Jan 6 Committee Public Hearings


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I disagree here. Yes there will be investigations of Hunter. But do you not care if he was peddling influence? Using his father's office to enrich himself and possibly his father. Just think to yourself for one minute that if the rolls were reversed and it was Don Jr. or Eric who had done what Hunter is accused of..........

Do I "care" from a more generic standpoint? Of course. I don't like that politicians lie, stretch the truth, duck and doge questions either. I don't like the fact connected people can land great jobs and make great money based solely on their name value.

My problem is... I don't have to wonder if the roles were reversed.. they WERE reversed. Trump and three of his adult kids broke every ethics norm in the White House. He hired his daughter and son-in-law, both of whom were wholly unqualified for the job.

I really fail to see why the right is focused on this guy who isn't running for anything, isn't working in the White House, etc. If we were in normal times and looking for things to pick on, maybe he'd be an easy person to wag a finger at, but given everything Trump has done, it comes off as a cop speeding past a murder taking place to apprehend a teenager who stole a candy bar.

If republicans - the same republicans who fought a bi-partisan commission to look into January 6, but put a suspected participant on the select committee before drawing all of their picks, who refuse to hold Trump accountable for fomenting a mob that stormed the Capitol to delay the counting of the votes... worrying about Hunter Biden seems like a really weak and lame thing to focus on.
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I really fail to see why the right is focused on this guy who isn't running for anything, isn't working in the White House, etc. If we were in normal times and looking for things to pick on, maybe he'd be an easy person to wag a finger at, but given everything Trump has done, it comes off as a cop speeding past a murder taking place to apprehend a teenager who stole a candy bar.
It's just a slight of hand tactic by the party of law and order to divert attention from what Trump has done and is doing. They're even bringing up Hillary's emails as if what she did was comparable to Trump's inciting a coup and knowingly stealing highly classified documents.


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I agree. I don't think in any way it is an acquittal of Trump. I simply think people have other things to worry about. Like how to pay for food and gas.
Isn’t it a shame that the Republican Party voted against measures that were designed to help people with just those issues. You’re right, it’s not an acquittal of Trump, it’s an indictment of the entire GOP.
I disagree here. Yes there will be investigations of Hunter. But do you not care if he was peddling influence? Using his father's office to enrich himself and possibly his father. Just think to yourself for one minute that if the rolls were reversed and it was Don Jr. or Eric who had done what Hunter is accused of..........
I think most everyone here has beat me to the punch. The rolls started out reversed. The traitor tots were selling anything they could, well before Hunter Biden’s laptop became a thing. Look at the timeline. Which came first, Ivanka and the patents in China or Hunter?

You also need to remember, that most people want all of them investigated. Hunter is not special. Ivanka is not special. Jared is special, but that’s a different kind of special - same with Eric and Junior. Also remind yourself that Hunter did not serve in any capacity in the White House while his father was VP, unlike the traitor tots, who under normal circumstances could never have gotten any kind of security clearance.

shadow puppet

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Anderson Cooper just showed 17 minutes of new footage showing congressional leaders' makeshift command post at Fort McNair to quell the Jan. 6 mob. It's truly disturbing, especially viewed from their viewpoint as they were evacuated. Many of that Jan. 6th mob were out for blood. I still remember the hangman's noose set-up intended for Pence.

This is Trump's legacy. It sickens me no end to hear the excuses made for him and his destruction of our democracy.. These people are in serous denial. Damage has been done that I'm not sure we will ever fully recover from. It scares me to death to consider what will happen if the GOP regain power of the House and/or Senate.

Trump is complicit, guilty AF and must be indicted. But he's certainly not the only one.
For anyone interested, the 17 minutes of new footage I referenced above, it is now shared on CNN's site. Especially for those who try and spread the lies that Pelosi did nothing in regards to asking for help.



Watching March roll out real winter
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For anyone interested, the 17 minutes of new footage I referenced above, it is now shared on CNN's site. Especially for those who try and spread the lies that Pelosi did nothing in regards to asking for help.

I'm still astounded that it took so long to get "all hands on deck" to enforce rule of law and restore peace and safety to the Capitol and its grounds on January 6th.

Makes you really wonder all over again since the debacle of 9/11 about our state of readiness to defend against hostilities, whether at hands of domestic or foreign attackers.

We've potentially gained extra time to respond to North Korean ICBM attacks, through some mutually beneficial arrangements with South Korea. Our awareness of a launch aimed at the USA is faster than if only relying on detection from Alaska.

Either way though, we're talking about a matter of minutes. Yet we speak of that time as precious.

But with an attack on our own Capitol from insurrectionists walking up the road from the Ellipse after Trump's speech, it took hours for the National Guard actually to be deployed, even after authorization was received. In fact by time the bulk of those troops arrived, most of the violence had been quelled by manpower rounded up in desperation from other government agencies, and the Guards were down to searching the premises for remaining insurrectionists, ensuring that explosives were not left behind and then providing a presence to deter potential of further attempts at intrusion.

I will not discount value of the Guards' effort, as well as that of other law enforcement units summoned to assist as members of Congress dialed through every contact known to them. But, and after trying to discount any possible waffling or delay that may have been due to partisan sympathy for the insurrectionists, i have to hope that some lessons were learned from January 6th, because the response of law and order to that attack on our Capitol was past shoddy.

We may still discount the overall chances of radicalized and hostile militia groups here in the USA to take on an organized rollout of lawful force against violence, but since we've seen a demo of how few members of such groups it takes to help flip a rally into a violent mob, one can hope the movers and shakers in Congress will see that "next time" the effective chain of command to summon needed force turns out to be less convoluted.

Of course one can also hope that next time the instigator of violence against a sitting Congress wouldn't be an outgoing president of the USA planning to extend his own "public service" instead of letting them do their jobs.

I really do wonder what the hell was going on in the minds of some of the Secret Service, DoJ and military leaders that day, as they became aware that Trump was not doing anything to redirect his followers. He had urged them to go down to the Capitol, saying he'd "be right there with them" -- and then he went back to the WH and sat in his dining room watching the insurrection unfold on TV.

When the boss declines to lead, who might claim that right despite what the org chart suggests?

Probably not ever going to know for sure who exactly may have thought what about that question, at least in the near term. In fact it looked like more were dodging the call than stepping up to the plate. And maybe it's good that it might not all come to light for quite awhile. Learning about how narrow was the escape of a government facing a coup is perhaps a dish best served up cold and by historians, not talk show hosts or podcasters.

We do know that January 6th was indeed a narrow escape for rule of law and the shape of our federal government. We are not sure yet if aftereffects include increased popular wariness of ever getting sucked into the execution of another insurrection. Sadly, I would say the odds there are "no".

shadow puppet

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4th padded cell on the right
We've potentially gained extra time to respond to North Korean ICBM attacks, through some mutually beneficial arrangements with South Korea. Our awareness of a launch aimed at the USA is faster than if only relying on detection from Alaska.
Quick tidbit.

I once found (2) photos of my Dad, taken one year apart in his Air Force dress uniform, in the exact same CU pose. The first photo was taken the year I was born but in the 2nd photo he had aged considerably. This was at Elmendorf AFB in Anchorage, Alaska. I half jokingly asked one of my older brothers if my birth and first year had caused my Dad to age so much. He replied asking if I knew what my Dad was in charge of at Elmendorf. In the event there was any hint or kind of attack on Alaska, my Dad had a very short span of time to make a decision as to who to notify and how to respond. That's a hell of a lot of responsibility. I can't even imagine carrying that kind of weight.
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Resident Redneck
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But it’s laughable you think enriching one self is far worse and deserving of investigations by a GOP controlled House, but dismiss the January 6 panel as no big deal, inflation is more important.

People seem to think inflation IS more important. I am just the messenger. You don't have to like it, but the people simply don't care.


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People seem to think inflation IS more important. I am just the messenger. You don't have to like it, but the people simply don't care.
also cross dressers and those pesky gays all more important. I odnt trhin kits because they dont care its because they dont ant to care. if they cared they would have to face the poor chose they made with trump and all the support.


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People seem to think inflation IS more important. I am just the messenger. You don't have to like it, but the people simply don't care.

And they won’t care about Hunter for the same reason.

I was mostly replying that you disagree that they won’t care for the same reason thinking Hunter’s assumed crimes is worse than Trump’s.


Resident Redneck
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Trump and three of his adult kids broke every ethics norm in the White House. He hired his daughter and son-in-law, both of whom were wholly unqualified for the job.

You do realize they weren't paid right?
I really fail to see why the right is focused on this guy who isn't running for anything, isn't working in the White House, etc. If we were in normal times and looking for things to pick on, maybe he'd be an easy person to wag a finger at, but given everything Trump has done, it comes off as a cop speeding past a murder taking place to apprehend a teenager who stole a candy bar.

I don't really care what Hunter did. I care what Joe did. If Joe was profiting then there is a problem. And that is what the GOP controlled House will work on discovering.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
People seem to think inflation IS more important. I am just the messenger. You don't have to like it, but the people simply don't care.

I'll grant you that almost everyone cares about inflation. After all, even if the grocery cart contents don't pinch the budget, the value of one's market investments might be taking a hit, since the market remains uncertain (and unhappy) about whether the Fed's rate hikes have been sufficient, should continue or may even have gone too far in trying to cool spending without depressing growth.

It's not true that "the people simply don't care" about the insurrection, even if they are more concerned about inflation. It is true though that opinions on the insurrection are polarized by party, and that far more Democrats than Republicans remain concerned or think Trump should or might be charged.

About half of Americans think former President Donald Trump should face criminal charges for his role in the deadly insurrection that took place at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, according to the latest PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll. But far fewer – roughly a quarter – think Trump will actually be prosecuted.

Since hearings by the House committee investigating the attack began in June, new evidence and testimony have revealed how much Trump and members of his administration knew about the potential for violence, as well as the former president’s embrace of his armed supporters and his unwillingness to intervene when chaos overwhelmed the Capitol.

While a majority of Americans overall blame Trump for what happened that day, public opinion remains divided down party lines, according to this last poll. Nearly all Democrats – 92 percent – and a majority of independents but only about one in five Republicans agree.

The question for the midterms of course is how polling sentiment about these things may translate into voter preference in November, and how much of that will end up expressed by actual votes cast.


Resident Redneck
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And they won’t care about Hunter for the same reason.

I was mostly replying that you disagree that they won’t care for the same reason thinking Hunter’s assumed crimes is worse than Trump’s.

You're probably correct they won't care about what Hunter did. But they may care if there is evidence that Joe profited from stuff Hunter did.


Resident Redneck
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The question

No, the question is why are you on here? The Guardians just went up 1 in the 10th and have 1 on with no outs. :D

I see people not caring about Jan 6th because it's over. It happened and it's over. The vast majority of people were not affected by it in any way. Sure they might have been mad or happy or some other feeling in between, but it didn't affect them personally.

Inflation is affecting them. Today. Food prices, gas prices, home prices, now mortgage rates. All those things affect their quality of life right now. Sure, some may be happy of Trump is indicted, but it still will not affect their lives one bit. Same with those who don't think he should be indicted - no real effect on their lives.
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Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
No, the question is why are you on here? The Guardians just went up 1 in the 10th and have 1 on with no outs. :D

It's bad luck to watch them live. Bad luck for my cardiovascular system. They have a bad habit of loading the bases and stranding them, watching the next batters strike out or hit into double plays.
EDIT: However, the MLB app informs me Cleveland took it 4-2. Yay! Even up, a game apiece...

You're probably correct they won't care about what Hunter did. But they may care if there is evidence that Joe profited from stuff Hunter did.

Get real: Joe may even have lost some money trying to get Hunter to go to or to stick in rehab, who knows! He has certainly been supportive of his son's recovery efforts. Both of them acknowledge that Hunter had active drug addiction problems that vastly complicated his life. Honesty is the best policy in establishing long term recovery. Maybe Republicans don't value honesty that much at the present time. One could get that impression from some of the midterm campaigns.


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You do realize they weren't paid right?

I don't really care what Hunter did. I care what Joe did. If Joe was profiting then there is a problem. And that is what the GOP controlled House will work on discovering.
they were paid by the deals they could make because of their position. so they did not get a salary does that make it ok? remember trump did not get paid either so everything he did was ok then?


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they were paid by the deals they could make because of their position. so they did not get a salary does that make it ok? remember trump did not get paid either so everything he did was ok then?
Trump didn’t get paid by us, but he made up for it with what he got from the Saudis and the Russians.
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