven’t seen anywhere that says he will testify - all I’ve seen is that the committee may subpoena him to testify. Do you have a link to a source?

I may have misheard/misinterpreted - it was on the evening news.