Jan 6 Committee Public Hearings

What a brave woman to do this, nothing but respect for her as she'll likely have to look over her shoulder for a long time to come.

And this, I mean WTF, just when you think it can't get any crazier

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1541857091199111168/
What a brave woman to do this, nothing but respect for her as she'll likely have to look over her shoulder for a long time to come.

And this, I mean WTF, just when you think it can't get any crazier

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1541857091199111168/

Yeah, Cassidy Hutchinson has more spine than Trump's whole cabinet ever mustered up.

Trump is a guy who didn't want armed protestors deterred from the January 6th event "because they weren't after him." Then grabbing at the steering wheel of the presidential limo and assaulting a secret service agent just because they told him no he couldn't join the march to the Capitol. Wow. He ended up as a demo of what happens when a decompensating narcissist doesn't get his way. HIssy fits like a 3yo. He should either be in the slam or in a psychiatric lockup.​

What did that cabinet think the 25th A was made for, anyway? How was he still fit to order a nuke strike, or even breakfast?

Hutchinson at age 25 is way braver than I'd have expected of someone her age and in the position she's in... testifying to what she witnessed when some of the very powerful people she was with have refused to honor Congressional subpoenas or taken the Fifth Amendment, and all of them meanwhile serving at the pleasure of a thuggish guy who wanted to remain president at any cost.
Heh...I just remembered that circus clown Jim Jordan (who asked for a presidential pardon, and recently refused to testify before the Jan6th Committee), was nominated by McCarthy to be a member of the committee last year.

Can you imagine the resulting shitshow had Pelosi not rejected him?

This is the great thing about Trump; damned if you do, damned if you don't. When will these suckers realize kissing Trump's ass is only degrading yourself on the way to a bad ending? May as well call him out now and deal with the backlash, because I'd rather have a mean tweet directed at me than the full arm of the justice department.

McCarthy was given five choices for the panel. Ttwo of them - Banks and Jordan - are implicated, so Pelosi rejected JUST those two. So McCarthy didn't replace them, he pulled all of them off. Now Trump is whining he has no representation on the panel, and while not blaming McCarthy directly (yet), he did say it was a bad decision.

But if McCarthy had placed republicans on the panel, Trump would have whined back then. What we're witnessing is a party that has no backbone, none of the members (beyond Kinzinger and Cheney, and a couple senators like Romney and Murkowski) have any independence. They constantly do whatever is the most politically expedient in the moment, which usually involves doing whatever it is they think Trump and his cult thinks is best.

They got Trump elected, have enough votes in congress to stonewall the current admin and will probably pick up more, and have overturned Roe v. Wade. But in the longrun, this party is hurting. I'm seeing it in Illinois, where far-right loon Darren Bailey went from being a backbench nutjob to the probable GOP nominee for governor and default state party leader. Unlike smaller congressional districts and such where sometimes crazy can eek out a win, Bailey has no shot in a statewide general. Ever since Obama, republicans have had to run far to the right to win the nomination - which means they're either legitimately nuts, or pretending to be for the vote (see JD Vance). Either way, its not good for the party and is not sustainable.

The solution is very simple - congressional republicans and other conservatives of high name recognition need to join forces, throw all these criminal traitors under the bus, and move on. There are many conservative fiscal policies I agree with. I would have gladly given Mitt Romney a chance in 2012 - had he not alienated a good chunk of democrats during the primaries. That's the issue - there is no room for moderate voices in the current GOP. You're either a nut or a RINO - and that's their standard, not the dems. It's a self-imposed litmus test that is an automatic turnoff to most democrats and a good chunk of independents.
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Happened to notice this on that noisy flickerbox across the room,

Liz: "Do you believe in te peaceful transfer of power in the United States?"

Flynn: "I take the fifth"

Granted, it was kind of reflex, he took a lot of fifths (and somehow managed to not slur his worrds too much), but seriously, how unaware can one person be? It sounded like a confession.
Happened to notice this on that noisy flickerbox across the room,

Liz: "Do you believe in te peaceful transfer of power in the United States?"

Flynn: "I take the fifth"

Granted, it was kind of reflex, he took a lot of fifths (and somehow managed to not slur his worrds too much), but seriously, how unaware can one person be? It sounded like a confession.
And he needed to take a 90-second break before answering to confer with his lawyer.
Haven't read any of the nonsense yet, but it looks like Trump is trying to discredit today's witness on his dying platform, "Truth" Social.

Fox News' Bret Bair:

Bret Baier on Trump disputing Hutchinson's Jan. 6 testimony: She's under oath, he's on Truth Social​

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1541844207974899714/

Dotard: "Her Fake story that I tried to grab the steering wheel of the White House Limousine in order to steer it to the Capitol Building is 'sick' and fraudulent, very much like the Unselect Committee itself - Wouldn’t even have been possible to do such a ridiculous thing," Trump posted on his social media network Truth Social. "Her story of me throwing food is also false…and why would SHE have to clean it up, I hardly knew who she was?"

So he only makes people he knows well clean up after his petulant moron tantrums????? :cool:

"Atta boy, Mark. Now trim my toenails."
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Happened to notice this on that noisy flickerbox across the room,

Liz: "Do you believe in te peaceful transfer of power in the United States?"

Flynn: "I take the fifth"

Granted, it was kind of reflex, he took a lot of fifths (and somehow managed to not slur his worrds too much), but seriously, how unaware can one person be? It sounded like a confession.

Think about it. A guy who was a three-star general in the US military declining to say if he believes in peaceful transfer of power from one commander-in-chief to the next? But then what to expect from a general loyal to a president who broke tradition by refusing even to attend the inauguration of his successor.

Still, Flynn's taking the Fifth on peaceful transfer was as shocking to me as the fact that (regardless of an insurrection!) Donald Trump ever even imagined he could go uninvited to the Capitol to the proceedings he was trying to prevent, the ceremonies establishing the grounds for that peaceful transfer from his presidency to that of Joe Biden.

The President is chief of the executive branch. He has absolutely no business in the chambers of the people, except by invitation, and that's traditionally only been to make the annual State of the Union address, or otherwise to make a brief formal appearance at events like the lying in state of some deceased dignitary at the Capitol.

Everything about the ceremonies of transfer of power on January 20th 2021 that Trump could snub, he did snub. All but the ritual of leaving a letter for the incoming president, which he did do and which Biden later termed as "generous" while declining to reveal the contents. I sometimes imagine Biden himself may have been generous in describing that letter.
Everything about the ceremonies of transfer of power on January 20th 2021 that Trump could snub, he did snub. All but the ritual of leaving a letter for the incoming president, which he did do and which Biden later termed as "generous" while declining to reveal the contents. I sometimes imagine Biden himself may have been generous in describing that letter.

The Beat just showed video of Eastman being patted down by federal agents last week. Was great to watch.

This was supposed to be a slow news week for January 6 committee-related stuff.

Liz Cheney also hinted that there’s currently obstruction and witness tampering going on….

Today’s star witness mentioned the crimes of obstruction and defrauding the electoral count… Defraud and obstruct, sounds like Trump’s playbook alright.

This White House aide also worked for Steve Scalese for a time. I wonder if any republicans currently in office will stand up for her. And if not, what do other Republican aides think of all these staff members testifying and not being backed up by their bosses?

Journalists, reporters, news networks, etc need to start hammering it over and over to any Republican who tries to gloss over January 6 - “Testify or STFU”. Not interested in what Jim Jordan, Kevin McCarthy or anyone else has to say off the record.
Reporters are asking GOP members of Congress about this testimony. The 2 responses? Either no response or “I didn't watch it.” What a bunch of wimps. Shame.
It’s absolutely crazy that everyone on the right just wants to bury their head in the sand and pretend this didn’t happen or wasn’t a big deal. Fucking idiots.
In view of the MAGA troll army’s response to today’s events as reflected in their twitter posts, I note, with amusement, that the same people who gave full credit to claims made by the pillow guy about Italian space satellites and bamboo-encrusted dummy ballots have suddenly familiarized themselves with the Federal Rules of Evidence.