Jan 6 Committee Public Hearings

Honestly, I got to admit that I think the MAGAs/insurrectionist are winning. I am so numb to all of this, that I don't want to watch. Nothing is going to happened to Trump, not even if they have dated pictures of him doing the most offensive act. Sorry for being the ultimate pessimist, but I am tired of the lack of accountability from one side of the isle.
When I consider circumstances, I am both infuriated and dismayed that the Jan 6 Insurrectionist Case, politically is not an opened and closed slam dunk case, primarily because it illustrates the dire circumstances that the USA is currently operating under. Our democracy is teetering on a pin head. :oops:
Most amazing is the testimony from Republicans deposed by the Jan 6 Committee. For MAGA Trumpists, It’s time to grow up, YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH, or your standards are so pathetically low you deserve to be the sheared sheep that you are. What jolt in your life will it take to open you eyes? :unsure:

And “they” want to blame Biden for our messy Afghanistan withdrawal. :rolleyes:
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NBC reporting the committee plans to vote on a Trump subpoena in this hearing, which is probably why Chairman Thompson prefaced the hearing by saying it would be a meeting-like hearing.
Like he's going to obey it?
Oh I know. But I loved seeing it happen. TFG will forever have that on his record. A former U.S. President who stood by and let Jan. 6 happen. Unconscionable.

This previously unseen footage was wild to watch.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1580641741467635712/
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Like he's going to obey it?

He's just taking after Eric Holder.

And I have said this before, but now CNN is saying it:

Unanimous vote to subpoena Trump.
I want to see them enforce this. :mad:

i did not watch all day, but I know this:
To easily flush this POS into the history books you need Truth, Honesty, and Competence in leadership, but the most single important thing you need above all else, the lack of which will sink your efforts, as they crash the ship on the rocks with drooling grins, is a base with enough STUPID, Racists, hypocritical Dummies back home who are more than willing to sabotage US Democracy and the Constitution and maybe too stupid to know it or too corrupt to care, if they think in the end, they will come out ahead. In that case we are screwed. :oops:
He's just taking after Eric Holder.

And I have said this before, but now CNN is saying it:

That's more of an indictment about the state of the country - or the numbness to all things Trump - than it is any sort of acquittal of Trump.

And what will the republicans - who currently say "Americans aren't worried about this, they care about the price of gas and inflation" - what will they have to say when they take control of the house and start having hearings about Hunter Biden? I'd say Hunter Biden probably ranks well below French fries as well.

But we know what republicans will say - the opposite of what they're saying about Trump, January 6 and the stealing of classified documents.
That's more of an indictment about the state of the country - or the numbness to all things Trump - than it is any sort of acquittal of Trump.

I agree. I don't think in any way it is an acquittal of Trump. I simply think people have other things to worry about. Like how to pay for food and gas.

And what will the republicans - who currently say "Americans aren't worried about this, they care about the price of gas and inflation" - what will they have to say when they take control of the house and start having hearings about Hunter Biden? I'd say Hunter Biden probably ranks well below French fries as well.

But we know what republicans will say - the opposite of what they're saying about Trump, January 6 and the stealing of classified documents.

I disagree here. Yes there will be investigations of Hunter. But do you not care if he was peddling influence? Using his father's office to enrich himself and possibly his father. Just think to yourself for one minute that if the rolls were reversed and it was Don Jr. or Eric who had done what Hunter is accused of..........
He's just taking after Eric Holder.

Oh please. Without the jacked up histrionics of the NRA and their pressure on a beholden Congress, all that would have come of the Fast and Furious debacle would have been the considered assessment (which was in fact made) that such an operation carried too many lethal risks and did not yield enough insight into high level gun trafficking criminals anyway. Painful lessons, painful loss of human life.

But to compare the loss of life there and the lost 1400 of 2000 guns --floating into the ether of potential criminal activity-- to the misery and daily loss of life around the USA from inappropriate use of either illegally acquired or carelessly stored weapons, well... hard pass there from me.

Same hard pass to the idea of comparing Trump and Holder over their respective run-ins with Congress.

Donald Trump's net damage to the fabric of American society exceeded that of any ill advised move by Eric Holder, even by the time Trump got done with the hat-in-ring speech he made at the bottom of that escalator when announcing his quest for the 2016 GOP nomination.

Perhaps no one could have foretold Trump's incitement of a violent disruption of the 1/6/21 proceedings related to transition of power to Joe Biden. But neither could anyone have been shocked by then to have seen that Trump held the spirit and much of the letter of our Constitution in utter contempt. He has demonstrated his total disdain for norms, guidelines, protocols, rule of law, the courts, both houses of Congress, his own agency and cabinet heads, other heads of state, the decency and humanity of entire groups of other people at home and abroad, the dignity of all those he has chosen to ridicule, threaten, override or even fire by way of social media posts.

And I have said this before, but now CNN is saying it:

Whatever CNN thinks of inflation and crime and how much of that belongs to Joe Biden, let's not imagine that Biden himself doesn't realize the truth of the old saw "the buck stops here." Doesn't mean that Biden is solely responsible for current states of inflation and crime, but that has never stopped midterm voters from casting aspersions on whichever administration holds power. C'est la vie.

All presidents live with the risk that the opposition will sell in the idea of restraining the executive branch by flipping the House at midterm.

It's just ironic in the extreme that here we have a GOP trying to pitch flipping Congress red in 2022, just so that they can resume their project of turning Congress into a circus hoping to impeach and remove Biden because [no reason] ...and then making themselves toothless after helping install a president for life in the person of Donald John Trump in 2024. I don't know why they want to experience totalitarian government, but there it is, and God forbid it should come to pass.

I hope Garland indicts that scofflaw Trump and he eventually faces a jury that still knows truth from a lie.
Just think to yourself for one minute that if the rolls were reversed and it was Don Jr. or Eric who had done what Hunter is accused of..........

You mean like what they pretty much did.

Nepotism and peddling influence aren’t illegal in and of themselves. If they wanted to pay Hunter Biden to get an audience with the Vice President, then that’s their right, their money. As long as everything is otherwise above board, then there’s no legal issue (though plenty of moral caveats)

If Hunter is busted for anything, the gun charge is the one most likely to land him some jail time. Possibly the tax evasion charges too, depending on the amount hidden, and whether he can pay it back or not in a reasonable amount of time.
Anderson Cooper just showed 17 minutes of new footage showing congressional leaders' makeshift command post at Fort McNair to quell the Jan. 6 mob. It's truly disturbing, especially viewed from their viewpoint as they were evacuated. Many of that Jan. 6th mob were out for blood. I still remember the hangman's noose set-up intended for Pence.

This is Trump's legacy. It sickens me no end to hear the excuses made for him and his destruction of our democracy.. These people are in serous denial. Damage has been done that I'm not sure we will ever fully recover from. It scares me to death to consider what will happen if the GOP regain power of the House and/or Senate.

Trump is complicit, guilty AF and must be indicted. But he's certainly not the only one.

noose capitol hill.jpg
I agree. I don't think in any way it is an acquittal of Trump. I simply think people have other things to worry about.

I disagree here. Yes there will be investigations of Hunter. But do you not care if he was peddling influence? Using his father's office to enrich himself and possibly his father. Just think to yourself for one minute that if the rolls were reversed and it was Don Jr. or Eric who had done what Hunter is accused of..........

If people have more things to worry about than Trump inciting an insurrection against the US and don’t care to hold him accountable then they won’t care about Hunter for the same reason.

But if Hunter is guilty, he should go to jail. Trump should be in jail for January 6th.

But it’s laughable you think enriching one self is far worse and deserving of investigations by a GOP controlled House, but dismiss the January 6 panel as no big deal, inflation is more important.
If people have more things to worry about than Trump inciting an insurrection against the US and don’t care to hold him accountable then they won’t care about Hunter for the same reason.

But if Hunter is guilty, he should go to jail. Trump should be in jail for January 6th.

But it’s laughable you think enriching one self is far worse and deserving of investigations by a GOP controlled House, but dismiss the January 6 panel as no big deal, inflation is more important.

I agree but also realize there are plenty Americans far more concerned now about inflation because it's still here, and "that stupid riot" --as a friend down the road still prefers to call the insurrection-- was nearly two years ago.

The threat to democracy remains horrific to people who care about the country's governability, especially in view of Republican state-level legislation meant to facilitate overturning unliked election results wherever the GOP foresees increasing trouble winning a fair contest. But most Americans did not attend events in DC on January 6, 2021, and what has happened since then --prosecution and sentencing of insurrectionists. deposing witnesses before the House committee, now even a move to subpoena Trump-- just falls into the category of "all that political stuff".

Meanwhile the autumn leaves aren't raked, either the furnace or the old car in the driveway plots to disappoint us come the first wintry morning, and 4 little plum tomatoes went for 3 bucks in the produce aisle yesterday. Bothering to follow what's up with Donald Trump these days can feel pretty optional.
I disagree here. Yes there will be investigations of Hunter. But do you not care if he was peddling influence? Using his father's office to enrich himself and possibly his father. Just think to yourself for one minute that if the rolls were reversed and it was Don Jr. or Eric who had done what Hunter is accused of..........
What the hell are you talking about? How are you able to just gloss over the fact that the Trump crime family used his position to enrich themselves and use the influence of the president's office with foreign leaders for their dealings. Your whataboutism is sickening.
What the hell are you talking about? How are you able to just gloss over the fact that the Trump crime family used his position to enrich themselves and use the influence of the president's office with foreign leaders for their dealings. Your whataboutism is sickening.

And it continues with Saudi Arabia. America first my ass.

The left is going to come nowhere near defending Hunter the way the right continues to defend and cower to the Trump family. But in thier defense they’ve stopped just short of saying you have to be a (white) criminal to succeed in the US and they find that admirable. Not because they don’t believe that, but they haven’t quite figured out how to magical thinking word salad that correctly. And just to show they aren’t racist they’ve elevated Hershel Walker, a morally reprehensible black success story who will clearly do the white christian nationalist agenda and would never be labeled an educated elite. One of the good ones!