Jan 6 Committee Public Hearings

Can totally see it..

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1541942485722705920/
That portion of her testimony was hearsay, and she phrased it as such. Most other portions were things she directly observed.

It would have been best for the commission to focus only on things she directly heard or saw. That being said, perhaps the idea is to provoke these people to come forward and testify. Of course, they realize they must answer other questions too, right?

Sadly, the media cannot help themselves from focusing on this salacious bit of tabloid fodder. The real story (which nobody is disputing) is that Trump clearly knew that the rioters were armed and still instructed them to go to the Capitol. He also repeatedly requested to go to the Capitol, defying legal counsel. He indicated that Pence ”deserved it“ in regards to the mob chanting for him to be hanged…
That portion of her testimony was hearsay, and she phrased it as such. Most other portions were things she directly observed.

It would have been best for the commission to focus only on things she directly heard or saw. That being said, perhaps the idea is to provoke these people to come forward and testify. Of course, they realize they must answer other questions too, right?

Sadly, the media cannot help themselves from focusing on this salacious bit of tabloid fodder. The real story (which nobody is disputing) is that Trump clearly knew that the rioters were armed and still instructed them to go to the Capitol. He also repeatedly requested to go to the Capitol, defying legal counsel. He indicated that Pence ”deserved it“ in regards to the mob chanting for him to be hanged…
The only two rolls who could have seen it already answered questions for the committee. Raskin said they didn’t confirm her story but that he knew of no evidence that contradicted it. I took that to mean they weren’t asked, perhaps because they didn’t know the story until after they were deposed.

But that would be very stupid of them (allowing her to testify as to the hearsay if they didn’t have a second source that saw it directly)
Her testimony may have been hearsay, but this is hearsay from an anonymous source, even less reliable.

I hope they do decide to testify. The more, the merrier!
I think, technically, the source is not anonymous. Unnamed today, maybe. But I’m sure the committee knows who it is.
Meaning that it actually didn't happen? Or, it did happen, but the secret service would not be truthful?
well, i was 65% sure they would say it didn’t happen. And I’m 51% sure it didn’t happen.
Trump is a maniac

Jan. 6 Hearings Day 6: Trump Threw Dishes, Fought With His Own Security in ‘Furious’ Tirade as Riots Raged

Trump tried to grab steering wheel to go to U.S. Capitol Jan 6 -witness

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1541882875494162438/

And his meltdown on TS in chronological order
That portion of her testimony was hearsay, and she phrased it as such. Most other portions were things she directly observed.

It would have been best for the commission to focus only on things she directly heard or saw. That being said, perhaps the idea is to provoke these people to come forward and testify. Of course, they realize they must answer other questions too, right?

Sadly, the media cannot help themselves from focusing on this salacious bit of tabloid fodder. The real story (which nobody is disputing) is that Trump clearly knew that the rioters were armed and still instructed them to go to the Capitol. He also repeatedly requested to go to the Capitol, defying legal counsel. He indicated that Pence ”deserved it“ in regards to the mob chanting for him to be hanged…

Yes, but there’s more to story. It was covered on MSNBC. Some of the people she mentioned - can’t remember if it was the guy who was allegedly lunged at by Trump or someone else in the vehicle - has already been interviewed by the committee. I need to read more about it because they were covering so much, but it’s not merely her telling something someone told her and that’s it - the committee knows more. It’s possible it was a tall tale or entirely fictitious, but these are carefully coordinated hearings. There was also discussion about how some of the secret service agents may have been more aligned with Trump and that also ties into Pence not wanting to leave the Capitol. I don’t think it was merely him wanting to “get back to work”… I think he legit feared he didn’t know who was up to what.

There’s definitely more to this story.
More about the "Trump lunging at secret service agent story" - Hutchinson testified it was Tony Ornato who recounted the story of Trump lunging at head secret service agent Robert Engel. Both of those men have already testified before the committee, but we don't know what was said. The secret service said both men will be available to testify again.

So there's a few possibilities. Hutchinson could be lying altogether (highly unlikely). The event could have never happened, but been relayed to her. Or it could have happened, and then who knows where we go from there. It's not all that important in the scheme of things, but it does speak to Trump's character and mindset. Which is that of a doofus and obsessively narcissistic, developmentally-arrested fool who thought he was going to lead his troops into combat.

Allegedly one of the two people who is apparently willing to say the limo thing didn’t happen previously said something untrue (according to 6 witnesses). Though supposedly this time he may say it under oath.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1541955418292998147/
Trump projects himself as loving America and being so patriotic but the Grifter-In-Chief has no problem throwing the country into turmoil all to satisfy his pathological ego and to cover his embarrassment at having lost. And let's not forget that this is nothing new with Trump. Even when he won in 2016 he advanced the idea that the popular vote was compromised (because Hillary got more than him). And he claimed his inauguration crowd was larger than Obama's (despite photographic evidence), etc. etc.
This is a grown man throwing temper tantrums like a little kid when his mom said we aren't going to the playground.
Alarmingly, this is the same grown man (physically, that is, apart from his hands, perhaps) who commanded our armed forces and had access to the nuclear codes. But we can no longer rely on institutions to protect us the next time around.
Just the glimpse yesterday (near end of hearing) at a few communications with the look and feel of witness intimidation efforts were interesting. They suggest that obstruction of justice charges may eventually ensue from the DoJ's investigation.

On the other hand Trump himself has been open in the past about trying to intimidate witnesses on twitter, and then blowing his remarks off as merely misunderstood expressions of opinion. And then the public blows that off as "well he's Trump so what do you expect". So who knows if whoever at lower levels has been sending messages like that to potential hearing witnesses will make similar protestations or explanations and manage to skate on it too.

Sigh. The threats read like they were taken out of cheap adaptations of Law and Order reruns and even if everyone recognizes them as threats, they may also be relegated to reality-tv-land in public perception.

So frustrating. "Nothing really matters" seems to be the bottom-line public mantra of our era in terms of how we react finally to malpractice and mischief in our governments for far too long already. I had thought that "They're all the same and rotten to the core" was a bad enough reaction, and not true anyway, but topping that off with a decision that they're all rotten to the core AND it doesn't really matter, well... that level of cynicism and related apathy is really putting us on a slippery slope to losing the power to change things with our votes.
Trump projects himself as loving America and being so patriotic but the Grifter-In-Chief has no problem throwing the country into turmoil all to satisfy his pathological ego and to cover his embarrassment at having lost. And let's not forget that this is nothing new with Trump. Even when he won in 2016 he advanced the idea that the popular vote was compromised (because Hillary got more than him). And he claimed his inauguration crowd was larger than Obama's (despite photographic evidence), etc. etc.

But he hugged the flag!
Just the glimpse yesterday (near end of hearing) at a few communications with the look and feel of witness intimidation efforts were interesting. They suggest that obstruction of justice charges may eventually ensue from the DoJ's investigation.

On the other hand Trump himself has been open in the past about trying to intimidate witnesses on twitter, and then blowing his remarks off as merely misunderstood expressions of opinion. And then the public blows that off as "well he's Trump so what do you expect". So who knows if whoever at lower levels has been sending messages like that to potential hearing witnesses will make similar protestations or explanations and manage to skate on it too.

Sigh. The threats read like they were taken out of cheap adaptations of Law and Order reruns and even if everyone recognizes them as threats, they may also be relegated to reality-tv-land in public perception.

So frustrating. "Nothing really matters" seems to be the bottom-line public mantra of our era in terms of how we react finally to malpractice and mischief in our governments for far too long already. I had thought that "They're all the same and rotten to the core" was a bad enough reaction, and not true anyway, but topping that off with a decision that they're all rotten to the core AND it doesn't really matter, well... that level of cynicism and related apathy is really putting us on a slippery slope to losing the power to change things with our votes.

Say what you will about MSNBC, but their analysis is great. I’m aware it’s an echo-chamber of sorts, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t right.

Someone mentioned that although we think we know everything about Trump because he’s an oaf and does so much wrong in public, there’s still a lot we don’t know.

I’d be curious if anything he took to Mar-A-Lago has any Jan. 6-related material. It was wrong for him to take it anyways… can you imagine Obama hauling off classified docs to Martha’s Vineyard? The outrage that would ensue? That’s merely a coffee stain on the Trump admin’s list of abhorrent conduct.

Liz Cheney sent a message, and I would not be surprised if they’re actively committing more crimes as we speak. It’s all Trump and his cronies know how to do.

This whole saga is based on a lie, because his ego doesn’t allow him to accept defeat. Lies turn into more lies, crimes turn into more crimes. I expect a few people to turn, because what can Trump offer them?
Alarmingly, this is the same grown man (physically, that is, apart from his hands, perhaps) who commanded our armed forces and had access to the nuclear codes. But we can no longer rely on institutions to protect us the next time around.
Yep, I was going to say that as well. This guy was in charge of the most powerful country in the world. Terrifying.